This is another fine example of how things are taken way out of context here most of the time. Shelby stated that IF she wasn't wearing a skirt that the world would see her panties. The same if ANYONE weren't wearing their pants/jeans/whatever the world would see their under things.

She didn't say "hey little boy, come see my panties" so I don't see how she is getting labelled an exhibitionist. She was being humorous as the kid noticed she was wearing a skirt. So to represent this community we have to lose our sense of humor?

The first two responders saw the humor in the OP's post....then the minute the next poster miss reads the post or takes what she will from becomes a perversion instead of a humorous story. Then everyone jumps on that band wagon.

Quote Originally Posted by kittypw GG View Post
What the heck does wearing a skirt have to do with letting people see your panties.
Nothing. The Op never said she wanted people to see her panties, she said just the opposite.

Quote Originally Posted by kittypw GG View Post
That statement just confirmed that men in skirts are pervs.
Thank you for painting the whole community with that bold brush. I for one, do not appreciate it.

Quote Originally Posted by kittypw GG View Post
You know my niece works at Arie in our home town mall. She says that there are a couple of creepy men who come in with skirts and tube socks just to fondle the underwear.
That is just her opinion from an observation from a distance and the label she chose to give them. She really doesn't know what they are or are not doing as she probably hasn't offered them an ounce of customer service to find out otherwise.

Maybe they are CD and looking through the panties for a certain style or maybe even their size. It tends to happen when most stores have a barrel/table full of panties and the customer has to dig through them.

Quote Originally Posted by kittypw GG View Post
If you want society to accept cross dressers and trans people stop acting like pervs.
While I am sure there are some that do act like perverts as you state, There are some that do this just to get their rocks off, and their are some that do this for other activities, I am also sure they are not part of this community.

I have never seen a thread that stated as the topic "I flashed a crowd", "I fondled every pair of panties I could find" or "is everyone perverted like me".

This community is about help, support, and trying to gain some acceptance in today's world. It's a place for like minded individuals who thought they were alone in this to come together and talk and try to figure this out for themselves.

Painting all of us with your "perv brush" sure isn't helping anyone nor is it bringing anything positive to this community.
I am sure if anyone pulled out one of their brushes and painted you in the same light as you have painted each and every one of us, we would be condemned.