I went to the gym Monday for a little weight lifting. I decided that I would try wearing a different outfit, Yoga pants, Lady's workout shirt, sports bra and Lady's running jacket, other than my shoes all women's wear as a guy. I walked in all dressed and ready to go. Checked in, got my temp checked and up to the workout area I went. Nothing really exciting happened after that. I did my workout and I am sure people had to have taken notice, but I didn't see anyone staring or making comments to me. And when I was done, I walked out and as they do for everyone the ladies at the front desk said have a nice day.

Today I did the same thing only as I was driving to the gym I had my breast forms in. I got to the gym, got out of the car and halfway to the door realized I still had boobs. I decided that I didn't want to walk back to the car and look stranger getting in and out. I walked in and just like Monday everything went great. A guy with bright blue nails, dressed in women's clothing with C cups working out and nothing negative again from other gym goers and staff.

It really has made my day going and working out dressed like that.