In my recent photo post I said both my wife and I are getting more relaxed during my Danielle fashion shows. I guess my comments here also relate a bit to the recent thread on the informal survey of how many wives are accepting and supportive.

The interaction on fashion show days is becoming more relaxed and do I dare say kind of normal. We have found our dog behaves strangely and seems anxious on fashion show days. The first couple of times we thought it was because the bedroom door was closed and she likes to relax on our bed. So we now leave the bedroom door open while I am getting ready but the other day Kirra was in and out of the house, pawing at out front patio door instead of coming in her doggy door and also went under the computer desk when my wife was on the computer. Funny thing is on regular Danielle days the dog is totally relaxed , goes in and out, and most of the time lies on the bedroom bed in the midst of assorted Danielle stuff and oblivious to Danielle getting ready. I mention this in relation to the apparent normalisation of the interaction between my wife and Danielle on fashion show days. In the middle of getting ready my wife came to the bedroom and asked if she could the laundry basket out of the closet. I don't remember if I had makeup on or what state of dress I was in but previously my wife would have felt uncomfortable venturing into Danielle's temporary domain. Later on she tried to coax the dog on to the bed while I was changing outfits in the bedroom and I said to her it can look like a mini-tornado hit with Danielle accoutrements strewn across the bed. Again she seemed relaxed about coming into the bedroom in the middle of the Danielle transformation process.

The fashion show experience definitely is an euphoric experience for me. The first time or two I was nervous about presenting Danielle to her but now I am very relaxed and can concentrate on enjoying the moment and realising at the same time how fortunate I am my loving wife can be so understanding and accepting. I have made sure to repeatedly tell her how special it is to me having the fashion shows and yesterday as usual I did buy a bouquet of flowers which has kind of become a post fashion show day tradition. I also have now taken it as personal challenge to try and improve my makeup and presentation for her valued opinion.