So my wife is sort of DADT, not supported or involved just indifferent I guess. We have a 2 year old boy and until recently she has never discouraged him fom doing girly things. In fact generally she encourages it, for example:

After being in a bath she will tie towel around his waiste so he can wear a skirt. Instigated by Wife and him.

Playing dress up in dresses with cousins. Instigated by counsins norymally.

Face painting always picks butterflies.

Has pink toy pram and baby.

He has various pink balls and cutterly.

However the last time he got his face painted there was only a small choice, he chose to be a princess. My wife suggested a butterfly, which he had and loved.

So we both try to avoid gender sterotypes and dont discourage him from chosing what he wants however on this occasion my wife changed his mind. (I wasnt there).

What do others do with their boys, do you allow, encourage or discourage them to do 'Girly' things?

Personally I am torn, I want him to be free to do what he wants but I dont want him to grow up and be a crossdresser and have an 'afflication' like I do. Therefore I remain neutral, neither encourage or discorage.

(Yes I realise I have just gender sterotyped by writing the above list and implying its girly)