OMG!!! I've just had a almost heart stopping moment. I'm working away from home at the moment and staying in temporary work accommodation, this gives me a lot of dressin time this afternoon I'm in my room fully dressed completely made up and if you've seen some of my pictures I like to dress very s****y no blending just pure sexy fun. Anyway I'm sat here going through the forums and having a vape minding my own business when AAAGHHHHHH I've just set the smoke alarm off with my vape the whole buildings sirens are all going off I can hear people rushing out of their rooms to get outside to the fire meeting point. S**T what the hell am I going to do. I contemplate just staying in my room but I know when the fire service arrive to shut the alarm down their going to want to come into my room where the initial alarm was raised. I'm in a state of panic and dressed like a w***e oh no oh no oh no. I rip off my outfit and throw it all under the bed then chucked on some jogging bottoms and a football shirt that's the clothing sorted but what about all this make up it normally takes me ages to get it all off, I've only got a few minutes I grab the wipes and frantically start wiping and rubbing my eyes luckily the eye shadow comes off fairly easy but mascara and eyeliner we all know that's a little harder. Times running out I've got to leave now I've still got a very noticeable black ring around my eyes and paler eye sockets then the rest of my face because of the foundation and blusher. I leave my room and head downstairs and out to the meeting point there's only four people their 3 guys and a girl. I try to avoid eye contact with them anyway the fire service then turn up to turn the alarm off. I go to the head fireman and tell him there's no fire it's just me vaping. He looks at me gives me a little lecture about fire safety then after they've had a quick look around the building announced we could all go back in I thank him then rush back to my room to calm my nerves. How the hell did I just get away with that my heart is still pounding. xxx