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Thread: Straight CD vs gay CD question

  1. #101
    Senior Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    When I am dressed as a man, I am attracted to women. So I guess that makes me "straight" When I am dressed as a woman, I am attracted to women, so does that make me gay?

  2. #102
    Aspiring Artist Kelly DeWinter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReineD View Post
    Interesting. Here's a link to the article, and the Abstract:

    Translation: Men who thought they were bi, were found to have had a marked preference for one sex over the other, just like the heterosexual and homosexual men. Most bisexual men appeared homosexual, and some bisexual men appeared heterosexual.

    EDIT - Never mind!!

    The study was revisited 6 years later, in 2011:

    They said that in the 2005 study, they relied on self-reporting to determine bisexuality, that most of the bisexual men had been recruited from the same sources as the homosexual men, and it was likely that some of men who said they were bi, had never been with women.

    In this study, they imposed more rigorous criteria for bisexuality. The men had to have had at least 2 relationships with members of each sex, and had to have been in a romantic relationship with at least one member of each sex for over 3 months. The 2011 study showed that bisexual men are sexually attracted to both men and women.

    Wait a miniute, you mean someone PAID for a study of bisexual men with the requirement that they had to have had relationships with both men AND women to determine that they are attracted to men AND women ????
    I want to meet their grant writer. To be paid to study what you by definition already know. LOL
    Kelly DeWinter
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  3. #103
    Member julia marie's Avatar
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    I hadn't seen the Kinsey Scale before. It sure would make the bar scene easier if everyone stamped their score on their foreheads. Then you would know who is looking strictly for the other gender, who is only looking for the same sex, and who could go either way. So, a "2" to Kinsey is a guy who likes girls but could be persuaded to do a guy. Then you have the "3" who sees potential in the whole population; much less likely than the rest of us to go home alone.

  4. #104
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly DeWinter View Post
    Wait a miniute, you mean someone PAID for a study of bisexual men with the requirement that they had to have had relationships with both men AND women to determine that they are attracted to men AND women ????
    I want to meet their grant writer. To be paid to study what you by definition already know. LOL
    Not really. They've long conjectured that subjective attraction does not match physical attraction, in other words, men who believe they are bi may be having sex with both genders while being significantly more attracted to men. So in the second study they measured subjective attraction to the physical attraction in men who had, in fact, had relationships with both and determined that both the subjective and physical attraction did, indeed match.

    It's a worthwhile study in my opinion, given the history of internalized homophobia in our culture and the potential for denial. It wasn't that long ago when everyone thought that being gay was a mental illness. There are still people who believe it is morally wrong. So it is not a stretch that some men will prefer believing they are bi rather than admit to themselves they are gay.

  5. #105
    Aspiring Artist Kelly DeWinter's Avatar
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    Reine, Sorry, I was not dissing the study per say, It's just .... well silly. I'd like to study if people believe they need oxygen to live, the only requirement is you have functioning lungs for at least 2 hours. Can I get a FEDERAL grant for that ?????
    Kelly DeWinter
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  6. #106
    Member Regan's Avatar
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    I am 100% gay, I have faked attraction to women my whole life and finally accepted the fact I need to dress and be with a man.

  7. #107
    Julie Gaum Julie Gaum's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Jana 100%! There are four variations, period. Call yourself whatever you wish if that makes you happy. I see confusion
    because, as already mentioned, we are all born with combinations of chromosomes (XX= female and XY= male) with a few with different combinations that causes a problem. Ignoring the Harry Benjamin Syndrom which is a congenital intersex condition, the fact that most of us have both X and Y chromosomes means that those born as males have some feminine traits no matter how macho one acts. So if dressed
    en femme one feels attraction do a good looking man that, in most cases, is perfectly normal as long as you don't feel sexually attracted; in which case you have crossed into another category from hetero. Not judged as good or bad but that's the way it is.

  8. #108
    Aspiring Member Lacy PJs's Avatar
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    [SIZE="4"]I have read most of the replies to this question but did so rather quickly so may have missed a point or two along the way. It seems to me that one could be confused a bit by the question here; there is a difference between being something and being curious about something.

    It would seem to me that you are not even part gay unless you have had an actual gay experience. Thinking about an experience with another man is not being "part gay" any more than thinking about stealing something makes you part thief. Or thinking about winning the lottery is being part rich! Then if you didn't particularly like the experience and don't ever want to try it again... that's another issue to consider.

    So when you ponder your answer to this question, realize that you may have feelings or thoughts about something but that doesn't push you into a new category.

    Lacy PJs[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="4"]As for me, I'm 100% straight.

    Lacy PJs[/SIZE]
    Last edited by Shelly Preston; 02-02-2013 at 06:12 PM. Reason: merged posts Please use the edit button

  9. #109
    In transmission whowhatwhen's Avatar
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    The problem with that is you're assuming everyone is straight until they have some of that sweet, sweet mansex.
    I have a problem with the idea that your sexual orientation is undefined until you have sex, chances are you know what you're attracted to well before then.

  10. #110
    Member Sophie_C's Avatar
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    You know, it's worth saying that you're not going to get all real answers here. They're always loaded, and I'd bet a pretty penny that a good number of those making in bold letters "100% straight!!!" have fantasies that are the exact opposite. Just like Shakespeare said "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" (click for the wiki link).

    But, why? Because:

    A. Many people here have wives who read this or could read this and don't want to jeopardize their marriage (which may already be jeopardized by their crossdressing).
    B. Many people who crossdress strangely feel they have to "defend" their masculinity by overemphasizing their heterosexuality.
    C. Many people who are bisexual put their blinders on the moment anything comes up (see B) and never address it (even if they aren't in a relationship).
    D. A small number of people who crossdress are actually trans, with this as the start of their journey and having difficulty dealing with that, causing them to overemphasize their heterosexuality.

    Anyway, being trans but closet trans, It's hard to say, due to the lack of experience "living" as a woman. A lot of what was posted in this thread is wrong. Just looking at someone doesn't encompass your sexuality. Sexuality doesn't exist in a bubble. It's the interaction between two people, from meeting through an entire relationship. Flirting, spending time together, learning each other's dreams and desires, romance, it all goes into play. You don't know that from simply looking at a photo or even passing a man or woman on the street. You don't have the experience of being wined and dined. You don't have the experience of being pursued. You don't have the experience of feeling desired, of being wanted. That only happens in real-life. And, it doesn't happen with the experience of one person of any gender, as we know you don't get the "sparks" with every person you meet.

    Anyway, If I were to guess, I'd probably be 75/25 male-oriented (however you want to define it, since from a transgender perspective, it's "straight"), but without living it, it's a bit foggy on what's envy versus actual desire. It could be 95/5 or 25/75, for all I know. Hope this helps.
    Last edited by Sophie_C; 12-27-2012 at 09:58 PM.

  11. #111
    Member missmars's Avatar
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    90%straight and 10% lesbi

  12. #112
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    It's an impossible question to answer, simply because the percentages that people will provide will be completely arbitrary and made up based on some pre-conceived notion people have about themselves.

    And that, at the end of the day, is the only thing we can judge such a question on.

    For example, if a man here says they are 10% gay and 90% straight, then does that mean that they will have sex with a man for every 9 women they sleep with? I wouldn't say that is the case. I'd rather say it is the case they feel they will never have a relationship with a man at all.

    I regard myself as gay, yet I have had relationships with women. I've had one long term relationship with a man - who is now my husband - and I love him so very much. I don't want to be with anyone other than him. Does that make me 100% gay? I don't think it does if we take your rationale into account.

    To be succinct, I hate percentages when it comes to this kind of discussion. For it can't even begin to comprehend what it is that makes up human sexuality.

  13. #113
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    I have been on both sides while searching for who/what I was so for me I can go either way it just depends on the person and how I feel about them.
    Each gender has their strong and weak points neither are perfect.

  14. #114
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    there is that chemistry again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Julie Gaum View Post
    I have to agree with Jana 100%! There are four variations, period. Call yourself whatever you wish if that makes you happy. I see confusion
    because, as already mentioned, we are all born with combinations of chromosomes (XX= female and XY= male) with a few with different combinations that causes a problem. Ignoring the Harry Benjamin Syndrom which is a congenital intersex condition, the fact that most of us have both X and Y chromosomes means that those born as males have some feminine traits no matter how macho one acts. So if dressed
    en femme one feels attraction do a good looking man that, in most cases, is perfectly normal as long as you don't feel sexually attracted; in which case you have crossed into another category from hetero. Not judged as good or bad but that's the way it is.
    Maybe for the cds it is [SIZE="6"]x[/SIZE][SIZE="2"]y[/SIZE] Another interesting thing about the sex genes that seem to show up and point toward "hidden" female characteristics is that so many diseases and drugs produce gynecomastia==breasts. Why not longer a longer penis, or bigger ears? Brain tumors, adrenal tumors, a rare lung cancer, and about 40 prescription drugs trigger the growth of breasts. Is it that men are really just barely disguised females. The female fetus needs no chemical action to become a female, but the male fetus NEEDS chemicals to become a male, so we are really all females and just a bit of bad chemistry can set us on a path towards??????????/
    Last edited by busker; 02-02-2013 at 06:39 PM.
    JUST a crossdresser

  15. #115
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    As best I can tell, I'm 99-44/100 % straight.... AND, I float!!!!!!

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by julia marie View Post
    I hadn't seen the Kinsey Scale before. It sure would make the bar scene easier if everyone stamped their score on their foreheads. Then you would know who is looking strictly for the other gender, who is only looking for the same sex, and who could go either way. So, a "2" to Kinsey is a guy who likes girls but could be persuaded to do a guy. Then you have the "3" who sees potential in the whole population; much less likely than the rest of us to go home alone.
    That's not why people are bisexual.

  17. #117
    Part Time Lesbian Diva CassandraSmith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millie View Post
    [...]I do find it hard to believe that men who dress up as we all do, are straight. Even if I wasn't attracted to men and be heterosexual, I would never consider myself as straight for the simple fact that I dress like a woman
    100% straight for me. I've never felt an attraction for the same sex. That's different than entertaining fantasies of being a woman though. It would be the same as fantasies of flying a jet fighter. You think it would be fun but when you actually ride in an aerobatic plane, the actual experience is incredibly painful and arduous.

  18. #118
    Silver Member DebbieL's Avatar
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    Personally, I am a lesbian, my fantasies, for as long as I can remember, have been of me, as a beautiful woman, kissing, being kissed, being seduced by a beautiful woman. Gender identity has little to do with preference. Bisexual MtF transsexuals often prefer women when in stealth mode as a man, but prefer men when living as a woman.

    Many heterosexuals are also limited in their range of preference. For example if a heterosexual man was given the choice of an unattractive woman, perhaps Rosie O'Donnel or Rosanne Barr, and a really handsome guy, Justine Timberlake, or Rock Hudson in his prime,they would choose the cute guy over the ugly woman. Ironically, some bisexual men seek out less feminine women as partners. Many transgender bisexuals actually love being seduced by a female partner, even if she is more masculine, overweight, and/or rarely wears skirts or dresses.
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  19. #119
    Senior Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    If I had my choice between Rock Hudson and Rosie ODonnell, I woud choose Rosie - and her five sisters

  20. #120
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    Bossom Buddies of course...btw I LOVE Holland Taylor. Oops wrong thread....sorry.I'm bi btw, men are now my main squeeze.
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  21. #121
    Member cindybabe's Avatar
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    100% poker straight, i have never found men sexual arousing ever,and the same when i am Cindy which means i must be a lesbian and 100% gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    man i feel like a woman

  22. #122
    Member sheilagirl's Avatar
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    Right on StephNE! The "horizontal scale" is an excellent analogy. For me, that scale changes, almost daily, depending on how I'm feeling.
    Quote Originally Posted by stephNE View Post
    I don't think the two issues are connected, not for me anyway. I am 100% straight, no interest in men whatsoever. I am a CD and dress frequently, but only for myself, as this seems to be comfortable.
    But lets look at femininity. I think this is a horizontal scale, 100% masculine on one end, and 100% feminine on the other opposite end. Maybe no one is all the way on either end of this. I might be at a point on this sale that is 45% feminine.

  23. #123
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    The only way to really answer this question is to list all of your past and present sexual partners and then do the math to see what the percentages are. If you fantasize about something, it can't possibly count. I fantasize about winning the lottery every time I buy a ticket, but that doesn't make me any percentage of a lottery winner. Although I have had fantasies and crossdress regularly, all of my sexual partners have been female, so I am 100% straight. Sounds pretty uncool, but it's the truth.
    Last edited by April_Ligeia; 02-03-2013 at 10:47 AM.
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  24. #124
    Member Luna Nyx's Avatar
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    Personally Im 50/50. But math wise im at 65% straight.

  25. #125
    Silver Member LilSissyStevie's Avatar
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    We tend to talk about gay, straight and bi as if they were states of nature when, in reality, they are "social constructs" - to use a worn out term. Heck, I can remember when none of these terms even existed. Back in the day there were only "queers" and "normal" people. Straight meant you didn't drink or do drugs, gay was somewhere between happy and silly, and bi meant two. The late Gore Vidal said that there were no homosexual people, only homosexual acts. When you throw in the transgender idea, even what constitutes a homosexual act become unclear. At best gay, straight and bi are identities. There are other identities, too: pansexual, asexual, girlfag, guydyke, male lesbian, bi when dressed, sissy and dozens more. You are one if you identify with it. In my case, I've never had a sexual encounter with another male bodied person (thought about it) but I still can't imagine calling myself "straight." So, 100% freak-on-a-leash here.

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