Had to leave work on time for a change to get to an appointment at the doctor's surgery...been struggling with pain in my shoulders for a few weeks and finally decided to go and seek medical advice.

As usual I was underdressed to work - stockings, garter belt, black satin panties and a short black slip.

Got to the surgery and was called in, took off my coat and sat down to explain the problem. "Slip off your jacket so I can have a look at your shoulder." "Shirt as well", I asked. "Yes please." So I took off my jacket and as I began to unbutton my shirt I realised what I was wearing underneath!!!! Ah well, no turning back at this point, no hiding...what the hell so I covered my slight embarrassment by saying something about the evidence of my other self...adding that that was another story. Predictably, he was quite unfazed by it, just got on with his examination of my shoulders made his diagnosis and sent me on my way.

So that's another first for me...totally unplanned and I had to laugh at myself - serves me right for wearing a slip - I never gave it a moments thought as I dressed for work this morning.
