I have been underdressing at work semi frequently lately and was doing so last Wednesday. And let me tell you did I have a scare.

So, one of the little games I play with myself is that I can only buy women's clothing, makeup etc… if I am dressed in some way and I wanted to do some shopping after work. Under my work clothes I was wearing a pink bra, nude thigh highs, a thong and a little zebra stripe camisole top with garters to keep my thigh highs up. I absolutely love the feeling of being dressed up right in front of someone and they don't have a clue. When shopping I take my uniform shirt off, so I was wearing a neon yellow undershirt & swapped out my boots for a pair of women's size 10 running shoes that aren't too obviously girly. I wore a gray zip up vest as the bra was kinda visible through the shirt.

After shopping at TJ Maxx where I found a nice pair of tights, I headed to a goodwill nearby in a rough area of town. I like Goodwill stores for their great deals and usually no one pays attention to me shopping in the women's clothing n stuff. Nothing girly caught my eye but one of my other interests are bikes, and here I found two good ones, one of which I decided to buy. As I am looking at it, another guy comes up and looks at the second bike, checks it out, and starts walking with it to the back of the store. So I'm headed to the cashier to purchase my bike, and while in line I see him park the bike he took a little off to the side of the front doors, walk up to the doors, then walk back to the bike, which he then proceeded to push towards the door. In a past life I was an AP Officer at a major retailer, and something just tripped inside me, so as he got to the door I yelled "Hey dude, are you gonna pay for that bike?"

He immediately veered away from the door, yelling at me "What do you mean, I'm not stealing it, are you trying to steal the bike you have" as he went around the registers with the bike and got in line right behind me, continuing to accuse me of accusing him of being a thief.

Oh My God he was such an asshole, he got up in my face and continued yelling at me, I told the cashier who was clueless that she might want to call the police, instead she called the manager, I explained the situation, and of course he was still yelling and trying to intimidate me. I had this vision of him attacking me, and what the small crowd of shoppers would see if that happened, at the very least my pantyhose, and who knows what else, not to mention me having to defend myself and possibly getting hurt.

The manager calmed him down and took him aside as I paid for my bike. He left as I was paying, and I walked my bike to the door and saw him get into a car a couple of parking places outside the door with another guy in it. I talked with the manager, she said he told her he would be back in three hours to purchase the bike, I told her she needed to be on the lookout for him. As I went to leave I saw them just sitting in the car waiting, and I was kinda concerned… But they backed out and I went out the door, but as I headed off the sidewalk they parked out in the lot watching me. I doubled back and hid behind a wall, and was getting ready to call 911 just to be on the safe side when they moved again, parking several spaces down from the door on the opposite side they were originally on, and I could see the guy get out and look towards me (he didn’t see me, I was kinda in a shadow). Just then a semi slowly came by and I was able to use it as concealment to get to my van, throw the bike in and get in quickly. Oh my god my heart was beating out of my chest but I got away. That could have ended soooo badly…