Hey everyone ^.^ I'm kind of new to cross dressing, I started about 2 months ago but during that time I've acquired quite a number of outfits, and a lot of it is lingerie, lol. I've lots of family and friends that come over to my apartment, and it's a pretty small apartment...you could call it a studio rather because it's only one room and it has my bed, tv and closet and pretty much everything else. I'm afraid that sooner or later I'm going to make a mistake and someone is going to find my female clothing ^.^ and all my makeup. What/where do you think would be the place to hide them? I've considering throwing some out but i really don't want to do that. Do anyone else hide their stuff? Where do you hide them? I used to carry it around in my work bag all the time, that's when I was living with my parents there wasn't a lot of outfits.