as i stated in my intro i started wearing makeup secretly so on and off since early teens and still do it. i have no idea why i started i think just curiosity really and liked it, but whenever i wear make up i don't use anything long lasting and can easily remove. i still live with my parents which don't know, and my dad just wouldn't understand and probably take the pee.

i used my mams makeup and when my sisters lived at home some of theres, i did try and get some lip products and hide them in a tin that use to have small bottles of vodka in it with receipts for other stuff on top hiding it, one day my mam found them and when i came home from work i noticed the lip products on the fireplace and thought holy hell when my mam asked what it was i said it must be left over from when my sisters lived here as it use to be there bedroom, she asked them and they denied it and it was left alone.

over the last holidays from work i started watching hypnosis videos which led to fem hypnosis videos i also read a log/story about adams forced fem hypnosis but only read 4.5 chapters as it started to freak me out as i didn't like where it was heading, these made me have deeper fem thoughts and i told my mam about the videos and story and she asked questions and bent the truth a little and she said it will pass and thoughts would go away, i have noticed since that she has hidden her makeup now though.

i still have fem thoughts but i still drawn to hypnosis vids mainly erotic ones, i also think that my breasts are getting more shaped and increased in size slightly also.