Hello my Friends

I have been reading posts that some folks share with us. A common issue that we all have at times is feeling down and out, down in the dump depressed feelings. I wonder why we have these feelings. Some of us just have it occasionally why some of us basically live there. Why do you believe we expierence these feelings and how do some of us deal with them. I think that a lot of us in some cases feel caged in either by family responsibilities, job responsibilities, or other issues that just keep knawing at us. Some seek therapy while others deal with it meditation and or prayer. I have expierenced(just like everyone else on this world)many heartaches,headaches and just life in general bullsh*t that just wears the hell out of me. I handle it with constant prayer and I seem to be happier about things than before. No, the problem doesn't go away, I just see from an optimistic perspective and it most definitly make the going forward easier fo me.

How do you deal with it and does it help?
Thank You for sharing your stories with us.
