Hi everyone,
I just received my first genuine compliment from a complete stranger while out in public and I just had to post about it!

I was out shopping for the day in Westfield Shopping Centre in London, something I only get to do rarely as I don't really get the chance to go out en-femme much at all. Anyway, after visiting a few shops and making some purchases (I'll post a longer story about the day with photos later), I went into John Lewis as I needed some new Wolford Tights (my absolute favourites!). On taking them to the cash desk, there was a lovely (and very pretty!) lady there who was very welcoming and friendly, treating me totally as a normal female without hesitation. Then totally out of the blue, while ringing up my purchase, she said "I love your lipstick, it's a fabulous colour". I was really shocked and it took me a couple of seconds to smile and thank her. She then went on to say how she loved lipstick and shades of red, but that she couldn't get away with the darker shade I was wearing due to her skin tone and the fact that she was Asian.

I couldn't believe what was happening here. Not only was I being treated as a lady just out shopping for tights, I was having a natural conversation with a total stranger about my makeup and how she was a bit jealous of it!

Needless to say, I left with a huge smile and almost floated out the store. It was a massive confidence boost in my journey into the outside world and really gave me a renewed faith in my dressing and how I look. I hope that many others of you have had the same experience or will do in the future as I really can't convey how wonderful it feels!

Anyway, for what was meant to be a short post, I just wanted to say to anybody who hasn't done it yet, get out there and be confident, you really won't regret it.

Paula xxx