I went to the company party last night and had a wonderful time.

I was to RSVP if I was going by the 27th. I didn't because I decided I wasn't going.

I was pulled over in my company truck looking up an address for the next job when I got the call. It was the owner's son who is my new boss now as he's taking over the company. He wanted to know if I was going.He was putting together a headcount and also he was going to get me a room as the people from our office have to travel an hour to the party.

This is a conversation I was trying to avoid. I have literally no time I have to decide now. If I say I'm not going I have to explain why if I say I'm going I have to ask permission to be me which is something I never do. I'm out but he doesn't know me.

I don't remember my exact words but I told him that if I was to go I would be wearing a dress. That in my life I represent female, that I only represent male when I work for the company. He said he wasn't aware of this but that if I would feel comfortable coming that they would still love to have me there. I assured him that I would be completely comfortable and that I would attend.

It was a gathering of 15, I was the only one without an SO. as far as the virus goes this is a small company if one of us gets it the whole company gets locked down. We are an essential company and have not stopped working for even one day.

The party was set at a beautiful house that they just completed, with a view of the city it's set up for entertaining. The party was catered the caterer just had one server there it was just beautiful.

they had a white elephant gift exchange which was a lot of fun

Everyone at the party was absolutely wonderful. I had the best time things couldn't have gone any better. Naturally I spent most of my time talking to the women, some of them I met for the first time.

Like one of the wives from our office. We have never met before, her best friend is a close friend of mine, and manages the bar.She is a little overweight and I can tell she's self-conscious and not happy with her outfit. She told me her husband wanted her to wear it. The outfit is too tight for her body type. The pencil skirt okay but the top should have been looser fitting. She's having a problem with her bra and she tells me. She's trying to adjust it so I make a step to forward and to my left to shield her. I'm facing the room. I also told her that she was beautiful and she looked just fine.

So there was more of this kind of stuff talking about shoes and stuff.

I wore my red maxi dress that I pictured before. It was the absolute perfect choice. I looked great and I did not outshine the hostess.

I picked up my purse and was waiting the opportunity to tell the hostess goodbye. I told her she had a beautiful home and thank her for inviting me. I don't remember her exact words, she said, she thanked me for coming and that they were happy that I was
comfortable enough to come as myself.

So now I'm happy and crying for another reason.