1.When and how we first take pleasure in putting on female clothes.

I started when I was around 10 or 11.

2. When and how we first realize this urge is not going to go away.

When I started. It was an intense thrill, euphoric even.

3. When and how we become comfortable with ourselves as a crossdresser, dismissing any needless guilt or shame.

Probably the last 2 to 3 years. For the last 4 or 5 I under dressed, one day I was at my local Savers and saw a blue denim shirt, and I had to have it. Bought some jeans as well.

4. What we've done (or are doing) in consequence of all that.

I dress en femme exclusively. Nothing outrageous, I stick to simple shirts, pants, usually blue, black or green. I have a couple of dresses, skirts and heels, I haven't the courage to wear them outside of the house.