I have recently come to realize something. I have always fealt more comfortable talking to women than men.
As an example (which made me come to realize this), I have been participating in an target archery league at a local club. After we shoot, we usually head to the clubhouse for some social time, a snack, and maybe a few drinks (I stick to Diet Coke). There are lots of guys there, talking about lots of things that I enjoy (hunting, fishing, cabins, etc), yet I seem to always be drawn to the women in the room. I do not talk to them about girly things; I am deeply closeted, but I feel more comfortable talking to them...vacations, cruises, etc.
It has been misinterpeted as flirting (by their SO's), but I am very happy with my wife, and I am not looking for any kind of affair. It is just that I feel more comfortable with the girls than I do with the guys, even though I do enjoy all the same activities they do.
I never really thought about it before, but I have always been more inclined to "hang with the girls". Is this another extension of my feminine side, and how do I get people to understand that I'm not hitting on their women without outing myself? Does anyone else have this issue?