This is a bit of an introspective, seeing as how I've recently discovered that I may have been playing for the wrong team my whole life. Or not.

A while back I read about a study done on homophobic and non-homophobic men that analyzed what kind of porn turned them on. I'm not going to site it here. Just Google it. Basically they put a strain gauge on their penis and showed them porn; Hetero, gay, lesbian, and recorded their erectile reactions. Turns out the homophobes were turned on by gay porn! Who'd a thunk it!

Ya' know, you really can't help what turns you on, and if someone straps a strain gauge on your penis, you can't hide it. Kind of a penile lie detector.

Now the introspection... I was exposed to zero porn as a teenager. As a young adult I'd sometimes visit the book store and step through the door that said "No one under 21". My selections there were pretty telling. I really never got anything out of typical straight porn. I don't think I ever bought a Playboy. I'd look at them, but none of them ever did enough for me to spend money on them. The gay porn magazines were even worse. I didn't get that at all. I'd always go straight for the Penthouse Letters or Variations. There was always something with a tranny theme in those. That's what I spent my money on. Sometimes I'd find a Tapestry (a tranny mag.) or some obscure publication that would have a picture of a crossdresser or Tgirl of some sort. Those were like gold!

Now, porn of all kinds is a click away. For me, I don't know that I've ever clicked on a straight porn category. I suspect that an analysis of my frequency of clicks on various categories would be pretty psychologically revealing.

I was at one time a straight, married, father. I loudly claimed that I was straight, totally committed to my wife and children, would always be this way and never that way. You know the drill.

But, what was I hiding? What if someone put a strain gauge on my penis and showed me various categories of porn? Was I as straight as I claimed? In the most important way, if I wasn't acting on it, I'm not sure it made much difference. I can see that it could be argued that it did, in a less-than-obvious way.

I'm sure I claimed somewhere along the way that it was just clothes. Hummm. It turned me on to see other "guys" dressed in girl's clothes. Is it still about the clothes then?

Those homophobes in the study group would never admit to being turned on by gay porn. They couldn't control or deny what turned them on, though. How about you? Behind that "over 21" door or alone with your computer... Just how straight a boy are ya?