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Thread: First time out.....OMG, what a blast!!

  1. #1
    Gold Member
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    First time out.....OMG, what a blast!!

    OK, here it is. A rather long post, as many first out posts are. I'm still on cloud nine from the experience and can't wait for another opportunity. This was at the Be-All Convention in Chicago this past weekend. Hope you enjoy it.

    Well, it’s the day after….and I’m feeling so euphoric! I had a marvelous time. It was empowering to be all dressed and out in public.
    First, let’s start from the beginning. I had a hard time sleeping the night before, I was so keyed up. The previous night I spent pulling everything together. Next day, I made sure I had everything I needed, and was so antsy to get going; I didn’t get much done around the house. Finally 11:15am came around and I emailed JeneeDavis that I was on the way. The whole time driving down was almost surrealistic. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. I got to the hotel where Be-All was convening, found a parking space and headed in. As soon as got to the entrance I felt completely at ease as I saw many other CDer’s just lounging around, both inside and outside. I headed to the lobby desk and asked for the note that Jen said she would leave and headed up to her room. After knocking on the door, we greeted each other for the first time (taller than I am) and introduced me to her friend Laurie (shorter than I am). After chatting I went back to the car and, with Jen’s help, brought by luggage to their room. As they were about ready to head for lunch, I let them go and decided to mill around where the venders were and to get acclimated. The registration office wasn’t open at the time (around noon) so I had some time to kill. Rori (Rori Transformations) had a room there giving makeovers and I briefly said hi to her. Looked around at some clothing and jewelry as well. After a while, Jen joined me, she enfemme and me in drab! Anyway we decided to head up to the room and pick out what I was going to wear for the dinner and night out…..yes, that’s what I said, a night out!! More on that later.
    I'm sure many here know Jen, but for those who don't, Jen is very tall and statuesque. She certainly stands out, but in a very pulled together and sexy way. She’s quite a socialite as well. Doesn’t bother to disguise her voice, just talking the same way whether in male or female mode. Her whole demeanor is friendly and outgoing, a very admirable trait.

    So backup in the room, Jen pulled out a black 2 piece skirt and top (see pic) she thought I would look good in. The skirt came down to mid-calf so I could wear it without hosiery, going bare legged. That was nice. The top, which could be worm off the shoulders (never could keep the shoulders down tho), went to the midriff with log sleeves, and blousey. This is what I wore.

    Next step was to get the foundation together, so the first thing was to show me how to make padding for the hips and butt. So I proceeded to make the forms from half-inch thick foam padding. Next was to adapt a pair of pantyhose that I could stuff the pads into. Had a difficult time with that as the pantyhose I brought weren’t working out. Finally I realized that I didn’t need the whole of the pantyhose and cut them at the knees.…worked perfectly. Once that was done, It was time to put the pads on and see how they enhanced my figure. I looked in the mirror and the pads really did give a more feminine shape below the waist, but the best was yet to come as it was now time for the bra, forms and corset.…and presto, an instant hour-glass shape. Looked great.

    Amidst all of this, Jen was getting herself ready for dinner AND helping both myself and Laurie getting ready. She’s good! So now, it’s time for makeup. So I took everything off, except the pads and started applying my makeup. I did the face makeup just fine but had problems with the eyes (so what else is new?), so Jen helped again there. However, before the help with the eye makeup, and after I put on my face makeup, Jen mentioned the little detail about the ticket for dinner, which I hadn’t gotten yet as I forgot to get back down to registration. Called them and told them I would be down in 30 minutes. So, with the makeup on, I quickly threw on some eye makeup, put on my jiggle bra with the forms, followed by my jeans, t-shirt, some lipstick, my wig, my white sandals (which I wore the whole evening) and headed down to the registration room (I was on the 6th floor, registration on the 2nd) by myself!! I never even gave this a second thought. The Be-all event had the whole hotel booked, so there were only attendees there. Nonetheless, it was my first time doing this and I felt, and looked great, even with my guy t-shirt and jeans on. Full of confidence and completely natural. So I registered, got my ID and pass and headed back up. Now it was almost 5 and we had just over an hour to finish getting ready for dinner (men really have NO IDEA (except those here of course) how much a woman goes thru to get ready to go out. They ought to try it.).

    So now it was time to get completely dolled up. Jen finished off my makeup (my eyes looked fabulous. She also showed me how to use spirit gum to make my eyebrows thinner looking. But first I had to do some plucking (ouch). After plucking, I applied the spirit gum (an adhesive) and shaped my eyebrows. After the eyebrows she also showed me how to use some old stockings to make my eyes open up more. I tie one around my head and pull up to my hairline thus pulling up my eyebrows. NICE. Then I put on the outfit, put on my wig and……………..YIKES. What a transformation. I must say that I looked HOT. Even Jen complimented me on how great I looked. She would mention this to almost everyone else we ran into as well. She was very supportive. Finally came the nails. A little awkward to put on at first, but I did it. Since I didn’t need to wear any hose, I was able to wear my white sandals. Threw on some jewelry and I was ready. A few minutes later both Jen and Laurie were ready and we headed downstairs.

    It felt so great walking around in a skirt. Walking down to the dinner, in the elevator with other CDer’s was a great thrill. Jen also would tell everyone that this was my first time ever out all dressed up. I think she was as proud of this as I was. The whole crowd was very supportive. Before dinner, we socialized in the lounge where both CDer’s and non-cder’s alike were chatting. On a side note, before I got dressed (still in drab), Jen introduced me to another friend of hers (her name escapes me) and was mentioning how this was my first time. We saw her again after dinner, and Jen re-introduced me and her eyes gave me a very surprised look. She didn’t recognize me from our earlier intro. What an ego boost!!

    I’ll have to say that every time I passed a mirror I had to look. The 3 of use made use of the ladies room (another first) to freshen up after dinner. As I looked at myself I couldn’t believe that was me. I looked really hot, sexy and very attractive. If I was a guy and saw me, I would have been hitting on her. I hope this doesn’t sound too conceited, but I can’t help it!

    Dinner was great, but with the corset cinched up so much, I couldn’t eat much. Didn’t matter as I was not all that hungry anyway – too keyed up. After dinner there was some entertainment. We stayed for a while then headed back to the lounge to see if anyone was going clubbing at Hunter’s in Elk Grove. Several were and we decided to meet them there later! OMG……………..An outing to a club, away from the hotel!
    So we headed back up the room and decided to unwind.

    Jen wanted to try on a new bustier and get some pics of it, so she got herself together and I took a bunch of pics just outside the room (using her camera). She’s a natural in front the camera while I’m still a little shy (that will soon pass). Then she said..”Do you dare me to go into the lounge like this?” Well, Laurie and I looked at each other and said…hell yeah. So down we went, with the camera to the lounge. Jen is a real hoot! So here we are in the lounge, with Jen dressed in her bustier (black and white lace trim, very sexy), some hold up stockings, shoes and plenty of cleavage (she showed me how to do this as she said I could create some nice cleavage as well.) We stayed for about 10-15 minutes then headed back up to the room and got ready for clubbing.

    I finally had to take my corset off by about 1030pm, as it was getting uncomfortable. However, this marked the longest I’ve worn it yet, over 5 hours! I knew I wouldn’t enjoy the rest of the evening if I had kept it on, but I wasn’t about to let anything spoil this evening and experience….NOTHING, tho I really hated to take it off (made me look so fantastic). My long line bra, however, I retained, and it felt good giving me a nice figure. Laurie decided to drive and we headed out to Hunter’s.

    So here’s another first: out in a car, all dressed up!


    So we pulled in, parked and started walking to the entrance. I was feeling completely natural, and at ease…not the LEAST bit nervous. Now Hunter’s isn’t an ordinary bar. It’s a gay bar. I have NEVER been into a gay bar before so this was going to be interesting. From what I’ve read, most gay bars are very TG friendly. Some mixing goes on, but not too much. Everyone just does their own thing. As we walked around, I’m sure I got a few looks…the kind of look every girl loves when someone is eying her (felt nice). Many of the Be-All attendees were there as well as some other’s who didn’t go to the conference but were just out clubbing, all dressed enfemme. It was a wonderful, relaxed atmosphere, and I felt so natural in my outfit that I didn’t once fall into my male persona. From the time I got dressed and out to dinner then out to the night club, I was Miranda…..completely. Acting, feeling, even talking in a very feminine manner….and enjoying it! The crowd was very courteous and friendly and not once was I made to feel unwelcome. A nice group of people.

    Jen managed to get some shots of me on the dance floor, as well as a couple when we first got there. Looking forward to seeing those. I wasn’t always with Jen and Laurie. I didn’t want to appear like a piece of Velcro, so I meandered around on my own, talking to a few other CDer’s there and having a great time. One of the attendees we ran into at Hunter's was very supportive. She knew, of course, that this was my first time out and she made an interesting comment. She said that she noticed (both at the hotel and at Hunters) how at ease I looked and how happy I was. Must have been my smile. When I’m really happy about something, I have a great smile, or so I’ve been told. That comment made the entire evening worthwhile and made me feel like a million bucks.

    Well, all too soon the evening ended. We headed out at about 2AM, giving another of the attendees a lift back to the hotel. I had been dancing with her along with Jen for a while (she was determined to get me out on the floor dancing. Actually, I should have had something hard to drink as it would have loosened me up a bit). That’s when Jen slipped away and took some candid shots of me dancing!
    We arrived back at the hotel, got changed, and I headed home. Wish I had been able to attend Saturday as well, tho I could if I wanted. The only thing I couldn’t do was go to the dinner. I didn’t even bother taking off my makeup, but I did take off the lipstick. This is when the euphoria started to ebb and I started to feel a bit depressed as it was an all too short experience. It didn’t help matters any to find, as I pulled up to my house, that I had left the garage door open, all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man what an airhead!!! Well, nothing happened. The neighborhood is very quiet and no one bothered it. Lucky me.

    Brought everything in, took off my makeup and got to bed by 4am. So there it is. My first outing completely enfemme, from about 2pm to 3am. Damn but it was fun. I would like to do it again sometime. Maybe soon?

    One more thing. The Be-All event was wonderful. The hotel clerks and staff as well as the vendors, never blinked an eye and treated everyone in a very professional manner. All the attendees, of all ages from all over, not just from the Chicago area, were wonderful. And most of all, I met 2 new friends that I hope I’ll have more fun times with in the future. With Jen’s encouragement and support, I would never have gone to Be-All and would never have experienced this time as a woman…and I did feel completely like a woman. It was great, but now back to the real world……..Sigh! I so wish I could tell some of my friends about this, but I don’t think I can. At any rate, this experience will be unforgettable.
    Last edited by Miranda09; 06-07-2009 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Gold Member
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    Chicago area
    A pic from the event.

  3. #3
    Silver Member "Mary"'s Avatar
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    New England, US
    I'm putting the pieces together, hot on Miranda's trail.

    A Ha! That is a new avatar and it's from "Be All!" A very nice pic, too, I must say.

    That is so great! Talk about taking a plunge - You have like crammed everything I've learned and done over 4 years into one action packed day. I'm really psyched for you.

    What a great write up, too. Thanks for sharing.

  4. #4
    Gold Member
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    Chicago area
    Thanks Mary. I'm so psyched myself right now. Feels so good!

  5. #5
    Former Member LindaMarie's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Congratulations on your first time out. It's great to hear you had such a wonderful time. I loved reading your account.

    Your new avatar is lovely.
    Linda Marie Daniels

  6. #6
    Junior Member Bobbi Em's Avatar
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    Gives a whole new slant on the term Women's Lib, doesn't it? Enjoy!!

    I AM Shirley, and don't call me Serious.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I envy you.
    Wish I could go out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    NorthEast US


    So proud of you !
    You are so lucky to live where that can happen.
    I am soooo happy for you !

  9. #9
    Member NikkiSimpson's Avatar
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    Melbourne A Girl down under

    1st time

    well done lil lady

  10. #10
    Woman and loving it Jennifer Marie P.'s Avatar
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    Congratulations doesnt it feel great and know there is no stopping you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sounds like you had quite a time, good for you.

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    You look great, Miranda. I was there as well. I am sorry I missed you.

  13. #13
    Senior Member jasmine57's Avatar
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    Congrats on your first outing. Sounds like you had a ball. I'm so glad it was all you hoped for.


  14. #14
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    Thanks everyone for all your kind and supportive comments. I couldn't have done this without you.
    Drinks are on me!!!

  15. #15
    "Junior" Member....... JeneeDavis's Avatar
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    SE Wisc (North of Chicago)

    Way to go Girl!

    Super post girlfriend!
    I had a blast too!
    You truely looked GREAT! and pulled it together so well!
    I kept telling people it was your first time cuz I could hardly believe it!
    You looked THAT GOOD!
    Looking forward to more outings with you in the future!

    PS: I'll tell you all about Saturday night later.
    Hey! Wanna go Dancing?

    Check out my My Flickr page for my pictures: go to and search for Jenee Davis

  16. #16
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Wow!! That was awesome!! I really need to hit a convention someday.. Sounds like sooo much fun!!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  17. #17
    Member Lisa LIckorice's Avatar
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    CONGRATS! How fun! Sounds like it was an amazing time and very empowering! I'm sure it's the first of many! I'm happy for you!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Excellent,so glad you had a good time.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeneeDavis View Post
    Super post girlfriend!
    I had a blast too!
    You truely looked GREAT! and pulled it together so well!
    I kept telling people it was your first time cuz I could hardly believe it!
    You looked THAT GOOD!
    Looking forward to more outings with you in the future!

    PS: I'll tell you all about Saturday night later.
    Hey Jen. Yeah, I'm looking forward to more outings with you as well. It was blast Friday night. I look forward to hearing about your Sat night adventures!

  20. #20
    Senior Member Kristen Marie's Avatar
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    What a great first outing! It is amazing how looong it takes to get ready...and it is such a joy to watch the transformation. I love it when it's all done...and then hate to take it off.

    My one trip to Chicago included a trip to Hunters....and I loved it. Did you get outside in the back? I loved being outside...but inside at the same time!

  21. #21
    Member SuzanneS's Avatar
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    Miranda, you sound alot like me, I really wish I could have been there with you...and I haven't even been out yet! Great story and you looked great! I'm glad you had a great day and I totally understand how bad it is not being able to tell any of your everyday friends.


  22. #22
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Wow, you pulled it all together in the heat of the moment, shape, clothes, plucking, makeup...I'd have been so stressed trying to do all that. It sounds like you had a wonderful time, much congratulations!!!
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  23. #23
    Gold Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristen Marie View Post
    What a great first outing! It is amazing how looong it takes to get ready...and it is such a joy to watch the transformation. I love it when it's all done...and then hate to take it off.

    My one trip to Chicago included a trip to Hunters....and I loved it. Did you get outside in the back? I loved being outside...but inside at the same time!
    I was roaming all over Hunter's inside and out and felt so at ease. It was an amazing experience.

    Sara and Suzanne...this is soooooo addicting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    I live in the real world! DaphneGrey's Avatar
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    Congrats..! Miranda So very happy for you !
    Living the life I choose!

  25. #25
    Just can't help myself! Brenda456's Avatar
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    Wyoming. Close to Yellowstone
    Wow. Congratulations. I think I want to be you!

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