So the last month has not been the most pleasurable... Serious doubt about my financial future, but I have taken the opportunity to go full time, and it's been three weeks now. So what have I learnt at this early stage?

1. Any and all fears are easily overcome. Now been everywhere 'boy' me used to shop, frequent or visit. Apart from a few shop assistants who think me and my 'twin brother' are playing a joke on then, acceptance has been 100%

2. An acceptable 'day face' makeup takes only 15 minutes. BB cream can't handle a little sweat from walking the dogs and (surprisingly) mascara is the most important thing to get right.

3. 'Passable' really is mostly a state of mind... I've worked on ' the walk' and 'the talk' and the other mannerisms but I'm far from perfect. But no one notices, no one says anything, no one has obviously clocked me. This includes a group of teenage skateboarders and girlfriends all interested in my 9 month old German shepherd puppy. Chatted for over fifteen minutes, never mis gendered, no comments... They were so polite...

4. Wigs in summer are hot!!! Wish my hair would grow quicker, and in some places just grow...

Overall I'm so glad I've leapt that hurdle. No going back now. I only need to gather the documents for a change of name and then that's it, no more boy!!!