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Thread: CD Wife...Could It Be That I Can Relate After All?

  1. #1
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    CD Wife...Could It Be That I Can Relate After All?

    Hi there, my husband and I have been talking a lot the past week about his need to CD and how important it is in his life. As MarlaGG mentioned in a previous post this week, I realized I was in denial about his CDing as a need and not an "interest" as he bashfully led me to believe. (I knew of it from the start but did not fully recognize, due to my denial and his shyness about the topic, still.) I never wanted him to feel ashamed of it, and never thought to try to tell him to deny this need, but on the same token, I told him "I just don't understand..usually I can empathize but I just can't understand this need."
    Well, after thinking about it and discussing it with him some more, I think maybe I CAN after all.
    I can't understand the need to dress up, because I don't care much to dress up myself. In fact, looking into it little further, I don't feel natural or comfortable in very feminine, frilly styles of clothing. I never liked skirts. I hate loud patterns (except leopard print, polka dots and camoflage). I love pants - jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, boots. So yes, I don't understand why anyone would want to spend hours getting dressed up.
    But what he pointed out to me, is that as a woman in our society today, I can totally wear men's clothes and do what would be considered traditionally masculine things, and never be questioned about it. In fact, he pointed out to me I was wearing a men's item during our conversation. I have worn men's clothes here and there (Tshirt, boots and shoes, even men's deoderant becuase I hate flowery smells) for my whole teen and adult life. We have discussed in the past, if you could choose your gender, what would you be? For me the answer has always been...a man.

    As I thought about this more, I realized that maybe I really CAN relate. Puberty was so hard for me, I didn't want to grow up so fast to be this woman. I just wasn't ready..I wanted to be less womanly and was uncomfortable in this womanly form.

    I love to go to the gym and lift weights, in my tank top and shorts, with my ponytail, and feel in shape and in control. Zumba is my favorite workout - because it embraces my masculine and agressive side without denying my femaleness.

    I love to go hiking and camping. I feel very comfortable in jeans and a tank top.

    Even when I get dressed up, it's sort of plain and masculine. Lots of eyeliner and dark colors, lots of A-line and pinstripe clothing. No cleavage. Silver hoop earrings - very bold. I paint my toenails but only because it takes 10 minutes and looks good. Fingernails are just too impractical for me. The vast majority of the time I wear pants, unless I'm feeling particularly girly or traditional.

    Bathing suits: boy shorts and a tank.

    I pride myself in my strength, both physically and emotionally.

    If you ask me if I am a straight woman, the answer is yes! I have no gender identity crisis and I am not a lesbian. I am attracted really manly men, actually, because they make me feel very feminine, naturally, by comparison, which I don't often feel. But there is also a side of me that I have never denied - my masculine side.

    The only difference is, no one has ever asked me to deny it. I have never felt uncomfortable expressing myself as who I naturally am... a natural woman, to be sure,
    My husband has been told from the start that to express this NATURAL side of him was not an option, not okay. How difficult it has been for him to be honest with himself - he did not have the privilege of never having to think about it, as I did. that I feel I may understand...I don't feel afraid any longer, and I feel guilty and sad that I ever questioned it as anything other than his nature...a straight
    On the positive side, I really am looking forward to embracing this side of him which I have acknowledged, as well as this side of myself that I actually had to say out loud for the first time in a while (although I have always thought it and known it). There is a whole other dimension to each other that we can explore now.

    I know not every woman has this kind of masculine side (but feminine identity) that matches up so perfectly parallel to her mate's feminine side. How did we end up so well paired? It must have been something we were attracted to in each other. I would be lying if I said I was not attracted to, and comforted by, his feminine side. His tenderness and sensitivity, and his motherly sensibilities with my daughter, even his taste in Lilith Fair -type music, was fascinating to me. Just like many CDs are fascinated by their wives, well, I'm fascinated by my husband. His gentleness. His understanding of women. His beauty. Yes, beauty! This can't be an accident. This part of him is part of the whole package that I fell in love with, and now I realize, perhaps my "plus" side, incorporated in my womanly self, may be part of what he fell for too.

    The natural me, with all of my sides. Well, I am going to embrace all of his sides too..and I am in fact looking forward to it..he can be the ying to my yang in this regard.

    Do any CDs think I'm totally off the mark or wrong my making this comparison?

    Do any CD SO's relate to what I am saying, about having a "plus" side even though you are totally a woman in every way?

    Just wanted to share, since I feel I may have had something of a revelation here.

    Thanks all for your input and for reading what I had to say!

  2. #2
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!!

    HappyWife. You so totally get it! This phrase here, ". . . The only difference is, no one has ever asked me to deny it." is it!

    Th world tells us to deny our true selves - not necessarily that we're a woman, but that we have feelings in us that are not aggressive, angry, manly. Honestly, I couldn't cry a my mother's or grandmother's funeral. It sucks.

    Thank you for this bit of understanding. Your husband is a lucky guy!


  3. #3
    Junior Member Sexyalexis's Avatar
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    Spot on

    I think you have hit the hole thing spot on. You hit on a big part of it and it does make you think how easy it is for women to express there masculine side than it is for a man to express his fem. side. Not to take any thing away from female to male people they have struggles with identity just like we do but if a women wears a mans pants shirt and shoes there would not be a secound thought about it when in public. Its a completely diffrent game for a CD. I am very happy for you and your husband this understanding does not come easy or offten. I wish you to the best.


  4. #4
    Silver Member Amy Lynn3's Avatar
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    You do get it and you are correct in your statements. You said what we CD's have said all along.....we just have a plus side. You have great insight and understanding and may you and yours forever be blessed.

  5. #5
    Just gotta be me!! kaitlin's Avatar
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    Wink wow!

    Hello Happy Wife 42, I read your post, then I read it again....went and got my wife and she read it...we have and still do feel the same way! My wife said "I love this woman" I have known from about age 5 I was different, wasn't into the manly things so much, But was forced by society to suppress my feelings and act like most all other males. My wife is a very pretty little 100 pounder, but she's never been into much makeup, girly clothes, would chose tennis shoes or boots over heels or cute flats. Even though all her sisters (3) and her mom wouldn't dream of being seen without it all. So we fit together very well from the beginning, understanding each others wants and needs! Embrace each others true self and enjoy a side of life that most never get to! Kaitlin
    I love Jesus!
    Life is so much better now that I know who I am !

  6. #6
    The Anima Corrupt Wen4cd's Avatar
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    I have to award you the "Golden Hammer." You hit that nail straight on the head.

    One definition I sometimes use for 'feminine' is "that which can relate" and you certaily speak like you do. Your insights are almost eerily clear, (so much so that if I were as cynical as I used to be, I would be wondering which one of us here was playing this little joke. )

    I also appreciate and admire your positive framing and outlook. I'm sure a big wave of relief is spreading across your household for reaching such a depth of understanding between you.
    And so we go, on with our lives...
    We know the Truth, but prefer Lies.
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  7. #7
    Christian Crossdresser DiannaRose's Avatar
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    Happy, you are amazing!

    My wife also doesn't get my need to dress up...I'd love for her to be able to read your post, but sadly she still wants nothing to do with understanding any of this, and has said she can't hear anything about it from me no matter what, but I'm taking your points to heart against the day when she CAN hear it and try to understand. Thank you, so much, for understanding!

    When you hit your 10 posts and can send and receive private messages, please message me. I'd like to talk to you about the possibility of quoting some of your post on my blog.
    You can take the girl out of the dress, but you'll never take the dress out of the girl!

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  8. #8
    Unofficial CD Mom Holly's Avatar
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    Yes, you get it, Happy Wife (I love your name btw ). You've been able to wear the things that make you comfortable both physically and emotionally without influence or criticism from anyone or negative reaction from society. You could wear a camo tank or a pink tank with a bunny on it to the gym and no one would think anything of it either way. But a guy wearing that pink tank would hear about it plenty. It shouldn't be that way.

    Although you didn't come right out and say this in exactly these words, it appears that you have grasped the difference between gender and sexuality. Your husband can still be that "manly ,man" who completes the feminine within you, but he can also nurture your soul and have compassion and real empathy for the things you feel as well. That combination is rare and wonderful and the fact that the two of you seem to not only recognize this but appreciate and Cherish it as well is special and precious.

    I hope that more people, like yourself, will in time, come to the realization that those of us who are trans-gender and actively explore this part of our lives are no less a man (or woman, in the case of our FtM brothers) but we are simply a more complete person in search of ways to outwardly express how we feel within.

    May you and your husband continue to grow in love and understanding of one another and yourselves.
    Fulltime girl on the inside.


  9. #9
    Senior Member joannemarie barker's Avatar
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    that's the most eloquent expressive and fantastic post i've ever had the pleasure to read

  10. #10
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HappyWife42 View Post
    Do any CDs think I'm totally off the mark or wrong my making this comparison?
    You are so not off the mark, it is incredibly encouraging for all of us. If this were an archery contest, you would have hit dead centre of the bulls-eye.

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyWife42 View Post
    Do any CD SO's relate to what I am saying, about having a "plus" side even though you are totally a woman in every way?
    I'm not a CD's SO, butI can totally see what you are saying - in fact I have admired it in some of my GG friends in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyWife42 View Post
    Just wanted to share, since I feel I may have had something of a revelation here.
    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us, you haven't just had a revelation, you are a revelation in the very best sense of the term.

    Quote Originally Posted by joannemarie barker View Post
    that's the most eloquent expressive and fantastic post i've ever had the pleasure to read
    JoanneMarie said it better than I can
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  11. #11
    Member Leigh58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holly View Post
    "You could wear a camo tank or a pink tank with a bunny on it to the gym and no one would think anything of it either way. But a guy wearing that pink tank would hear about it plenty. It shouldn't be that way."
    Holly, I was thinking of the wisdom of Happy Wife's posting, and then I saw your statement. Thank you for that! That's exactly right. As a GG I can wear a man's sweater (because I find it fits my long arms, and I love the color), or I can wear my really feminine sweater with a gold necklace, etc. If my husband wants to crossover and wear something pretty and feminine, he can't do it openly.

    I personally don't wear much that is truly designed for men (a man's sweater once in a great while, man's jeans -when I was pregnant!). But I don't have to. There are so many items made for my female body that look more like guy's clothes. I like the practicality of jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, etc. But I can also chose the fem. stuff if I want. So it's really easy!

    On the other hand, as I was just talking with my husband, there is STILL a bit of a difference between my wearing more practical, more "masculine" clothing and HIS wanting to look like he has boobs! I don't feel the need to make it look like I have a penis. Never have even considered it! So maybe someone could explain why CDs want boobs! I understand the make-up, wigs, frilly clothes, etc. That isn't really different than me wearing guy clothes or guy style women's clothes. But the boobs? I don't get it. And it's the stuffed bras that bother me the most about my husband's CDing. Help me understand, please!

    All of that aside, you've helped me understand just a little bit more today!

    Thank you Happy Wife. Thank you Holly!
    Last edited by az_azeel; 01-30-2010 at 04:30 PM. Reason: fixed quote

  12. #12
    W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. Jason+'s Avatar
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    Happy Wife,

    Awesome! Fantastic! Even these seem completely inadequate to express how wonderful that was to read about. It makes me very happy for both of you. I also, as evidenced by name, share and appreciate your "plus" theory.

    Leigh58 "On the other hand, as I was just talking with my husband, there is STILL a bit of a difference between my wearing more practical, more "masculine" clothing and HIS wanting to look like he has boobs! I don't feel the need to make it look like I have a penis. Never have even considered it! So maybe someone could explain why CDs want boobs! I understand the make-up, wigs, frilly clothes, etc. That isn't really different than me wearing guy clothes or guy style women's clothes. But the boobs? I don't get it. And it's the stuffed bras that bother me the most about my husband's CDing. Help me understand, please!"

    The truly best person to try to help you understand why he wants boobs is him. I don't wear forms myself although I suspect they would make some of my favorite clothes fit better since a woman my size generally isn't small breasted. For a lot it helps improve their feminine appearance. Bras whether stuffed or not are a real hard spot for my wife as well. They are the one thing she says is just creepy on me.
    "You are not an accident, nor are you malfunctioning. You are performing EXACTLY as coded." For many "Man in a Dress" is the worst atrocity commit-able; for me it's just reality. Click to Learn About Me. Click to Complain About Me! There is a fine line between brutal honesty and honest brutality. It is rarely in the same place for the sender and the receiver.

  13. #13
    The 100th sheep GaleWarning's Avatar
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    This is probably the best post I have read on this site.
    Rational, balanced, thoughtful, insightful, ...
    And so clearly and eloquently expressed!
    Thank you, Happywife.
    May you long continue to grace us with your presence.

  14. #14
    Just a girl at heart too Kerigirl2009's Avatar
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    I love this post and I wish my wife had this type of understanding. This really makes me want to show my wife but I do not wish to force any more than I have already, so someday she may see this post. thank you for opening up a side of yourself that shows understanding.

    For me "Why do I have the need to have breasts (forms)" Well when I am dressing I want to pass as a woman as close as I possibly can. To me breasts are the foremost feminine body part that a GG has no matter what their size. I guess it is sort of a right to passage for all GG in my eyes.
    I feel that without breasts this would draw more attention to myself, I do not want to be ridiculed by anyone for being the way I am so I am hoping when I have my forms on complete my illusion at least to myself.

    I think this is why a lot of GG have more issues with us CD wearing bras especially with our forms. (this is just my opinion) and I think I understand why women feel this way. Breasts are a huge part of a woman (no matter the size)

    Thanks Happy Wife for making me smile.
    Leigh 58- I tried to explain the why but not sure I did

  15. #15
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leigh58 View Post
    So maybe someone could explain why CDs want boobs! I understand the make-up, wigs, frilly clothes, etc. That isn't really different than me wearing guy clothes or guy style women's clothes. But the boobs? I don't get it. And it's the stuffed bras that bother me the most about my husband's CDing.
    I meant to discuss that subject with my gender therapist last week, but I yack too much and we didn't quite get there. Next session, I hope.

    Why do I want boobs? And I don't mean just breast forms, I mean actual distinct breasts of my own. I really don't know. I've been thinking about it a bit, and I don't have a rational answer. I just know that I do, that I have wanted them for more than 7 years -- even before I had any idea that I was a cross-dresser or transgender.

    The best I've come up with at the moment is that perhaps for me the desire is irrational -- but irrational doesn't make it any less real. Why do you love who you love and not someone else? You can't reduce that to rational reasons, but that doesn't make your love less real.

    I can tell you that when I put on sufficiently large breast forms, my body feels more complete, like something was missing before and is back. And other than my wife, people don't seem surprised or that anything is "out of place" when they see me with a bust line -- just the opposite. The situation is as if my internal "body image" includes breasts, and that that is the image that I "project" to other people. Just like I've never yet had anyone say anything like, "I would never have expected you to be a cross-dresser": the reactions I get are much closer to implicit comments of "I'm glad to see you finally admitted it" and "Why don't you dress up more often?". Call it "bearing", "presence", "aura", "manner", what-ever... my brain tells me that I should have breasts thoroughly enough that most other people see a bust as "natural" on me and some people tell me that I should have implants, that I somehow don't look right without them.

    I cannot speak of other people's interactions with others, cannot speak of to what extent anyone else is generally perceived to only look "right" when they have a bust, but by reading other people's stories and talking to other people, I can say that the feeling of being "completed" by putting on breast forms of an appropriate size is quite common. And I know that at least some of the other people actively miss the weight and the bounce and the shape when they take their forms off.

    Why do women who have mastectomies very often "miss" their breasts to the point of getting very distraught? I don't know that you will ever find a "rational" answer to that. You might be able to find a neurological pathway that triggers the feeling, but if I were somehow able to list off a chemical reaction for the feeling, would that really make you feel that you now "understood"?

    To be certain, I am not speaking for everyone here. Some CD'ers only wear forms (or stuff bras) not because it does anything for them directly, but only because it is "part of the disguise": most women have noticeable busts and few men do, so seeing a noticeable bust helps "guide" other people's gender recognition circuits towards "female". Other people have different "reasons". But for at least some of us, the "reason" is "I don't know why! I just don't feel right without it!!"

  16. #16
    Silver Member giuseppina's Avatar
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    Thank you, Happy wife, for understanding the difference between sex and gender.

  17. #17
    Member Leigh58's Avatar
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    I appreciate the explanations about why the breasts/boobs are important. It is hard for me to understand, but Sandra-Leigh and Kerigirl, you have helped. It seems that the reasons are varied. And as my husband and I deal with having the CDing out in the open, the need to completely understand is getting less and less important. I love him the way he is!
    Happy Wife, thanks for your insights!

  18. #18
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    Happywife, you are obviously a wonderful person! I want to say thanks for the well written, insightful post. It has brightened my day, and I hope that your words will continue to inspire calm, happy waves of understanding throughout our little community here.

    You rock, girl!!

  19. #19
    Time Lady JiveTurkeyOnRye's Avatar
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    My theory on the breast thing is this. Because society insists that men do not express their feminine sides, many crossdressers when we are younger compartmentalize their desires into a box that eventually becomes a female personality. Subconsciously there's a feeling like it's wrong with what we're doing and think "some part of me must be female because males don't think and dress this way."

    I think as more social acceptance is made for men wearing "women's" clothes, less and less young crossdressers will adopt female personas and wear forms. Take me for example. In my early teen years I'd already become well aware of my desire to do wear girly things, but then stumbled upon a small pocket of websites that first presented to me the idea that I could wear skirts and such and still present as a man. It still took me a long time to get confident and secure in myself to do it, and I did try to do the en femme thing for a while but eventually I got to where I am now, which is the best I've ever felt about myself in my whole life.

    Edit: I'm talking about CDers only here, not TS folks who obviously have a very different experience
    Last edited by JiveTurkeyOnRye; 01-30-2010 at 02:55 PM.
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  20. #20
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    Thank you so very much, HappyWife, for putting into words what so many of us feel but do not articulate very well. Of all the posts over the past year, yours is the one I most would have wanted to share with my late wife. We undoubtedly would have read it together - - again and again. She would really have related to your perspective about our Plus sides.


  21. #21
    Carole carhill2mn's Avatar
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    Hi "Happywife", I hate to have a "me too" reply but many others have already told you how you well you have grasped, what is for many of us, the essence of our feelings.
    Additionally, you expressed yourself wonderfully.

    From the description of yourself, one could easily think of you as a "tomboy". You have the freedom to be either feminine or masculine in your actions, dress, or feelings and society, for the most part, accepts you either way. Unfortunately, this has not been the case for of us males who would like to have the same freedoms. I enjoyed my boyhood but I would have loved to have been able to wear a pretty dress and party shoes as well. Alas, that was not going to happen and had to be kept hidden.

    Fortunately, in my later years, I am now able to enjoy wearing pretty clothes and shoes as well as makeup and jewelry, etc.
    Hugs, Carole

  22. #22
    Senior Citizen Mary Morgan's Avatar
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    Wow, a testament to the power of communication, not just talking, but listening, trying to understand, feeling compassion and wanting to reach out to the other person. We would all benefit greatly by applying your example to our lives.

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    For me, when I dress, I want to look and feel as feminine as possible. That includes being round in the appropriate places - so the appearance of boobs and some definition between the waist and hips. And, depending on the dress, the appearance of cleavage is a plus. This contributes to a softer appearance in the same way that shoulder pads in a woman's suit jacket square the shoulders and offer an appearance of strength.


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    Thank you so much for the kind words and compliments, everyone. It made my day to read that I made everyone's day! :-) My husband and I are enjoying a very nice day at home together, and after this long week of talking it out we are feeling so much closer. I think having him wake up this morning to read this post and all of the wonderful replies is the beginning of another beautiful and closer chapter in our marriage. The man is just glowing right now. He pointed out how much calmer he feels now that we are talking about it, because the frustration of holding it inside was eating away at him. I am going to write this day down on my calendar as a "Day of Understanding." Maybe in a year from now we will drink a toast to it!

    I feel so sad that some of you here are struggling so much, just to express who you really are, instead of living in frustration and denial. It really isn't fair. Society has come very far recently towards acceptance, but sadly, we still have a long way to go. Seems to be a flaw of humanity to want to label and simplify everything and everyone. Just slap a label on everyone and put them in a box. Jiveturkey, your post reminds me of my husband. Most of the time, he is himself, as a man. But sometimes, he needs to move away from his maleness and embrace his feminine side. Dressing as a woman helps him to feel this release, but he does not think of himself as a female during these times. He is...himself..the very same Somewhere between man and woman but always in my heart.

    Now the next time he is feeling this way, instead of him experincing this alone (because even though I am ok with it he is still so bashful about it) we can hang out together..and maybe I can even get him to watch Mamma Mia with me! (Been working on that for months)

  25. #25
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    Oh My God!!!

    I never thought about it like that before. Wow, what an eye opener. I wonder how long it will take the rest of the world to catch on....


    P.S. Do you have a sister?

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