In a bit of self reflection, I find myself having a longer gap in dressing than normal, with some obvious connection to the seasonal fact that I keep a beard through the winter months, and it naturally seems to ruin my own mental image of dressing, so I don't do it when I have a beard. So, I find myself dressing less frequently (typically only when I shave the beard a few times through the winter) Although I guess there is no real reason I couldn't dress with a beard other than my own mental hangup, well, perhaps that I am sure a wig of longer hair would be more likely caught with it and any makeup efforts would be rather affected.

In the summer, dressing can be rather warm, unless I turn up the air conditioning, so it seems to be reduced then also (I do not dress outside the home).

I have the fortune of a SO who has no objection to my dressing, so I can't say that is a barrier.

So, as I think of it all, I can't help but wonder, is it just laziness on my part to not shave and go through the extra work to shave in the winter to dress, is it some less conscious desire to hang on to "manly" appearances, is there a dichotomy here somewhere, am I just avoiding the effort, am I just not as committed to my dressing as I am to other things, or justifying a reason to not dress. Although, I honestly have no reason not to do so.

A bit of rambling, likely less relevant than the thought I have given it here, but anyone else notice any similar trends in their own efforts?