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Thread: Does anyone hate their male parts

  1. #101
    not quite silver yet Emma Leigh's Avatar
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    Honestly,but for me of all the male parts I wish I could lose the most, its the Adams apple, its hideous, its grotesque, how can you possibly look feminine with this outrage of nature sticking out of your neck??

  2. #102
    Aspiring Member janelle's Avatar
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    YES BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have come close 3 times in almost cutting them off only to remember they need that for surgery. It is getting harder to stop as I see that becoming farther & farther away from happening. When I shower, my stomach turns & sometimes I get sick just from cleaning it.

    Like in the movies, wheres my fairy godmother to help.



  3. #103
    Member kathtx's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say I hate the male parts, but they've served their purpose and are now mostly just an inconvenience making my panties fit funny and getting in the way during some forms of lesbian sex I find particularly enjoyable. I won't be sad to see them go.

  4. #104
    Member freeindress's Avatar
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    If I was the Creator of mammals I would not have let them boldly stick out with high risk of injury, rather kept inside and streamlined like many non-mammal animals. BTW I would also have let breasts grow the same size on both females and males.
    Last edited by freeindress; 03-14-2011 at 10:09 AM.

  5. #105
    Be free - overcome fear!
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    If everyone had concealed sexual organs and all looked the same, I think we would get bored real quickly.

  6. #106
    Junior Member sally silverfox's Avatar
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    Because I still enjoy sex and am not in a position for full reassignment surgery I gues I'll live with them.I'm developing breasts nicely and wish my male parts would morph into a sensitive working vagina to go with them.In the mean time I'll do the best I can with what I have.

  7. #107
    Junior Member Amy S's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emma Leigh View Post
    Honestly,but for me of all the male parts I wish I could lose the most, its the Adams apple, its hideous, its grotesque, how can you possibly look feminine with this outrage of nature sticking out of your neck??
    Yes! I can't stand my stupid Adams apple. And the more I lose weight, the more the stupid thing sticks out. Its my worse feature with my nose a distant second. Turtleneck sweaters are all I can do to cover it up. :-(

  8. #108
    Junior Member Jennifer Sophia's Avatar
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    I have felt indifferent to them all my life. If I woke up tomorrow and they were gone, I wouldn't miss them.

  9. #109
    Senior Member dawnmarrie1961's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechic View Post
    Hi there
    Im just would like to know do Meany of you dislike there male parts.
    I seem to have days were i just hate whats between my legs, I am at current seeing a TG therapist and find this helpful,im also coming out of the closet,my family and some of my friends know about me and i do go out as a woman.
    I will admit that there was a time when I felt inadequate,betrayed by mother nature and ashamed of my male parts. But then I realized that they are as much a part of who I am as the female parts. I've had therapists who've said "You're just not ready to let go of that part of yourself yet." Maybe I'm not. But why should I have to be? If I thought SRS would magically make me feel like a whole person again I'd have no problem with it. Right now I don't see that happening. I've still got a lot of issues to work out within myself before I'm ready to decide either way. Anything worth while takes time. I'm willing to wait and see what happens. I just want to be at peace.

  10. #110
    Member lavistaa62's Avatar
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    It's not what we got- well it is but more so it's how we feel. To my way of thinking it's not the male parts which are so confining as the male role. Were I able to be myself the "parts" would of little concern to me. It's very hard to understand the way CIS gender constricts us- or even if it does outside of societal pressures. The question in my mind, given the relative acceptance of "us" by CIS females is who exactly it is holding us back (if anyone but ourselves)?

  11. #111
    A Brave Freestyler JohnH's Avatar
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    I do have problems with the male role. I really hate the narrow selection of clothing for males, particularly formal attire with the mandatory coat and tie look. I also hate the narrow options for grooming.

    If I want to wear a dress I'm considered a pervert by some. And men are not supposed to wear lipstick, blush, or other makeup. Men also have a very boring selection of shoes.

    I am so disgusted with the limitations imposed by the male role that it is contributing heavily for me to seriously consider male to female hormone treatment and to present as a woman.

    John (Legal name)

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  12. #112
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    I'm in a relationship with an FTM now and my feelings are starting to change a little bit in regards to my extra bits. We are exploring various ways to make love, but oddly enough, it's still nice to be able to connect with "matching parts" even though it's backwards. We do try different ways so I don't feel like I'm in such a dominant position, and vice versa. I have a feeling what we have is going to only grow and I now may have a reason to keep my "male" parts if using them continues to be an important connection for us.

    I just wanted to update with this because I thought my mind was pretty made up that I would definitely get SRS, but now... it doesn't feel like a absolute certainty.

    Ya just never know!

  13. #113
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    I don't hate my male parts. I would love to look like a woman, but I accept the way I was born and really believe that the whole understanding of gender is mostly and most importantly in your mind, rather than in your physical appearance. I actually think it is a mistake to go the way of western medical practice and try to alter the status quo because of the urge to assimilate yourself to society. If we can educate society to understand that we are special, spitriual and important people who contribute our unique abilities to society as a whole, we would not need to alter our bodies to "fit in" or to "feel right". The fact in my view is that we already are right and OK, and totally female if we perceive ourselves as female. This is my personal opinion, not to be misunderstood as an attempt to change anyone others minds. People should do whatever they like, but I am against the direction in the Trans Gender community which advocates sex change as a method for living with what we know as trans gender disorder. My vision is to educate the public so they see what a special gift we have and that we can contribute to our society, not as assimilated humans, but as revered trans gender human beings. I guess to sum it all up, I would say to you, try and embrace everything of what you are and live fully as the gender you feel like, in spite of how you were born.
    Good luck and God Bless.

  14. #114
    Senior Member dawnmarrie1961's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sejd View Post
    I don't hate my male parts. I would love to look like a woman, but I accept the way I was born and really believe that the whole understanding of gender is mostly and most importantly in your mind, rather than in your physical appearance. I actually think it is a mistake to go the way of western medical practice and try to alter the status quo because of the urge to assimilate yourself to society. If we can educate society to understand that we are special, spitriual and important people who contribute our unique abilities to society as a whole, we would not need to alter our bodies to "fit in" or to "feel right". The fact in my view is that we already are right and OK, and totally female if we perceive ourselves as female. This is my personal opinion, not to be misunderstood as an attempt to change anyone others minds. People should do whatever they like, but I am against the direction in the Trans Gender community which advocates sex change as a method for living with what we know as trans gender disorder. My vision is to educate the public so they see what a special gift we have and that we can contribute to our society, not as assimilated humans, but as revered trans gender human beings. I guess to sum it all up, I would say to you, try and embrace everything of what you are and live fully as the gender you feel like, in spite of how you were born.
    Good luck and God Bless.
    Very eloquently spoken, Sejd, and very much true.

  15. #115
    Aspiring Member Longing2be-Trisha's Avatar
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    Let me say that I have always disliked my male parts. On many occassions I have been close to removing what is between my legs. I have woken up trying to twist and pull them off. Shaving has never been a pleasure either ouch! I have come to terms for the most part with them, but would puffer they were long gone.

  16. #116
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sejd View Post
    The fact in my view is that we already are right and OK, and totally female if we perceive ourselves as female. This is my personal opinion, not to be misunderstood as an attempt to change anyone others minds. People should do whatever they like, but I am against the direction in the Trans Gender community which advocates sex change as a method for living with what we know as trans gender disorder.
    I have no problem with anyone who is able to feel whole whilst having a body that does not align with their gender.

    I would, however, take issue with the last sentence that I quoted. Gender Realignment Surgery is offered by the medical community because many people with acute Gender Dysphoria (not trans gender disorder whatever that may be) are unable to cope with living with a body that does not match their gender. A number of us become so distressed by the very sight of that part of our anatomy that we become suicidal or are tempted to self-mutilation. This is not a case of the community pushing us towards something, it is a matter of surgery being the only currently-known option to make our bodies align more closely with our self-image and thus relieve some symptoms of the dysphoria.

    If anyone believes that we blithely allow ourselves to be pushed by our peers into something that will cause days of physical suffering, then they misunderstand the mental suffering that brings us to that point.
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    This above all: To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any

    Galileo said "You cannot teach a man anything" and they accuse ME of being sexist

    Never ascribe to malice that which can be easily explained by sheer stupidity

  17. #117
    Gold Member Kaitlyn Michele's Avatar
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    there are lots of threads that touch around this topic..

    the concept of being against the sex change as the preferred method living with this problem is forgetting the simple fact that sex IS the preferred method..we know this because so many of us have done and enjoyed the feeling of wholeness we never had before...

    perhaps there are levels of ts. but i don't think so (i certaintly don't know so...but i do know what me and pretty much every person that had grs experienced afterwards..i would go further than rianna in pointing out that many people like myself that had grs were not even distressed at our own genitals...but we believed that grs would make us whole, and it did..

    getting through being transsexual without grs, without living 24/7, or however else you do it is a reasonable and sensible..but it is different and the benefits of that method are more around how you feel about your ts nature, your financial and health situation, and fear of hurting or losing loved ones all valid concerns that must be dealt with..

    it seems natural that folks that had grs and are happy , and folks that haven't had it and are happy would disagree on the best way to deal with transsexualism

  18. #118
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    Great thoughts Kaitlyn Michele.
    It is a very complicated question, and everyone really is on their own to find whatever works for them. My input is limited by the fact that I never went through SRS but I honor anyones decision to do what they feel is important to them to be complete. There is no "One way" in this very difficult situation. Thanks for bringing that up. :0)

  19. #119
    davinax david's Avatar
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    hi kaitlyn i know that i want to feel that i can maybe change other peoples opinon of what being trans is all about.i have gon the road and suffered the narrow minds of people who cannot or willnot even try to underestand how i feel inside.if only one person can be changed then i will be the happiest person in the world .may be i am dreaming but i am glad that my journey will be worthwhile. davinaxx ie david

  20. #120
    A Brave Freestyler JohnH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emma Leigh View Post
    Honestly,but for me of all the male parts I wish I could lose the most, its the Adams apple, its hideous, its grotesque, how can you possibly look feminine with this outrage of nature sticking out of your neck??
    Here is a clothes designer who identifies himself as male - Phillipe Blond. He does have an Adams apple but one doesn't really notice it.
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    John (Legal name)

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  21. #121
    Stevie Stevens sybercom11's Avatar
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    I have never thought about the word hate because I have had to live with it. It is more like I have always been depressed that my male parts were there when I had to watch my school girl friends turn into women when I could only dress and act like a woman. I never really enjoyed using my male parts and after taking hormones that became moot of course.
    [SIZE="3"][/SIZE]Stevie Stevens

  22. #122
    Aspiring Member Anna the Dub's Avatar
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    I tolerate my male part because I know that someday it will be needed. I don't particularly like it, but it doesn't adversely affect me having to touch it. I think that it helps that mine is quite small anyway(about an inch long now, having shrunk in the last couple of years ) and as I have no testicles following my orchie it means that my profile is fairly flat when I am wearing something nice. Looking in the mirror whilst naked it still looks a bit incongrous when I see my breasts and that down below, but at least it is not huge. Nevertheless, the day can't come soon enough when it is no more. Some day.

  23. #123
    Member Nicole L.'s Avatar
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    I agree, hate is probably too harsh a word.

    I've been hoping mine would get bored and decide to leave on good term's.

  24. #124
    New Girl in Town RobynGirl's Avatar
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    Actually I hate my male parts and would simply love to be all female......... However I love to be treated like a woman in every way by a nice man with male parts.... So yummy if you know what I mean.......


    [SIZE="2"]Mistake at birth, should have been born a woman[/SIZE]

  25. #125
    Silver Member Loni's Avatar
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    well here is a true conundrum for me.

    i do not hate my bits between the legs. they have brought me such pleasure. and such problems.

    but at this time in my life i would let a Dr remove them this week, no problem would not miss them at all.

    now i am only a cross dresser, no interest to being a full time woman (would like to try for a year or two).
    but due to a problem were the Drs got together and said this internal item must come out.(C) well the remaining external parts just are dead weight now.
    no hate of them, just no use for them anymore. well one use, need to sit now and could still do it with this gone.


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