My kids were visiting grandparents so I decided I would take the opportunity to dress before midnight. The late stuff is great but I wanted to try without feeling exhausted for a change.

Told my wife, who really doesn?t like it, and while she has seen me before, it?s always been in the earlier days when I didn?t know what I was doing. She asked if I could skip make up, and I said there would be no point.

She caved.

While she did some stuff, I got dressed, make up wig and heels, then I made our dinner. When she arrived, she said I shouldn?t look better than her. I said I don?t. I look like a man in a dress, though admittedly, I look very good for a man in a dress.

We had dinner, drank wine, watched some tv and that was that.

I?m not after living as a woman. I?m happy with my life as it is. But I feel like I don?t need to hide this part of me as much. She shows no sign of loving me less, and as long as I don?t try to do it all the time, I feel a little less concerned than I did.

P.S. she now wants to borrow the dress I wore which I am totally fine with. Honestly.