In October of '22 I told my wife that I'd like to get my ears pierced for my birthday. She seemed to almost cry. On the day of my birthday she had planned to take me somewhere to get them pierced, but I didn't like the feeling that she felt like she was being coerced into submission. At that point it wouldn't have felt like a gift. So, the day after my birthday, I gifted myself by having them pierced. Funny, but about a month later she told me that she found my earrings to be sexy.

I'd considered asking for something femme for Valentine's Day this year, but ended up getting something I "needed" instead. Not particularly romantic but thoughtful. So, on Valentine's Day I went into the local Lane Bryant and picked up a 5 for $35 deal on panties and got myself a selection of mostly floral print panties. I usually do not spend that much on panties, but, like the old Loreal commercials said "I'm worth it" and I've thoroughly enjoyed wearing them.

The point is that. while I'd love to get those things as genuine gifts from my wife, I feel like I've been able to just bypass her as a gatekeeper and treat myself on special occasions. Does anyone else out there do anything similar?