Ok, now I kind of understand why some GG's have a strong reaction to flaunty CDers.

We live in an over 55 community and there was a "free concert" at outdoor patio. Yes, since free, not very musically skilled. Our dog just missed his playmates walking by and demanded an outside trip.

I wish I could erase the image. Hopefully by sharing some may understand. So walking back in flip flops was a community member wearing a silky bodycon dress one size too small and with length of a tennis skirt, if that long. I was so floored I was speakless. Wow. Wearing clubwear to an outdoor public concert. Unthinkable. And worst wearing an outfit that was not flattering. Yes it accented the legs, and that was definitely the best feature, but still there are many more outfits that would have worked better.

Should I have said anything? If I would have said anything, it would have been more confrontationable. I can understand why some report they have been called on the carpet by a more modest GG.

I guess I may be more modest. I think clubwear belongs in clubs, whether worn by GGs or CD. So questions:

1- How would your mind react to such a vision?
2- Would you even think of saying anything? If so what? Non-CD would not even know what a bodycon dress is and would only hoot and hollar and not think "is this appropriate for the situation".