Hi. It's been ages since I've been here as I've been exploring my gender and I'm confident I'm transgender. Being confident doesn't man I'm happy though. I've almost given up fighting it by looking for reasons that I'm not. If I'm trans then the only solution I've found is transition. Is crossdressing enough? It doesn't feel enough.

Has anyone realised they're transgender but found a way to stop entirely or just scratch the itch with crossdressing? I'm seeing a gender counsellor every week and journaling and I now have money to buy clothes and start HRT if I want.

I'm keen to start HRT, it feels right, but I risk losing so much. I'm pretty scared TBH.

My wife loves me and we'd probably stay friends but we'd probably not stay together. I've intellectually accepted this may happen, but the emotional reality is something else that I can't foresee.

Maybe one of the sober voices here can open my eyes before it's too late? I've had a lot of support on reddit trans subs but an alternative voice would be good.

Many thanks,
Samantha x