Teresa , it was my choice not to transition at work. Yes consistency is everything. I only do guy mode at work. I avoid going some places while in this mode. It is like the reverse.

I am in full make-up in my driver's license picture. I have to use this ID at work. Noone has ever shown any reaction at all.

I just am feeling to be changing the rules at this time is in bad taste.

It is the timing and location. Think about it as if it were a family. I would be the crazy relative spoiling everything.

Again I could be totally wrong and they may be ok with it.

Absolutely noone will disrespectful me even if I said nothing and showed up in a dress.

It is not like I don't have any other place to be.

Teresa I'm sure you know by now that you build trust as you go. At first some people are a little hesitant, I find after a few minutes with me in public that all goes away.

I don't need to be there, but I should be to show support. I stay at this company out of loyalty, I could go to work for my friends company and not have any of these problems.

Than it could be all it my head, like when I was coming out to this same friend. He so totally didn't care.