I hated PE and Games at school and dropped the subject when I was 15. On that day at school I had to wear Boy's Y Front Underpants which I hated as I had to get changed in the Dressing Room (locker room) in front of other Boys as there were no individual cubicles and my knickers would have been recognised straight away as Girl's underpants as in those days the mid 1960s, Boys wore eitrher plain white Y Fronts or White undershorts . As soon as the lesson was over I would take the first opportunity to go to the toilet and enter a cubicle (stall), bolt the door and slip off the hated Y fronts and replace them with a nice pair of my sister's white or navy blue cotton school knickers which I had brought in with me in my bag hidden under my books. When I dropped PE I never wore male underpants again and that is 38 years ago now.

However, I would have loved to have taken part in (Field) Hockey or Netball or PE in the Gym with the Girls, dressed in a pale blue aertex blouse and navy blue cotton knickers (full briefs) or a similar kit for outdoor games but this time with short pleated grey skirt which of course showed off your knickers was you played. At home alone I would dress in my sister Anne's PE kit, (I already wore her knickers anyway) and pretend to play Hockey or Netball or do the exercises the girls did in the Gym.

I still have Girls PE kit in various colours which I wear at home and a Tennis outfit of white dress and panties.