Hi all. With my imminent ear piercing due, I was thinking how far can you go before people start to suspect you may have cd tendencies?

In my case I generally appear to family and friends as quite manly. My voice, interests, language and persona give no clue as to my cd and feminine side. Over the years I have gradually stretched the envelope, starting with shaved arms and legs ( I do have facial hair though) and was asked a couple of times about my lack of body hair. I started to underdress and unsurprisingly no one noticed. I then grew my hair out to below shoulder length, generally as a pony but sometimes straightened in a bob and was complemented on the look. Then came the nail varnish on the toes which again raised some questions but nothing to lead people to think I do cd. I have even started to wear womens jeans and jumpers as I find them more comfortable than the male equivalent, and still no reaction. Interestingly, I told my step daughter I like to wear feminine clothes last Christmas as she was spending the Christmas period with my wife and I and I really wanted to be able to wear a dress whilst when we had our Christmas lunch. When I told her this, she was really surprised and confirmed that she hadn't suspected this despite the shaving, long hair, womens jeans and toenail varnish. Christmas was fabulous btw and my relationship with her has become so much stronger.

Maybe the ear piercing will take it to the next level but I doubt it. How far can you go before being suspected of being a crossdresser?