I want to put a somewhat different question than usual out there to the other members of this forum, as it has been the cause of much introspection for me of late.

In short, I have a pretty good idea of where I fit in on the transgendered spectrum at this point of my life (fully accept and enjoy my "Leslie" side now, but have no intention to transition fully). But it hasn't always been that way, and I was far more stereotypically "boyish" in my youth in thoughts and actions, despite my emerging female side.

So fundamentally, my question is "Have you noticed a gradual change in the way you relate to other males over the course of your life, and how would you describe your relationships with them at this point?" Please note that I am not talking about fathers, sons, or other relatives here, as that is a whole other dynamic.

When I was younger, I did all of the typically activity-based "boy" things - running jumping, wrestling, biking, playing with "boy" toys, participating in some contact sports, indulging in some semi- "Jackass" type stunts, begging my parents for my first BB gun, participating in the Air Cadets while still a teen-ager etc., etc. I also had a lot of male friends, despite sometimes having a reputation for also being a bit of a bookish nerd who worked hard to get good marks as I progressed through high school.

But I also found that over time, "Leslie" got a stronger and stronger hold over me, and some of the things that I enjoyed doing with "the guys" began to lose its appeal for me. I find that now, I enjoy the company of women far more, and their interests parallel mine more and more these days (make up, fashion, shopping, shoes, shoes, shoes , mani/pedis, and women's issues in general).

In short, I have less and less in common with the typical sports-obsessed alpha males that still predominate out there - and I am not even talking about the macho, hard-drinking, womanizing "manly" men and jocks that still form a significant sub-set of the male population.

I currently have no real male friends - only business associates and acquaintances, and that is more out of necessity than by choice. I hear of the concept of "male bonding" as evidenced by the current "bro-mance" trend, and I simply cannot relate to that. Same with the so-called "buddy" movies and sitcoms. I have just never had the inclination to be that close to another male, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that I just don't share their mind-set - and again, especially as I get older and get more in tune with my female side.

Have others here noticed a similar evolution in the way their relationships with those around them have changed - especially with regard to their fellow males? It's not that I dislike men in general despite my birth sex - I'm just indifferent to them, and on the whole, pretty much feel ambivalent about them as well...