Lately all I think about is dressing.I have recently shopped for a couple of new wigs at a wig shop and had a cosmetician at a local department store help me choose the right foundation ,concealer,and powder.I did both while in drab.I've taken an"I don't care attitude" .At one time this would have freaked me out but now I just want to do whatever it takes to satisfy my crossdressing needs.I often go for a drive while dressed at night hitting a drive thru or getting out for a short walk.I almost want someone to see me.I'm going to venture out during the day soon for a drive .I think about it all the time and I know it's going to happen.I'm starting to feel like I want to share this part of me with someone.I've talked to another crossdresser I met on line who actually lives in my small town but when she suggested we meet for coffee I wasn't ready.I'm ready now I just hope it isn't too late.My Karen time is all I think about on the weekends,it was just a Saturday night thing but now it's Friday ,Sat ,and even Sunday and I always dress with full makeup.I love this part of my life,I'm single so there are no restrictions to my dressing,I can dress whenever the desire hits which is quite often lately.I pray that the desire won't fizzle and leave me saying OK that's enough time to move on.