OK, I know not every crossdresser organization is like this, but I just started to inquire about joining a Meetup crossdressing group only to find that I'm not welcome because I'm single.

Yeah, I know they might be afraid because us singles are all sex crazed and on the make. Or maybe we might hit on their SO's? Whatever.

Anyway, this isn't the first time I have been told to take a hike because I'm single... but really? I would look at any group that is often discriminated against being a little more supportive. Have single crossdressers moved to the bottom of the totem pole?

How do those of you who are married feel about outcasts such as me? And do single crossdressers make your SO's uneasy?

I think I'm going to the fridge and eat a quart of chocolate-chip cookie ice cream... that always cheers me up.