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Thread: Are transformation services worth the $?

  1. #1
    New Member HollyGrove's Avatar
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    Are transformation services worth the $?

    As soon as I first discovered there even was such a thing as MtF transformation services, I've been intrigued by the idea of experiencing one of them. I was down in San Francisco at the time, but unfortunately did not have the time to make an appointment with the service I found down there. Every time I think about it, I have an urge to get in to have a transformation done, but something stops me each time.

    Sometimes I just get cold feet - this isn't a side of myself I share with many people (most people, actually). Even if the wonderful lady providing the service would be understanding, it's a big step to open up to anyone. Others, it was just getting to the location of one of these businesses: until recently, I didn't know there was one in my own back yard. Now my biggest obstacle is money. I'm unemployed and have been searching for a job for almost a full year now.

    Transformations from any of these services are pretty expensive, though it seems as though they're worth the cash. Sometimes I wonder, though. I do think that getting a makeover done might well help boost my self confidence. It would probably be a great experience. Is it worth doing?

  2. #2
    Platinum Member az_azeel's Avatar
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    Persoanally i think they are very expensive for the time allowed.. .. but that is from my experiance over here in the UK.. .. i did go to one of the shops albeit a long time ago.. however i did find the staff very friendly, helpful and understanding.. yes i was a bag of nerves walking through the door especially as it was on a main street. .. i dont know how much they charge across the pond but if it helps you..go for it.. but in my opinion there are better things to spend your money on... good luck..
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  3. #3
    Houston Girl SweetMichelle's Avatar
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    Transformation Services

    Hi Holly,

    I think you have to ask a lot of questions about what you are getting for your money, and also what you want out of it. It might be good to teach you some basic skills of dressing or makeup. Some might have a good photographer involved to get you good pics. Some may offer to take you out, maybe for the first time. All of those are good lessons, and yes it does cost a lot from any of them.

    I used a service in San Francisco about five years ago when I started going out in public there. I did learn a few things from her, but the biggest lesson is that I was going pretty good on my own; so I was thinking "why did I spend all this money"? Affirmation is a good lesson too.

    She did escort me out and we took a taxi to a club that was packed with people. Bridging the fear of going out in public was worth every dime. I never did the transformation service again, and took off going out on my own after that.


  4. #4
    Junior Member cdjenny20's Avatar
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    I've used one when I travel to DC and I think it was well worth it for me. I tried to figure out makeup for a while and she really taught me a lot. I watched a lot of youtube videos and read many threads here and and on other sites to figure it out. But having somebody right there showing you how to put makeup on and being able to immediately ask a question was worth the money for me. I'm going to DC on a business trip in a few weeks and will be scheduling another appointment for one.

  5. #5
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    I found a transformation service was very useful when I first decided to go out in public. Having supportive people around, experiencing a makeover for the first time, and going out with a group that included leaders who could pick friendly places and reassure the nervous among us were great aids to helping me learn how to do all the same things on my own. The money spent was more than worth it for all that.

    I found that I "outgrew" the services they offered rather quickly, though. Places like MAC, Merle Norman and the department-store counters could do equally nice makeovers for less money, and I could get out and around much more frequently if I didn't have to synchronize with the transformation store's schedule of events. Mainstream stores provided a much greater selection of clothes at a wide range of price and quality levels, once I got past the hurdle of being able to shop for myself. I've even learned to do my makeup on my own about 99% of the time (will still go to a pro for special events or to learn something new, though).

    I still count the people who assisted me with those early outings as friends, and I have never stopped visiting the stores and spending money there. They were very, very helpful and supportive when I most needed them, and I will always appreciate that. But "flying solo" and taking advantage of the mainstream women's resources in the community does provide much greater oportunities and rewards in the long run.

    - Diane

  6. #6
    Tamara Ann Valla tamarav's Avatar
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    [SIZE=4]Transformation services are just like custom car shops. If you don't have the talent to create a cool looking ride, they will do it for you at a price. that being said, each of us has a tolerance for cost, it simply depends on how little you can do for yourself.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]If you are fairly proficient at dressing and doing your makeup, then time spent with a transformation service can be very well spent to heighten your skills or obtain a very real analysis of how you do things. If you simply want someone else to do all the work, then you pay for it. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4]So are they worth it? Only you can answer that.[/SIZE]

    I am a licensed Cosmetologist (hair stylist, not cosmonaut), work as a hair and wig stylist, makeup artist and permanent makeup artist, dressed as you see in my avatar and albums.

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  7. #7
    Tricia Dale tricia_uktv's Avatar
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    As the girls say they are a good start and you can pick up some tips. But they are expensive. I would say define what you need from them and then go once. You should be able to pick up stuff which will enable you to go forward. Have fun
    I strut my stuff, I feel so proud,
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  8. #8
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    I would say "it depends". It depends on what you are looking for and it depends on who's giving you the makeover. Some places are better than others.

    I've had several "transformations" done on me and when I first started dressing and was in the closet, it was a wonderful experience and I loved every second of it as I didn't have any of my own clothes, or the skills with makeup that I do now. Nowadays I'm much more experienced and so I've had some more dedicated makeup lessons from professional makeup artists and that was very helpful on improving my technique.

    The best thing about having a "professional transformation" done on you is that they show you just what is possible and achievable for you. In other words, the right clothes, the right makeup (applied correctly) and a good wig, forms, padding, etc can let you see just what "the girl inside" might look like
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  9. #9
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    if you are stare out thay can give you tip how to pass as a women. and can show you how to put your makeup on to pass as a women. and show you how to walk like a women dose .more or less thay can give you the tool to pass as a women. frist time yes

  10. #10
    Member laceyjessica's Avatar
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    yes they are

    just got one done friday worth every penny

  11. #11
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    I will find out Oct. 29. Thats when I'm having my transformation.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

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  12. #12
    New Member bonniebma's Avatar
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    Absolutely! It's a great way to learn a little about makeup and to get comfortable going out. It is worth it to shop around. You may find a salon that is very reasonable.

  13. #13
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    I agree with Tamara.... if you not into the Home Depot... DIY approach to crossdressing and/or do not know how to... Then you go to a custome builder who makes what you want and charges you more that you could do it yourself IF you knew how to do it.... Personally it would be fun... and money is not the issue for me but I just love DIYCDing...
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  14. #14
    Banned Read only
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    way out there!
    A makeover by a specialist is a wonderful way to, as Rachel points out, find out the possibilities that can await you if you want to go forward in dressing and doing your own makeup.

    You can read lots of books and watch dozens of youTube vides, but the one-on-one approach with a friendly and empathetic artist is a marvelous experience. The closeness and sharing of such an intimate and personal service can make you an instant friend and get you introduced to a lot of others.

    If you do feel you want to do it, go ahead and do it. Prices are generally high, but keep in mind that their profession is not one that is in a daily high demand. They also have to deal with a number of nervous potential first time customers who often cancel or reschedule at the last minute, or fail to show up at all. (Hence the usual request for a deposit when an appointment is made.)

    Treasure a good artist, they are few and far between and deserve our respect and thanks. You'll eventually develop your own skills, as many here have mentioned, and maybe not need their services for long, but they are an excellent guide to put you on the right path without wasting a lot time and tears of frustration.

    Many folks here have made use of transformation specialists and still do. If you want to, tell us who you are considering going to. There are bound to be some of her past and present customers here to give you an idea of the quality of her service.

    Go for it, hun, if you can rationally afford it ...

  15. #15
    Silver Member insearchofme's Avatar
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    I've been twice and plan on going again. For me they are worth every penny! The pic you see of me is from Jante's Closet near Detroit.
    Dana Fleming

  16. #16
    Senior Member
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    I have had several done and yes they were worth it to me. I first time I had it done at Janets Closet I almost cryed. I had no idea that I could look anywhere near female. As I got better with makeup, I stopped using services at times I felt that didnt want to spend the money as well as that the look wasnt fully me. It just felt a little more drag to me. But all makeover services depend on the skill of the person who does the job. I would definitely pay again for a skilled artiste. And am personally grateful for Janet as well as the other individauls at her shop.

  17. #17
    Rock Chick StayceeCD's Avatar
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    Definitely depends on who you go to.. Don't get caught up in wanting to look good without knowing what you're getting.. Ask questions.. Will you take pics? How many? How long will the session be? If you're paying alot for the service, you have to be happy when you walk away.. I've been to some where I was ecstatic, and some where I felt ripped off.. Keep practicing your own makeup too! In the long run that will be more satisfying!

    Good luck!

  18. #18
    Pink Satin Sissy Pink Satin Sissy's Avatar
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    I'm having my first transformation in less than 24 hours at the Glamour Boutique in Las Vegas and I have to say, I am so nervous and excited. I'll let you know how it comes you, it's a huge step for me!
    Pink Satin Sissy

  19. #19
    Full-Time Duality NathalieX66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink Satin Sissy View Post
    I'm having my first transformation in less than 24 hours at the Glamour Boutique in Las Vegas and I have to say, I am so nervous and excited. I'll let you know how it comes you, it's a huge step for me!
    I had a makeup lesson at Glamour Boutique in NJ last week, and I learned the general idea of putting makeup and all it's steps. They were good but not perfect in the sense that I think some of the major makeup outlets like MAC, Macys, Bloomingdales are on their game. When I went to MAC to try somethings on, I learned more.
    The moral of the story is: you can't learn to fly an airplane in one lesson.
    Anyway best of luck...I went down that route too!

  20. #20
    New Member HollyGrove's Avatar
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    Wow, this' been quite a bit more of a response than I anticipated when I posted the topic just a couple days ago! Thanks to everyone who's posted informative responses so far. Definitely helps me think about what's out there, what I might reasonably be able to get done, etc, and consider who I might go to for such a service.

    Living in the NW Oregon area, there's really only one transformation service I've found available within driving distance. That would be Over the Rainbow Transformations in Portland, the site for which I've been exploring for a while. Prices are about the same as the other services I've been looking at, and include makeup, pictures, and getting to keep one outfit from the transformation to take home.

    The other services I'd looked at the sites for were one in Seattle (I believe it's called Emerald Dreams?) and Adam to Eve Transformations in San Francisco. Naturally, the service in Portland is far easier for me to get to, since I wouldn't have to travel a great distance. Has anyone here had experience with Over the Rainbow? And if so, how was it?

  21. #21
    Banned Read only
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    Save your Money, do it yourself.

  22. #22
    Silver Member victoriamwilliams1's Avatar
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    I think if you have the money and want to find your style they are great! However if your brave you can just go to a department store for a makeover. They are also great for those glam photos

    My only thing is that in the past some of the shops made everyone look the same and they did not have an individual look or style.

  23. #23
    Woman and loving it Jennifer Marie P.'s Avatar
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    Look around and see what they offer the price do they do pictures,change of clothes and what ever else they offer. I went twice and it is worth it and gives you a boost.

  24. #24
    Trans Adventurer supreme RobertaM's Avatar
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    It really depends on what your looking for. If you in the closet wanting to test the waters OR wanting to have the glamour experiance OR just to have some girl time with a supportive ear.

    For me All three, i have done two services.

    I am only out since jan this year, I went to transfromations by gina in LA in May. 5 hour + photoshoot the works and cd with 200+ photos on it. It was the best thing i every did. I emotionally lost it afterwards when see showed me the pictures. Roberta was born. For me it was life changing. Geesh I think that was worth 250$. Pics in my library will speak for them selves.

    The other was a small scale CD who did simple makers and escorting out. $25/hr. Was worth every penny. Helped get me out for my first time. I lucked out that he wwas a really nice guy and it turned int more of councelling service which i needed.

    I have heard both good things about emerald city, and rainbow.

    hugs and good luck , Roberta
    Last edited by RobertaM; 10-19-2009 at 02:34 PM. Reason: more info
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  25. #25
    Kari Ann is enjoying life
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    I've been debating about going to a service for years, but have never taken the plunge. Got some money saved back and very interested. So, where should I go. I live in the DC area, but spend time in Philly, NJ, and NY... any ideas?

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