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Thread: Body Hair Question

  1. #1
    GG Dutchess's Avatar
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    Body Hair Question

    I have just a curious and maybe dumb question for all you ladies.

    Since I pulled my dear husband out of his not so well hidden(to me anyway) CD closet about a year ago, he has revealed several interesting things to me about his wish to dress and about himself.

    He asked me some time ago to first help him remove some of his body hair and after seeing that is doesnt bother me in the least has slowly progressed to all of it and revealed to me while thanking me for helping him with it,that he has HATED his body hair since it started to grow in as a preteen.

    I was kind of surprised but didnt comment .

    I did ask him why he hated it so . He says he doesnt know but seems very relieved that it is gone. He had been shaving his forearms always as he is really heavily tattooed there and has a gorgeous, down to his waist thick , healthy head of hair ( raked with jealously as I have my extensions put in )and keeps his Fu manchu type moustache

    He is from far northern Europe, so I dont know if it is that or just family genetics, but he has so much body hair ,, very strong but fine hair that it takes 2 bottles of nair to complete each week. He seems so relieved however that I really dont mind doing this for him.

    Did/do any of you dislike your body hair this much?
    IG : Knightress Oxide

  2. #2
    Senior Member Melissa Rose's Avatar
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    I can't say I dislike my body hair, but I wish it was finer, lighter in color and in fewer places. I'm fortunate not too be too hairy - probably less than average for a male.

  3. #3
    Member jenniferj's Avatar
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    I don't HATE it, but it certainly interferes with wearing nice clothes, especially in the summer. My leg hair has always been rather sparse (my thighs and calves really have just a short stubble where the hair is broken off by jeans rubbing), but my chest and tummy hair (not to mention my back) are pretty gross under a strappy sundress.

    Since I am largely closeted (except to DearSweetWife - and half of NYC) I need to plan ahead as to when I can be hairless. It is always an enormous relief to be clean again. Just did, after a lapse of 2 1/2 months and deliberately got a bathing suit tan line yesterday to celebrate.


  4. #4
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    As you get a little older, body hair starts to sprout in some unreachable places.
    I'm lucky in that my wife takes care of my back for me, but even though she is fully aware of my femme side, she still to this day is surprised when I express my hatred of my body hair and my obvious relief once I'm smooth again.

    Personally, I think body hair is disgusting.

  5. #5
    Silver Member insearchofme's Avatar
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    I don't like my body hair at all, never have. I wax from the neck down to the pubic region. I am losing the hair on my legs naturally so that is good.

    Get your husband to wax, it doesn't hurt much, and over time it makes the hair finer and easire to take off. Either that or use the laser (cheaper in teh long run) , I can't since most of my body hair has turned gray and it won't work on light hair.
    Dana Fleming

  6. #6
    Hear Me Roar MiraM's Avatar
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    I can understand your husband hating his body hair. I have hated having it my entire life. Luckily, mine is not as heavy as others in my family, and is easily kept at bay with a razor.

  7. #7
    Just an average girl Carole Cross's Avatar
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    I do hate my body hair now but managed to tolerate it before deciding to transition. When I was in my teens and body hair started to appear, I did become a bit depressed as I did not want it. I have hated having to shave my face every day since I was fourteen and now I have started laser, I wont have to in the future.
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  8. #8
    Silver Member Lisa Golightly's Avatar
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    I kind of started shaving my body as soon as it appeared... Forearms, legs, armpits, chest and nether regions. Everywhere else was clear... It was just wrong, wrong, wrong... Just not me at all.
    Last edited by Lisa Golightly; 07-16-2009 at 05:31 PM.
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  9. #9
    Clear Air Turbulence Joni Marie Cruz's Avatar
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    <Joni stands on her chair and raises her hand.> I abso-freekin-lutely hate body hair. Everything is shaved but my brows. Uhh, no, I wouldn't shave my head if I weren't already pretty much bald. Moses and I went to pre-school together. Don't know about other girls, tg or gg, but slick works for me. And, no, I have no insight into why I hate it, but I'm with you, Lisa, I just always disliked it. If I don't shave every day I feel dirty, I know that's stupid, I shower everyday. But body hair just feels nasty.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    Last edited by Joni Marie Cruz; 07-16-2009 at 05:36 PM.
    "Because equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who's confronted with it."

    --Joss Whedon, to a reporter who asked, "So why do you create these strong women characters?"

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member
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    I too am fully devoid of body hair.

    I started about 5 years or so ago to shave my body hair or use nair, and now i just do not feel right with it.

    I find that my clothes feel much better when i am clean shaven, and now will never go back to allowing it to grow.

    I have never been waxed, but when i get moved that is one of the things that i plan next time i need hair removal


  11. #11
    Senior Member 2B Natasha's Avatar
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    Can't say that I hate it, but I do like it gone. The only hair I have left is on my forearms. The rest, head is shaved, body was shaved in the past, but I just had the damn thing waxed and WOOHOO, much better. Nothing like a good coat of turtle wax to keep the rain running off in droplets. OOPPS wrong thread.
    But seriously. For the body I started with my arm pits as I always got a rash there when it got hot, so I thought perhaps it was the hair holding in to much sweat, so I shaved it off and that rash never returned. Then thought, OFF WITH THE REST! So to the wax spa and off with it. Can't believe I waited this long to do it.
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  12. #12
    Girl Inside Jeanna's Avatar
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    Body ewwww

    Hate body hair, especially on me!

  13. #13
    Aspiring Member WandaRae2009's Avatar
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    I also hate the body hair. A number of years ago,before I was out to my wife, I was complaining how the hair on my legs itched. She said why don't you shave it. I was thinking of it by now that it was her idea it was easier. She didn't have to say it twice. At first it was just in the winter, then all year and progressed to all except my head. She takes care of my back. I have used Nair or Veet, and works for a while then my skin seems to get sensitive. I was thinking of getting an epilator soon. I have read the threads on those and I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so I will soon make that investment.

  14. #14
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    I'm fortunate that I don't have much at all in the way of hair on my chest and back. But I'd readily get rid of the hair on my legs (more than I already do) and my arms and hands if I could. I'm not particularly fond of it. I wore a moustache for years, and I finally got rid of it. I don't miss it one bit.

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  15. #15
    Woman at heart Veronica 1's Avatar
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    I totally hate my body hair. I keep myself shaved all the time.
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  16. #16
    Goddess Joanie_Shakti's Avatar
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    For me, it's mixed feelings. I have a lot of body hair. I was proud of my chest hair, I came from the old school where it was "manly" to have a hairy chest, even though I like playing girl too. A major increase in my dressing early this year, combined with the fact that I'm turning 50 in September (and a lot of my body hair is turning grey) and getting a fairly good quality webcam recently has changed my perspective. As I started using my webcam, both for chats and to take pictures of myself, I couldn't help noticing how ugly my body hair looked when dressed up.

    The fact that I also have a lot of back hair and knowing that a lot of women are turned off by men's back hair, I decided that was definitely going to go. Looking online for a back shaver, I found one by Mangroomer and one store selling them offered a free nose hair trimmer if you spent so much money on Mangroomer products. Well, they only sell three products and the back shaver plus their body shaver "just happened" to make the amount needed for the free nose hair trimmer. As I had been contemplating shaving my legs, chest and stomach, I ordered all three.

    The back is now bald and so are the legs and underarms. I love the way my legs look and feel, especially in hose. I have had women compliment me on my legs before, so I hope that increases now that the ugly hair is gone. Looking at old pictures compared to new while dressed, I can't stand the hairy ones anymore.

    I was contemplating shaving the chest and stomach completely too, but the same day my shavers arrived, I read an interview with Teri Nunn, lead singer of the group, "Berlin." She mentioned that she liked guys with hairy chests. Because I think she's hot, I didn't shave my chest completely, but just trimmed it short, along with my stomach and arm hair (in case I ever run into her ). I opted for trimming the arm hair instead of shaving as I thought it wouldn't look so obvoius if I didn't maintain it for a few days. I work in a fairly macho place and I'm afraid of becoming too feminine, especially too suddenly, and raising eyebrows there. It's a pretty redneck place.

    All in all, I love my new, mostly hairless look. And I plan to keep it up. I think I look younger and feel great. The chest hair is grey and now being short, doesn't show up as much in pictures. I may eventually shave it completely too, if I keep up the intensity of crossdressing I've been doing lately. I don't want to give up my male persona completely though. But yes, since I started this new look, I dislike the fact that I am so hairy.

    It was funny to see the amount of hair I initally cut off, enough to fill a small pillow. And it took two days to remove it all as I was so hairy, the body shaver battery ran down before I completed my grooming!

  17. #17
    Senior Member JulieP's Avatar
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    i hate my body hair. if i take off my shirt i look like i have a darn sweater on. i also hate my tattoos (well all but my son's name) and plan to have them removed. i'm also looking into the cost of haveing it all permanently removed.
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  18. #18
    ☣Bio-Waste☣ Cheshire Gummi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JulieP View Post
    i hate my body hair. if i take off my shirt i look like i have a darn sweater on. i also hate my tattoos (well all but my son's name) and plan to have them removed. i'm also looking into the cost of haveing it all permanently removed.
    That's more or less my answer. Except about tattoos. I don't have any at the moment, but I want a treble clef on my right arm. I wonder if I'll regret it later...

  19. #19
    Banned Read only
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    It's not that I hate all my body hair, but it does get irritating sometimes. The one place that I really hate having hair at is my chest which didn't start coming in till about 8 years ago, and that is the one part of my body my wife will NOTlet me shave, so I abide by her wishes. It's good to her that an SO is so understanding and accepting of her husbands CDing .

  20. #20
    New Member PrincessTia's Avatar
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    I don't hate my body hair. I've always seen it as 'manly' and since I am a man, it fits. Currently, with my desire to have my femme moments, I'm just wanting it to be gone. I don't dislike it. It's just an obstacle to my desires at the moment.

    And honestly, it's a lot of work to keep shaved. I'm just not that diligent over the long haul. My hat is off and my respect shown to you gurls who can keep that sort of regiment up daily.


  21. #21
    Karly in East County kayesimone's Avatar
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    just doesn't feel right...even as a teen, but then again i was really hoping for breasts.

  22. #22
    Silver Member Lisa Golightly's Avatar
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    Oddly though I kind of prefer hairy men...
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  23. #23
    Oh my god, I'm a girl! jazmine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica 1 View Post
    I totally hate my body hair. I keep myself shaved all the time.

    Same HERE!!!!!
    So I like dressing like girl. BIG DEAL!

  24. #24
    New Member
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    Body Hair... No... No... No...

    Totally hate body hair...
    An epilator does the trick for me...
    There's no better feeling than being smooth all over...

  25. #25
    Titli ~ a butterfly titli's Avatar
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    I wish I could remove them all...

    I don't like my body hair at all... I have very smooth and hairless back, but rather a hairy chest. Living with parents and daughters, it is not possible to remove the hair without raised eyebrows and lots of questions...

    I did shave all once with my dear wife's permission and still cherish the memories... Can't forget the lovely smooth look...

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