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Thread: Ugh. Got caught.

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Unhappy Ugh. Got caught.

    I'm a casual CD who does so primarily in private, but occasionally I go out with female clothes on underneath my normal clothes. This past Friday I noticed that my roommate's very attractive fiancée left some lingerie out in his room (they left the door open). They were heading out of town that day to go to a wedding. I noticed in the evening and decided to try her outfit on (I have a petite frame so it fit great). I went downstairs in the outfit and right when I got down there I heard a car door shut in front of my house. I went to the front window to look and right then I heard my door open. I ran to the bathroom to hide, but I didn't quite make it. My roommate's fiancée came around the corner just as I neared the bathroom and as I brushed past her she said "What are you doing!" I told her not to worry about it as I jumped in the bathroom. She went upstairs and I stayed in the bathroom for a bit. I came out and ran into my room to change and freak out. I don't know exactly how much she actually saw, but she may have noticed that her lingerie was missing from the room when she went in. My roommate came home a couple minutes later and they packed. I came out and tried to pretend like nothing happened, but when I saw his fiancée, she immediately looked me up and down but didn't say anything. They left and I put the outfit back and pretty much freaked out all weekend; losing sleep and just being extremely embarrassed.

    They came home on Sunday and we didn't really talk before she left. The past 2 days they have been absent from the house, which is abnormal because they always are around the house together. I fear that she saw me and noticed that her outfit was missing and probably told my roommate. The other factor in this is that my roommate's fiancée also happens to be my long-time girlfriend's sister. So it is also possible that she could tell my girlfriend and things really could blow up, but I don't think she has yet.

    I used to fantasize about getting caught, but the actual event has been nerve-wracking to say the least. I don't know where this will go or how it will turn out, but I'm pretty freaked out about it right now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Well like everyone on here always say, buy your own clothes. I suspect they are trying to figure how to bring it up. Yes you are busted. You know when the rock slide begins it doesn't stop till the bottom. Sorry.

  3. #3
    Silver Member Rogina B's Avatar
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    Well,you should be!And you have no one to blame but yourself! Leave other people's stuff alone.Best of luck,you'll need it.

  4. #4
    New Member
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    oh wow. it's probably better to break up now if ur gf was never going to accept it anyway. all i can say is good luck and let us know how it turns out ; )

  5. #5
    Senior Member jennifer easton's Avatar
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    whoa! this is going to be tricky, I have nothing! Nada!, I usually can find some way out, but this one, sorry good luck Jenni
    xoxoxoJennifer Easton
    Mighty bold talk for a one-eyed fat girl!

  6. #6
    Member AnnaCalliope's Avatar
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    I've had many a close call between "borrowing" outfits and even just dressing at home around my parents or siblings. Eventually, I learned that if I know everyone will be gone for some part of the day, I found out exactly when they planned to leave and come back, and would wait at least 20 minutes before taking out my "things" to make absolutely sure they hadn't forgotten something and had to turn back.

  7. #7
    Member Melissa Jill's Avatar
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    You should talk to her ASAP. If you initiate the conversation by apologising profusely for using her stuff at least it will show you are sorry for it, but if she is the one to bring it up it could make you look like you were hoping you would get away with it - and thus might do it again.
    The ultimate woman is a man - House

  8. #8
    Aspiring Member DebsUK's Avatar
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    I'm guessing you have some laundry to do. Be careful washing it and follow the instructions carefully.

    The British way is to pretend like nothing happened, but you could try convincing your room-mate that his bride-to-be takes huge quantities of LSD maybe and hallucinated the whole thing, but that's probably a non-starter. You could tell them you woke up in the bathroom after having the strangest dream.

    Nope, don't think that would cut the mustard so maybe you might be able to use the mustard elsewhere because you're going to be eating a particuarly unsavoury type of sandwich.....

  9. #9
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    I see you are new. Perhaps you should have considered the name "buycurguy". Mixes better with the longtime gf thing and the ramifications of getting yourself caught. As has been said, buy your own stuff.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
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  10. #10
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    Sorry bicurguy321, you are not gonna get much support or sympathy on this one. In the first place, you violated a woman's privacy by trying on her clothes. Not just any woman, but the fiancée of your roommate.... Top it all off, she is your girlfriend's sister!

    It's one thing for a young boy trying on his mother or sister's clothes, but wearing someone else's clothes without asking is about as wrong as it can be. You are old enough to buy your own clothes and are an adult! I wonder how you'd like your private things taken and used without permission.

    Be lucky if your roommate does not beat the daylights out of you and throw you out or leave over this.
    You may, in the end lose a roommate, he is also a friend I assume, a girlfriend, and friendship of his future bride. Not to mention the trust and respect any of them will have in you. I would not want to be you right now.
    I don't care how good a friend a guy is, if I found out he was wearing clothes or lingerie of my SO, we would be done as roommates and friends. That is if he was lucky to get away without having his butt kicked!

  11. #11
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I like this answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa Stone View Post
    You should talk to her ASAP. If you initiate the conversation by apologising profusely for using her stuff at least it will show you are sorry for it, but if she is the one to bring it up it could make you look like you were hoping you would get away with it - and thus might do it again.
    U mite say u saw the nity and just wondered if it would FIT U!
    And, offer to pay her for another one if it bothers her!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

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  12. #12
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    Shame on you! Getting caught in your own things is one thing, but getting caught in things you borrowed and I'm using the word BORROWED VERY LOOSELY is WOW! OUCH!

  13. #13
    Follow your dream.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa Stone View Post
    You should talk to her ASAP. If you initiate the conversation by apologising profusely for using her stuff at least it will show you are sorry for it, but if she is the one to bring it up it could make you look like you were hoping you would get away with it - and thus might do it again.
    This about the best advice in what is a very bad situation.

    Fact is most women will view your actions as an invasion of her privacy. Wearing her intimates (lingerie) is crossing the line and chances are she even feels violated. You do need to talk to her alone asap. Don't expect to come out of the meeting unscathed. You are busted and you need to be pleading for mercy.

    Good luck.

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member JulieK1980's Avatar
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    I highly recommend buying your own stuff (as others have repeatedly said.) The embarrassment at the store checkout is by far less than what you experienced, and from a moral/ethical standpoint, I don't feel it's appropriate to be "borrowing" other people's clothes.

  15. #15
    ...don't encourage me Josie M's Avatar
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    370 just may be that your best bet is buy her some replacement lingerie and apologize for taking hers...
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -- Mark Twain

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  16. #16
    Silver Member BRANDYJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JosieCD View Post just may be that your best bet is buy her some replacement lingerie and apologize for taking hers...
    I don't think one invasion is gonna be fixed by another Josie. I am still looking at this from the point of view of her fiancée. I'd be spitting mad once I found out he wore my sweetheart's lingerie and touched something only meant for my eyes and my fiancées body . I'd be just as mad if he bought her personal lingerie! Just give her and/or her fiancée more then enough for her or her fiancée to go buy replacements.
    I would not want to see my SO in something of hers once it is worn by a man! YUK! And I don't want some other guy buying her lingerie either. He'd be digging a deeper hole to crawl into with me. And I know my SO would never want to wear those things again once worn by someone else.

  17. #17
    Chickie Chickhe's Avatar
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    What you did was wrong! On many levels... entered your roommates room, stole their guests stuff,... returned it used... and you did it on what was a special occasion for them... You must appologise and you have lost their trust... you will never get it back. It gives all CDers a bad should feel ashamed.

  18. #18
    Breakin' social taboos TGMarla's Avatar
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    Shame on you!

    I hope for your sake that it all blows over, but this should be a lesson to you in pilfering clothing that simply doesn't belong to you.

    Get your own clothes. And tell her you're sorry.

    As uncomfortable as that may be, you owe it to her, and to yourself. You need to display what you're made of, and there's no worming your way around it. Be a bigger person, make it right, and NEVER do it again.

    Any money found in the laundry is MINE!

    "This is no social crisis....this is me having fun!"

  19. #19
    ...don't encourage me Josie M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRANDYJ View Post
    I don't think one invasion is gonna be fixed by another Josie. I am still looking at this from the point of view of her fiancée. I'd be spitting mad once I found out he wore my sweetheart's lingerie and touched something only meant for my eyes and my fiancées body . I'd be just as mad if he bought her personal lingerie! Just give her and/or her fiancée more then enough for her or her fiancée to go buy replacements.
    I would not want to see my SO in something of hers once it is worn by a man! YUK! And I don't want some other guy buying her lingerie either. He'd be digging a deeper hole to crawl into with me. And I know my SO would never want to wear those things again once worn by someone else.
    Well, I guess I was going for "apology plus some gesture towards making amends"......but maybe you have a point, her fiancee may not want anything to do with lingerie purchased by the person who took her original articles...
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -- Mark Twain

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  20. #20
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    Welcome to the club of cd'ers who got caught. We have all had this happen at some point. I guess the main thing to remember is to buy your own stuff and own it. If it comes up, then admit that you are a cd'er. It will go much easier for you.

  21. #21
    Member Sarah Coleman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickhe View Post
    What you did was wrong! On many levels... entered your roommates room, stole their guests stuff,... returned it used... and you did it on what was a special occasion for them... You must appologise and you have lost their trust... you will never get it back. It gives all CDers a bad should feel ashamed.
    To quote Walter Sobchak, what you did was "OVER THE LINE!!!!!!!" I'm sorry, you were WAY over the line

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  22. #22
    Addicted To Lipstick donnatracey's Avatar
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    Have to say, a great "attention-getting" 1st post!........ Not much I can add to what has been said.

    Hopefully, your future postings will be a tad.....merrier......

  23. #23
    Senior Member Presh GG's Avatar
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    I'm with Josiecd, with a slight twist.

    Replace the articles with Money [ and those are not cheap !] so she can buy her own.

    I hope you learned your lesson. My H and I would feel so violated , like when you've been burgled.
    Presh GG

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    I can't believe this, everyone is casting stones to this poor guy, you made a mistake, is not the end of the world, who hasn't "borrowed" someone else's panties,bras, etc..? I have, and I'm not sorry....

    She's back

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Have to agree on this one too. WAY over the line. You've probably cost yourself a friend, and a long time girlfriend in the process. The best thing to do now is appoligize.

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