I, like many others, have been liberated by this site. It has allowed me to express my feminine side to a world of like-minded individuals, without fear of condemnation or ridicule.

It has opened my eyes to kindness and caring nature of people who share a common bond.

Why am I here? Well, I'm not too sure, but it does feel 'right' to be active on this forum.

I am just your average Joe, settled, stable, boring, safe.....but I do have this other side!

She's fun, sassy, smart, motivated, occasionally sexy, but mostly she keeps my sanity.

For several reasons I have become 'addicted' to posting images of her. This is not through vanity or self-gratification, but to gain approval by my peer group, YOU!

We all want to belong to group. It stems back to our childhood, to be lonely child is the saddest thing of all, to be a lonely adult can also be hard. (thankfully I am or was neither of these)

To belong to this group, this band of kind hearted spirits, is more than enough to keep me from the 'loony' bin.

So please excuse my numerous photo post, I'm just trying hard to be as good as you.