Quote Originally Posted by Samantha51 View Post
It's a real shame as they're so pretty with lacy bits, but her seeing me cavorting around in them won't hemp her self image I think.
Why do you think that your wife seeing you cavort in her underwear won't help her self image' Do you think that she compares her femininity to yours? And why "cavort", as opposed to simply "wear".

I've often seen the sentiment expressed here:
"My wife is jealous because I can wear things she can't",
which often translates to,
"I look better (or girlier) than my wife",
which often translates to,
"My wife feels that I am competition for her".
"and so this is why my wife does not like the CDing".


Certainly if a woman is overweight and she doesn't like her body, she might wish she were skinnier like her sister, her best friend, or even her husband. But that's being jealous of someone's metabolism, not their "girliness". I know that I envy the amount of food that my SO can snack on without putting on an ounce, whereas I need to watch what I eat, which is not as much fun.

But, my SO and other CDer's body weights have absolutely no impact on my feelings of worth as a woman, or that he (or they) are some sort of competition - for what - to be attractive to other men? Because my female friends certainly don't care what weight I am. And even if my SO could wear a smaller size than me, I would not think he was more attractive as a woman for the simple reason that he has all the physical characteristics of a guy. Not a girl.

So to answer your questions, if your wife gave you her bra, then she knows that it fits around your torso and not hers. She wouldn't have given it to you if she didn't want you to wear it. So please don't go down the crossdresser-fantasy worm hole. And if you still think that she'd be sad to see you fit into her old things because she doesn't like her weight right now, know that this would apply to whatever you wear - even if you got your very own new bra, or even if you got a new pair of skinny man-jeans. It's not about the item of clothing - it's about the fact that your wife unfortunately has a negative body image.

Which brings me to an interesting point. Just why DOES your wife have a negative body image. Does she feel, based on your behaviors perhaps, that you are more attracted to another body type (perhaps your own when you are dressed like a girl) than is your wife's current size? Do you make her feel that you are attracted to her, that you want her, in her current state?

You don't need to answer that here, it's too personal. They are merely questions for you to ponder.