Summary: WOW! I had a Great Time! I have been out and about many times, but this was totally different.

I'm in San Francisco on business for a couple weeks. Friday night, I was able to get dressed pretty and meet up with Allie (from this site). She picked me up at my hotel about 6 PM and took me into downtown San Francisco. From the first few moments we met, I knew we were going to get along quite well. I quickly learned that we have similar work backgrounds, the same college degree (engineering) and personalities that complimented each other.

I quickly learned that Allie never met a stranger, just friends she hadn't met yet. We went to a wine bar she usually frequents. She introduced me to the bar tender she knew, we talked, had wine (of course), and in true Allie style, she also struck up conversations with other customers including me in the conversation. We stayed about an hour then walked down the street a block to a restaurant for dinner.

Allie magic got us a table quickly. She had been there before and apparently they knew her. We were sat at our table which was very close to the adjacent tables. Usually this makes me uncomfortable, but I was having such a good time talking with her I didn't really care. She once again chatted with the people at the tables next to us and they were friendly. One young couple next to us was finishing their dinner, we chatted about the food, where they were from (The girl was from Australia & the guy was from Denmark). They got up and left. We took the guy's recommendation to get the steak (It was delicious).

We talked among ourselves and then the people at the table on the other side, then Allie struck up a conversation with a girl who was seated at the table the previous couple vacated. She was by herself. After a while we were all talking like we had known each other for years. The girl (Julie) was pretty and looked like she was not a day past 30 years old, but we found out she's more like 55 years old and has a degree in engineering. We able to chat with her about lots of things. She figured out that we are crossdresers, but that didn't seem to bother her. It added to the conversation. She told me that she was not positive about me even after I spoke. I must have turned red at that compliment. I of course complimented her many times on how young she looked. We talked about men, books, movies and many other things including telling jokes at the end of the night.

We ended up leaving about 11:30 PM. We hugged goodbye & Allie & I went back to her car. I was tired, but it was a good tired.

I learned a valuable lesson. Be yourself and be friendly. I also think Julie learned a lot about crossdresssers and I believe Allie & I left her with a positive view of us.

I look forward to my next outing with Allie and whomever we meet.

If you want to see how I was dressed, here's the pics.