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Thread: Experts on Crossdressing percentages

  1. #51
    Unexpected Woman Empress Lainie's Avatar
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    [SIZE=4]Since there is no way to know actually what is the percentage of a country's population that is:

    Male CD
    Female CD (that's a laugh - 100% of the female population!)
    TV (however that differs from CD!)
    TS (which may or may not be 24/7 MtF's and FtM's and may or may not include both pre and post ops)
    TG (officially covers all of the above anyway!)

    It is equally impossible to know:
    what percent of any of the above is:
    hetero (for people none of the above)
    gay including lesbian (for any of the above or other people)
    bi for any population group.

    My the US Census really needs to get on the ball and find out this stuff!

    But look: an mtf pre-op having sex with another mtf pre-op
    is physically having gay male sex, but personally having lesbian sex.

    an mtf pre-op having sex with a gg woman is personally having lesbian sex, but physically having heterosex.

    an ftm pre-op and top post-op having sex with a gg woman
    is having lesbian physical sex and personal heterosex.

    Etc. It is totally confusing to everyone but the tg community, and may be to us too. Do you go only by your presenting sex or the equipment you have to use?

    [SIZE=4]Me, I considered myself lesbian! before I even knew I was transexual, guess I knew subconsciously. But as time goes by, I could see myself as bi, I think, but I doubt if ever only (me)F with a male and hetero only.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]Ascended Ancient[/SIZE]

  2. #52
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katie B View Post
    There are perfectly good ways to know actually what is the percentage of a country's population that is:

    Male CD (I've given the figures and sources above)
    So you cited two sources. So what? I could cite 3 sources easily that completely disagreed with your two sources. And you know that. Where would you be then? Why should we trust the sources you cite over all of the other conflicting sources?

    You give some clues in the first part of your posting, but you fail to follow through in the second part of your posting. Perhaps you know how to recognize a "leading question" with hidden bias in a statistical survey, but have you given the Empress anything real to go on to help her evaluate surveys herself? No. You appealed to "I already told you -- look in this survey if you don't believe me!" The part of your posting that you addressed to the Empress was, in my opinion, written in a way that it would tend to turn people off of learning and legitimate inquiry. Why, after all, would anyone who trusted your words ask any further questions when we already have your assurance that the question has been answered definitively by so-and-so ? It's only the people whom you irritated (or whom ignored you) that are likely to ask real questions.

    I'm very saddened by the cynicism and anti-science being displayed here.
    Science doesn't advance by people taking other people's word for thing: science advances by people challenging assumptions and looking to see if there are other interpretations or other facts that can be incorporated -- and science advances by scientists being cynical enough about how science is actually being done these days to ask questions about "What aren't they telling us? Did they leave out any 'inconvenient truths'? Did they have an agenda? Were they being pushed to produce a particular answer? Were they short on human and financial resources and interdisciplinary contacts and so came up with the best they could in the circumstances but the real truth is something somewhat different?"

    How many scientists employed by tobacco companies "proved" that "Smoking does not cause lung cancer"? Do you remember the lawsuits not so long ago in which it was shown that the tobacco companies actively manipulated or buried scientific reports so that only the conclusions they could live with would come out?

    Cynicism of modern corporate science is a good thing.

    To clarify a potential point, so that my points do not get dismissed as "anti-science" or as being from someone uninformed: I work for a world-famous scientific body (scientific programmer), and I see how real-world science is done, every day -- and regularly see how "old-school" "for the sake of knowledge; for the good of man-kind" science is perverted and dismissed (for a variety of reasons.)

    I see modern science from the inside -- and although you may believe what you posted, IMHO it is quite misleading about what science actually is and what is and is not possible (other than in a theoretical sense perhaps.) We do not do anyone any good when we pretend that science and statistics do have all the answers and you just have to cite the right magic study.

  3. #53
    Unexpected Woman Empress Lainie's Avatar
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    Here are a number of studies. I was surprised at the figure that 5% of the world's population will be transexual, a prediction by a russian seer on

    Does that include the interior of Africa and Tibet?

    1.15) How many transgenderists are out there?

    There are no actual statistics on the numbers of transvestites, transsexuals, or intersexuals in the world at large. Due to the nature of transgenderism, a accurate count cannot be made. The estimated ratio of MTF transsexuals to genetic males is between 1:2000 and 1:80,000. The estimated ratio of FTM transsexuals to genetic females is between 1:2000 and 1:125,000.
    Researchers estimate that the percentage of men who have crossdressed is quite high, perhaps as high as 50 percent. Female crossdressers are comparatively uncommon (crossdressing meaning someone who dresses in male clothes and attempts to look male.) (I can't believe this, where does that person writing this live? in Antarctica?)

    There are numerous other unverified statistics floating around in the world, such as:

    • less than 1% of all people saying they are transsexual ever have SRS
    • 7-12,000 sex changes have been performed in the US, half of them MTF
    • there are 4 times as many MTF transsexuals in Europe as there are in America
    • 90 percent of all transvestites and transsexuals live in large cities

    This is from the FAQ of the page cited above. Much much more is there. This is old information for they cited DSM III.
    Last edited by Empress Lainie; 07-13-2009 at 09:44 AM.
    [SIZE=2]Ascended Ancient[/SIZE]

  4. #54
    Unexpected Woman Empress Lainie's Avatar
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    What is transsexualism?

    • One in 10,000 men and one in 30,000 women are born transsexual.
    • Unlike transvestites, who cross-dress occasionally for fun or sexual kicks, transsexuals feel trapped in the wrong body.
    • One Dutch study believes the condition is caused 'by an imbalance of the sex hormones that affect the brain's development in the womb at six to nine weeks. This research showed that one small part of a male-to-female transsexual brain is physiologically the same as that of a woman, while the brains of gay and straight men are identical.

    From Dr. Russell Reid Hillingdon Hospital London
    [SIZE=2]Ascended Ancient[/SIZE]

  5. #55
    i love being a woman maid phylis's Avatar
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    Smile a bi crossdresser

    i am with all the girls that are crossdressers and bi.i knew from the moment that i started to dress fully that i was bi.and i love being both.phylisanne

  6. #56
    New Member PrincessTia's Avatar
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    I am in that middle ground as well. I'm bi-curious, and many of my CD fantasies involve a man (though, they will probably remain fantasies as I have no wish to hurt my wife).


  7. #57
    Member bobi jean's Avatar
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    CD'ing Surveys

    my personal point of view, 99.9%, if not 100%, of the surveys taken concerning crossdressing, are written for, either entertainment purposes, or educational purposes. The educational surveys are done by students that have a tendency to put things off until the last minute or end up throwing their results together to meet a schedule for the semester. First off, we crossdressers, for the most part, start in a closet, then or IF we decide to take that step out of the closet, we still remain hidden behind doors and blinds, or the darkness of night, or any number of other secretive devices for another period of time, if not for the rest of our lives. If 100% of all man kind would take the exact same survey, give 100% truthful answers to all questions asked, then maybe we would have a believable survey result of,
    1. how many MTF and FTM crossdressers are there.
    2. how many MTF/FTM crossdressers (of each) are "straight".
    3. how many MTF/FTM crossdressers (of each) are "BI". (I AM ONE)
    4. how many MTF/FTM crossdressers (of each) are Gay.
    If I had taken a survey four years ago, there would have been no indication that I had ever crossdressed for anything other than Halloween,and I sure would not admitted to being Bi-sexual, now it would state that I crossdress nearly every day and that I love my time crossdressed and that I am Bi, but never before would I have admitted to such behavior.
    When someone comes up with a real survey, LET ME KNOW, I'd be happy to answer all questions HONESTLY.
    No these are not womens clothes!! THEY ARE MINE, EVEN THE HEELS. (update 4/01/10) THEY ARE NOW ! ! !

  8. #58
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    I'm thinking it leaves you happy.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by DianneRoberts View Post
    We are 100% individuals.

    I'm not

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  10. #60
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    If you ask 100 'experts', you'll get 100 different answers. There are too many closeted crossdressers to know for sure what the percentages are. Besides, there are lies, damned lies, and there are statistics. Let's just say there are, like the rest of society, some of each in our group.

    Amanda666 wrote:
    the people who scream out "I'M STRAIGHT!" seem more like the ones with issues......
    I think this is because we get very tired of being told we're gay people in denial. When the gay people that tell me this push the issue, I ask if maybe they are really straight, and if they'd only persist in heterosexual sex then they'd realize it; only then do they STFU. I understand the desire that people have to find others like themselves; I don't understand why they have to project their beliefs and emotions onto other people, and that goes for straights as well as gays.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  11. #61
    Closet crossdresser Gerard's Avatar
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    Meh. Statistics. Most people don't understand them.

    And what's your source?

    Especially studies like this are hard to do, it's really hard to ask the right questions. Unless you know exactly what questions were asked, and to how many people, you have no real clue if the interpretation of the results makes any sense.

  12. #62
    Aspiring Member Blaire's Avatar
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    Ahhh sadistics.... one of my favourite subjects in university. The class textbook? "How To Lie With Statistics>"

    About the only certain conclusion using statistics is that 100% of brick houses are made with bricks.
    Life is simple math: Expectations - Realisations = Disappointments.
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  13. #63
    Member jolanda_trav's Avatar
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    In the beginning of the 1990's a survay was done under 479 males who tended to wear womens clothes.
    source in dutch (sorry girls!):

    The outcome
    sexual interst in female only 61,7%
    preference* for female 24,3%
    no preference, read bisexual 2,1%
    preference* for male 2,1%
    for male only 5,3%
    asexual 4,4%

  14. #64
    Senior Member dawnmarrie1961's Avatar
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    Honey, if you are infact "bi" then you have no worries you can swing both ways!!!!

  15. #65
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaire View Post
    About the only certain conclusion using statistics is that 100% of brick houses are made with bricks.
    Provided, that is, that one is allowed to arbitrarily redefine "brick".

    A "brick face" house made with 1/4 thickness bricks as a decorative covering, is still considered a "brick house".

    Using non-clay bricks including plastics, is still considered a "brick house". People have made houses out of "bricks" of compressed garbage... still considered a "brick house".

    Brick was traditionally made with a lot of straw mixed in, which isn't done any more -- so a "brick" today is not the same as the "brick" of (say) 500 years ago.

  16. #66
    Member Ellen James's Avatar
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    Bi? or Goodbye?

    It was actually the acceptance that I am a cross dresser that came first. As I have been working through this realization, I also came to the conclusion that I am "hypothetically bi"

    I added the "hypothetically" because I have never actually engaged in bisexual behavior in that all of my sexual encounters have been with one other partner (at a time) and always as a male with a female partner. However, as I worked through my feelings and thoughts about cross dressing, I realized that I was also sexually attracted to at least some men (okay, so I'm picky! ) Moreover, I recognized that I was almost always sexually active only within a relationship - and for both work and personal reason I never found myself entering into any kind of close relationship with a male partner - thus the hypothetical. - and being in a relationship now with my female SO it seems unlikely that adjective will ever be modified!
    [SIZE="3"]Ellen James[/SIZE]

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