At 1:15 a.m. it's dark outside and it's time to let the dog out for the last time until morning. We live on a corner lot. The street that goes by the side of our house becomes a cul-de-sac immediately at the back end of our property line (about 55' behind our home). We have a small area of the back yard fenced (black aluminum rails and 4" tall). We have a small 11' x 12' patio by the house with patio chairs. There are 6 houses around the cul-de-sac that all have a direct view of our back yard. I want to make sure the pup takes care of business so I go out with him. I did NOT turn the outside lights on. What I did was put on my light jacket and shoes. I went outside with him and a flashlight. There I sat in my fishnets, green dress, bra, and forms (and light jacket) while shining the flashlight on my dog to make sure he was doing what he was there to do. I have to tell you I really did enjoy the 55? temps going up the dress to my panties. I figure I could have been out without the jacket and nobody would have been the wiser. We live in a gated community so the general public isn't driving by and my neighbors are all fast asleep by 10 p.m. With one exception, we are all retired. I've no idea why old folks go to bed so early. Maybe they don't stay up late at night to enjoy their own versions of Heather. LOL!!!

Anyway, I'm blown away by the fact I went outside where my dress was visible if someone had been out and about. Some day this brazen behavior will backfire on me.