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Thread: Ok. So tell me about your Mother.

  1. #51
    Gold Member TxKimberly's Avatar
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    I would have to say no. The only things about my mother influenced my crossdressing was that she was beautiful, had some very pretty dresses, and was a very feminine woman.
    The only people/things I can think of that directly influenced my desire to crossdress were my Grandmother and my own life experiences. My mother and my sister both had pretty bad choice in men, and so I grew up with a very poor opinion of men. MY Grandmother reinforced this very poor opinion at every chance by making it well known to all of us that men were garbage, and no G.D. good! So, I more or less grew up seeing that men sucked, and my Grandmother verbally reinforced this daily. Hardly surprising I wanted to be a girl. :-)

  2. #52
    Member Juanita O's Avatar
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    hi ladies

    My mother said it would have been fun to have a daughter instead of two sons. So i guess my mother was somewhat of an influence on my CDing. When mom and dad caught me dressed in my moms clothes, my father said that I was sick in the head, mom never said anything.
    I love being a girl

  3. #53
    It's a fabulous life Colleentg's Avatar
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    I think my mom had a great influence, mostly because the way she treated me, and later on, how she told so many others (in ear shot) how she wished I was born a girl. With six brothers, I felt different, and found myself helping more inside the house than out on the farm. I never got into my moms clothes, mostly because they were oversize and I didn't find them alluring. I was into my sister's clothes. I was never caught but highly suspected. My mom knew, but it wasn't like she asked me to quit.
    Just Be Yourself


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  4. #54
    Eltit Resu Motsuc Ðarissa's Avatar
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    I have to say no too. The desire comes from within and just because some pantyhose was just laying around inside a dresser and I was a curious little fella that was drawn to them like a moth to a flame, has nothing to do with mom, besides the fact she put em there.

  5. #55
    Unofficial CD Mom Holly's Avatar
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    Well, Julie, nothing DIRECTLY. But my mom was a huge influence in my life. My parents were seperated for many years in my preteen and early teen years and me and my brother were with my mom. She was a strong and dominate woman and I learned character from her. My parents eventually got back together and we lived as a family for many years. Oddly enough, I became very close to my dad. When my mom became ill, it was my father who demonstrated to me what real love was all about as he devoted himself to all aspects of her care, keeping her at home and not putting her away someplace in a convelecent hospital. It's the greatest demonstration of love I have ever seen.

    So to sum it all up, I learned strength and character from my mom, love and compassion from my dad, and the cross dressing? Not sure where that came from but thanks to my loving and caring parents, I have learned to accept and even embrace it. Life isn't about what we have or what we wear; it's about who we are and how we treat one another. Thanks, mom and dad. I hope you're proud of me.
    Fulltime girl on the inside.


  6. #56
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    My mother never helped me dress, nor do I believe that she knew I dressed in women's clothes. She was the person I was closest too while I was growing up and I still have not recovered fro her death 8 years ago (at least 20 years before I expected based on the life spans of her parents and siblings).

  7. #57
    Member mollytyler's Avatar
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    Yes and No....father was 90% away from the home(travelled extensively)so it left me under the environmnent and influences of my mother and sister. Being more on the "sissy" side of build/looks growing up i was always taunted by others- yet my sister and mother would always stand up for me....short story, Mom never knew of my dressing since early age-though she had suspicions- out to my sister first at 15- then revealed to Mom a little later who was reserved in her acceptance....once she saw my happiness and further discussions with my sister about my needs, she became an ardent supported...she now suppports evething her Daughter wants.....

  8. #58
    life is a journey Mitch23's Avatar
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    my mother was my warmth and security as i was growing up, my dad was a bit remote and distant. She was pretty, wore some lovely clothes, smelt nice and was warm. i was a bit of a sickly child and so I spent a lot of time with her at home and liked to do 'girlie' things like knitting, sewing, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing etc. she sort of knew i dressed but got fed up with telling me off


  9. #59
    A tea girl Ann D Bluebird's Avatar
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    I'd definately say "Yes" here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicki B View Post
    To make me wear women's clothing? Never..
    ...apart, that is, from giving me one or two (not significantly gender identifiable in colour or style) items in recent years....a couple of fleeces, some walking sandals.

    My mother looms large in my psyche. With two sons already she "really wanted" a girl (says so in all kinds of ways, often), chose a name...then gave birth to me.
    So I started life by "wrong footing" things as it were, and it has frequently felt like I've been trying to read her mind eversince so I could do the thing or be the person she was looking for. I know she loves me, equally to my brothers. But her...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicki B View Post
    influence (on) me as a person, with the feminine qualities I think I've developed, I think very much - and maybe the genes just made me that way, too.
    Am I prepared to live with that? Yes, nature and nurture write the book of life.....and dressing en femme is the latest twist to the plot which has been along time developing. And I am writing my own tale, always hoping for a happy ending......
    "Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.”
    Epictetus (Greek Stoic philosopher) [SIZE="2"](who I'd never heard of either until I stumbled on the quote in "How to walk in high heels" by Camilla Morton )[/SIZE]

  10. #60
    Senior Member Ruth's Avatar
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    I've come to believe that my mother had an influence on my crossdressing, though it was not intentional and was not anything to do with clothing. She was (and is) a fairly repressed woman emotionally and instilled in me the idea that it was bad in general to show your feelings too much - and certainly little boys were not to have displays of emotion.
    Of course I had my fair share of feelings, and I picked up from the world around me that women in general (my mother excepted) were emotional creatures, who could dress in a more flamboyant way and generally act out a far greater emotional and sensual spectrum than men.
    So this became a channel for my emotional life. I didn't realise it at first but I was expressing my sensual and emotional side through dressing as a woman and acting as a woman.
    The thought remains now that perhaps if my mother had allowed me to be an emotionally fulfilled little boy, I would never have bothered getting into women's clothes. But of course I'll never know.
    [SIZE="2"]Always be true to yourself because the people who matter don’t mind, and the people who mind don’t matter.[/SIZE]

  11. #61
    Silver Member trannie T's Avatar
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    My mother was a wonderful, warm, caring mother. She could cook great apple pies. She read her children lots of stories.

    She was the worst dresser in the world.

    I do not know why I am a crossdresser but I am pretty sure that it was not because of mom's influence.
    It takes a real man to wear a dress.

  12. #62
    Trans Species Joy Carter's Avatar
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    It's not fare of me to talk too personally about her since she's gone now. I dressed at age three or four. I didn't live with her at the time.
    I can say that there was no real father figure. My sister got preferential treatment, that she readily admitts to. I know my mother was distant to me and hated my father, whom she divorced. She did know about me though. That I'm sure. I can't say it was her fault. I still belive it's the way we are wired, brain wise.

  13. #63
    Lux et Veritas Stormgirl's Avatar
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    She died when I was 13

    HRT since 2009

  14. #64
    Queen of the Faery Realms Bethany_Anne_Fae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarciManseau View Post
    We'd still love to hear it, Zara

    Hugs, Marci
    Thanks, Marci

    Its jsut that for right now its an unhappy and uncomfortable subject due to the memories. My therapist is helping work through the worst of it, and it gets easier as time goes by.

    *much hugs*


  15. #65
    Aspiring Member Teddie's Avatar
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    My mother was a very pretty woman. She actually did modeling for one of the local department stores.

    When I was a preteen I use to enjoy watching her do her hair and apply her makeup. It amazed me what women went through, she was pretty to start with and was very pretty when she was done.

    She also had a very nice wardrobe, including undergarments. A good thing for an olny child who was a budding crossdresser. This was the time of the Platex rubber girdles and I use to love wearing those and the nylons that went with them. No, I never saw her just in those.

    Did she have an effect on me? Yes, a positive one. And, I think I try to emulate her look. A sophisticated one.


  16. #66
    Lux et Veritas Stormgirl's Avatar
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    yeah,you're a bunch of Jodies

    HRT since 2009

  17. #67
    Melora / Katie Melora's Avatar
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    Yeah.. Mom had ALOT to do with it.. When I was very young, about 3 or 4 years of age, she gave me some pantyhose to play with.. I LOVED THEM and always have. I remember that she even alowed me to have a dress or 2 around 5 or 6. In about 4th grade I expressed an interest to her about dressing up as a girl for Samhain/Halloween. Mom Actually provided me with ALL of the makeup I needed at the time, as well as told me how to put it on. She also alowed my father to come home and see the mess that I made of my self too.. = Not a good night for me! Hehe, . Yes Mom knew about MOST of my things, and I guess so did Dad, But I know that they both Love me no matter what!
    By th way.. That Halloween, I did not dress as a girl, AND nor did any of the other three boys who were talking about it at the time.. I think that I went as a ghost......
    [SIZE=2]The sound of Galaxies Playing the Music of our lives, The notes we strike Reasoned in time and space, Silent Symphony waiting to be heard, Musical Aura holding unseen worlds..., The Sound of Galaxies..., Playing the music of our lives, The Numbers we Married, Equations and formulas, A MUTE language of the universe, Mathematical resonance, The thought of Matter.."Samael".. Lessons in magick[/SIZE]

  18. #68
    ultra girlie-girl Samantha Marie's Avatar
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    I know she wanted a girl very badly...and I was influenced by television and some well-dressed neighbor girls...and I watched my mom get dressed to go out on numerous occasions--was fascinated by all the feminine trappings required in the late fifties and early in many regards I could say I was influenced...

  19. #69
    Gold Member TxKimberly's Avatar
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    Can't speak for Mom and Dad

    Quote Originally Posted by Holly View Post
    . . .Thanks, mom and dad. I hope you're proud of me.
    Well, I can't speak for your Mom and Dad Holly, but I am proud of you and proud to call you a friend. If the world had more people like you in it, it would be a much better place to hang out.

  20. #70
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    No direct influence from my mother. How ever she didn't do any thing to stop it either not even taking my sisters clothes out of my room when she found them there.

  21. #71
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    my mother did not influence me directly but it was her bras that first started me off cross dressing.i tried them on and i've never looked back since

  22. #72
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    No influence at all that I am aware of - being an only child there were no other close female influences either. I did use some of my mother's clothes but probably would have preferred clothes of a younger girl to try, so even in that respect my mother was not an influence. She didn't know about my dressing, nor would she have encouraged it.

  23. #73
    Tricia Dale tricia_uktv's Avatar
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    No, no, no, no, no

    Simple - it is only me
    I strut my stuff, I feel so proud,
    I need to shout, to scream out loud,
    I am Tricia I am she,
    I am who I want to be

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by happy sam View Post
    my mother did not influence me directly but it was her bras that first started me off cross dressing.i tried them on and i've never looked back since
    After some thought I would say this post most matches my own experience,except in my case it was a pair of boots. She didn't mind me wearing them as she thought I was just playing,but it was a differerent story when she found me wearing her panties and hose.

  25. #75
    Girdled member Maureen Henley's Avatar
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    The only influence my mother had on my dressing was that her clothing was what was available to me when I began dressing. That may be why I have a strong preference for girdles and other foundations.

    So fas as active influences, the few times she caught me, she had a very negative reaction, which only made me more careful not to get caught again.
    One's true gender is in the heart and soul, not one's anatomy.

    Your brain...don't leave home without it!Maureen

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