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Thread: what physical advantages do you have while CD?

  1. #1
    Andrew in drag FelicityMay's Avatar
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    SLC, Utah

    what physical advantages do you have while CD?

    It is true that men and women have a lot of physical differences, as far as shapes and sizes of everything. and that can make it seem hard to look like a girl if you have too much physical masculinity.

    what sort of things about you are good or bad that affect your look while CD?

    personally, i have a bit of a feminine body.
    I am skinny enough to fit in a size 2 dress (125 lbs lol)
    I have size 9 feet (womens)
    I am naturally not very hairy
    I am into dancing, and learned to use my hips.
    I have a nice butt

    I do have some disadvantages though.
    I am 5'11" (not as tall as some here)
    I have a large face that isn't quite the girly shape
    I have a very deep voice and cant disguise it.
    I have manly arms and hands

    There are many things that can become important while trying to pass, and figuring out what parts are good and bad. im only 18 so things could change as i get older though!
    Last edited by FelicityMay; 03-19-2013 at 06:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Silver Member Angela Campbell's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    You have to accentuate the good things and steer attention away from the less good things. I am lucky. Here is me

    Good things

    A good hip to shoulder ratio. Even without pads I have a somewhat girly figure. 38 - 32 - 38 I can make it more so with the right shapewear. I have been asked by more than one if I am on HRT (I'm not)
    Very little body hair
    Short...about 5'4"
    some have told me I have a girly face
    No need to tuck. smooth front even in leggings.
    no adams apple that I have ever seen
    natural b cups breasts
    good legs, and getting better with tanning
    Feminine mannerisms come naturally to me, always have.

    Not so good

    Arms are a little manly
    big hands, but with nails they look quite nice.
    big feet...womens size 11
    not a good female voice...but I plan on doing something about that.
    bad eyes (hooded) - makes makeup very difficult
    hair on my face - this too can be fixed with time.
    wrinkles on face and hands, but that is normal for a woman my age, not really bad overall.
    thinning hair on head
    born a male
    Last edited by Angela Campbell; 03-21-2013 at 06:10 AM.
    All I ever wanted was to be a girl. Is that really asking too much?

  3. #3
    Silver Member I Am Paula's Avatar
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    Almost no body hair. I shave my chest down the middle once a week. My beard could be removed with a piece of sharpened cardboard.
    Most of my original head hair.
    Size 12 clothing. Ladies size 11 shoes. So there's a pretty good selection at regular GG stores.
    Some muffin top I just can't shake. I diet and exercise, but...still there.
    Guy face. I just live with it.
    6 feet even. (tall, that is)
    Lack of vagina.
    Lack of breasts is being taken care of in Sept. (upcoming post)

    We all have our bears to cross-Celeste

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2012

    5'9". 135 lbs. Meaning the size 0 pants I ordered this morning will fit me better than the size 2 of the same brand that fall off.
    Size 9-1/2W shoe. Heels are easy to find.


    5'9". 135 lbs. Really, have you tried to find a size 0 with a 34" inseam?

  5. #5
    Banned Read only
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    Feb 2013
    We all have our bears to cross-Celeste
    Yes, and I would, in fact, be that bear.

    I have nice lips.
    My legs are actually not very hairy at all. Parts of them are naturally smooth.

    My legs are genuinely mangled, and handicapped.
    I walk funny
    I'm hairy everywhere *except* the top of my head
    Ladies size 13 shoes. (Oh, and my feet are bad, flat, and terrible looking.)
    Naturally sausage shaped torso. (Working on this!)

    At some point I'll post a picture of my face, and you can decide if that's a pro or a con. On the one hand, I look like my Dad. (major con!) On the other hand, I look a bit like my sister. (pro - she's pretty.)

  6. #6
    Makeup addict!
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    Dec 2011
    Adam's apple not visible
    I have a great smile
    Makeup likes me

  7. #7
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    My effervescent personality hides all of my negative traits.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

    My Love of Cat's Eye Frames, Bangles, Red Lipstick, Nails, & Cheeks, Comes From My Mother - An Irish Beauty

    I'm Always Rainbow Proud

  8. #8
    Andrew in drag FelicityMay's Avatar
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    SLC, Utah
    i have a question that i hope someone wont be offended to answer.
    does having more body fat make it easier to make some convincing boobs? im ultra skinny with the flattest chest possible, so im having a little bit of trouble looking busty.
    i know there are ways to make fake boobs, but would you call moobs a benefit?

  9. #9
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Nothing! Pretty much everything about Sherry is an Illusion. Those that have met me in person know what I mean!

    Do I recommend cheating? Does Brer Rabbit hate being thrown in the briar patch?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member marny's Avatar
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    she's got legs !!!!! ZZ TOP girls . wish the boobs were real. maybe someday! pray!

  11. #11
    Aspiring Member Ceri Anne's Avatar
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    Kansas City
    While I wish some things were different, I think I have a lot of fem qualities.


    - great legs, nice ass
    - thin hair on body
    - 5'8" tall, so carry myself well
    - great ballance in heels
    - long slender fingers
    - not too extreem of facial features

    Not So Good
    - broad shoulders, ribs
    - about 30 extra lbs, manageable but have to make sure I'm standing tall or I get a gut
    - mildly chubby cheeks
    - a few wrinkles around my eyes
    - large adams apple

    Follow me on Facebook

  12. #12
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    Central Illinois
    On the plus side, I have:

    Skinny arms and legs
    Reasonably flat stomach
    Nicely shaped butt
    Small hands
    Light body hair
    Small Adam's apple
    Not enough "down there" to worry about tucking

    And some neutrals ...

    Size 9-1/2 (women's) shoes
    Size 10 - 12 dress
    5' 7-1/2", 150 lbs.

    And some negatives ...

    Masculine voice (though not really deep)
    Poor skin - acne and related scars
    Receding hair line and bald spot
    Big nose
    Masculine-ish facial structure

    - Diane

  13. #13
    Wife Stephanie<3's SO Kelli<3's Avatar
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    It's hard for me to see any advantages but I'll try.

    Plus side...
    Thin and small frame for a guy, 155-160 lbs, but 6'2" or close to 6'3"
    Nice long legs
    Thin fingers, no sausage fingers but I do have long fingers which makes for big hands, I can almost palm a basketball.
    Not overly masculine features
    Fairly light body hair
    Healthy and in good shape with completely flat stomach

    Way too tall. 6'3". Men's clothes are almost impossible to find let alone women's.
    Feet too big 12 to 12.5 women's although my feet aren't ugly or big manly looking feet
    Very noticeable adams apple
    Receeding hair line
    Look like a tall lanky geek

    Worst of all I'm so confused and don't know what I'm doing here. My physical height and size will probably keep me from being who I really am. I keep telling myself to forget about dressing totally but obviously it doesn't work.

  14. #14
    New Member
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    I'm 5'10.5" and slightly over 190 lbs ("natural" weight was about 155 lbs coming out of high school, have put on muscle since then), so I'm quite muscular. Naturally have pretty long hair on my limbs, beard growth about average unless I'm lifting weights which accelerates it. Hairy all over really, inner forearms, My waist is about 34" and could use a little reducing, mainly just tighter abdominal walls I think. Women's size 11 in shoes, not much I can do about that.

    For the plus, I have a great ass (I think), I think I have nice legs and they're definitely strong enough to wear heels. I've been doing squats, bodyweight and weighted in 3" heel boots. I think I have a face that could lend itself fairly well to either gender especially regarding a feminine hairstyle, and I like my coloured eyes. Small hands, almost gender neutral really. I think I look quite youthful and if I epilated, nobody would be able to tell that I used to be a fairly hair guy. I want to reduce down to about 185 lbs, get a nice wig, reduce my waistline a little through corset training (nothing drastic) and ab training. Then maybe I'll be able to take a picture lol. A little makeup would probably go down well too.
    Last edited by Phanatic; 03-19-2013 at 11:00 PM.

  15. #15
    Member DaniG's Avatar
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    Good things

    o Soft face
    o Plenty of hair on top
    o Have a high vocal range, still need to train it though
    o Can shed weight when I need to
    o Long torso (would prefer height in the legs)
    o Almost no body hair (well, before the dr put me on xtra T)

    Bad things

    o I'm 6'8"
    o I'm muscular with big shoulders, manly hands, meaty legs
    o Size 16 lady's shoes
    o Small eyes

    I don't know about my figure. I'll probably have no curves, but it's hard to tell until I get my weight down.

  16. #16
    New Member Alison_Mathers's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    Well as one who has a lot of extra body fat. I have a natural B cup. Some of this is due to moobs and some do to Gynecomastia (which is caused by too much estrogen. Of course I don't think that there is such a thing as too much). I walk around with breasts (especially when wearing my bra) and no one notices.

    I am planning on losing weight as I want to fit into some of the really cute outfits, but I'm hoping that my breast tissue will still be there.

  17. #17
    Lady By Choice Leslie Langford's Avatar
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    near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    I like to think that I have more attributes on the "Plus" side than the "Minus" side...

    Plus Side

    - 5' 10" tall, so a bit on the tall side for a GG, but on the other hand - well within the height range the fashion industry just loves for its models.

    - small-boned, with small hands and feet. Size 7 1/2 in ladies' gloves, ring Size 9, and shoe Size 9 - 9 1/2 - 10 depending on the style and manufacturer. No problem whatsoever in finding women's shoes that fit or walking in heels even up to 4" high.

    - long and slender legs; many GG's have complimented me on them.

    - Generally wear a Size 14 - 16 in dresses, and Size 10 - 12 for pants and skirts. Otherwise, Typically an "L" or "XL" for tops etc. Bra size is 38 - 40 - 42 "B" or "C" cup, depending on the bra style and/or manufacturer.

    - Some body fat, but it is well distributed. Well-defined, somewhat "girly" waist gives me the semblance of an hour-glass figure with the right form-fitting clothes, so I don't need any padding or enhancers besides breast forms. Have "moobs" and can almost fill a "B" cup on my own.

    - No cellulite; no "batwings"; no varicose veins; no monthly periods.

    - I've been told that I have long, girly eyelashes

    - Beard is almost all grey now, so the dreaded "blue shadow" is relatively easy to manage with the right concealer/make up.

    - Shaved smooth all over, and little body hair to begin with...

    Minus Side

    - Still need to work on my feminine voice and mannerisms.

    - Need to work on my posture and comfort level in making eye contact.

    - Would prefer a smaller, more feminine nose.

    - Age has started to take its toll. Skin is not as smooth as it once was, too many wrinkles, and beginning to get jowls. Make up is my friend.

    - D%mn allergies make my nose quite runny during some seasons of the year. Frequent nose-blowing/wiping plays havoc with my make up...

    - Voice is too deep and nasal due in part to said allergies; I try to speak in a softer, more "breathy" voice when en femme to compensate.

    - Need to constantly keep on top of nose and ear hair re-growth - a sure sign of advancing old age...

    - Shoulders too wide; need to be creative in camouflaging them.

    I can't complain overall, though. I seem to be doing a pretty good job of blending in on average, and even in "passing" from time to time...

  18. #18
    Silver Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelicityMay View Post
    i have a question that i hope someone wont be offended to answer.
    does having more body fat make it easier to make some convincing boobs? im ultra skinny with the flattest chest possible, so im having a little bit of trouble looking busty.
    i know there are ways to make fake boobs, but would you call moobs a benefit?
    Having some fat on your chest makes it easier to create realistic cleavage (with tape or some device) by pushing flesh up and together; one still needs forms underneath though to fill out the bust and look proportional.

  19. #19
    Silver Member noeleena's Avatar
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    waimate new zealand

    weight 11 stone = 154 lb's
    fullest part of bust 41 in's . ( real) ,bra' size 16 d,
    waist line 34 1/2 in's. skirt size 16,
    fullest part of hip's, 39 in's
    shoe's womens 11 kiwi size,
    height 5 ,9.
    tops size 18 across the shoulder's.

    Body wise i look like a normal woman of around age 45 to 50 when lined up with other women of similar size shape, so body wise is pretty good as i looked after myself over the last 55 years, work wise, & fit, for my age of over 65,

    hair on my body is about 8 %, about the same as other women. voice soprano in the lower range can do tenor as well plus do singing, Of cause will depend on the songs

    My disadvange ....yes.... quite male facial feature's due to being intersexed, a mix of hormones. i dont have my crowning glory .other wise no issues as a normal woman.

    As to passing undressed youll see only a female, how im percived by most ......a woman who is different, of cause some will have a ? or two,
    my lack's are made up by other attributes that i have , On meeting myself youll soon find only a female & a woman who has grown into one,

    No bodys concerned about my defects or im different im well accepted, i cant ask for more,


  20. #20
    A lady in the making..... Erica Marie's Avatar
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    Nice topic,
    Pros for me:
    Very slim, 120# 5'7"
    Not very hairy, so upkeep is a breeze
    I never had a real deep voice

    I was born a male
    No butt or hips to speak of
    I feel age is catching up with me and there are so many things I wish I did when I was younger and had the chance.

  21. #21
    The non-GG next door.... Candice Mae's Avatar
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    Never, Neverland
    I'm 5'7''
    160 lbs
    Size 8 shoes
    adams apple doesn't stick out
    In great shape size 6-8.
    Good waist and hips.
    smallish shoulders
    My boobs 34B/36A

    My man hands
    My legs
    My voice
    My eyebrows
    not being able to shave

  22. #22
    Member DeidraDee63's Avatar
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    South East U.S.
    Hi Everyone,
    Pros: 5'7" / 145lbs
    Dress size 8/10 Shoe 8.5-9 depend on style
    fem figure (kind of) 37B(natural)-31-38 (without shapeware)
    soft skin, very little body hair
    mixed facial features
    Female attitude
    small hands, (I have to use nails for petite)
    facial laser done four years ago
    Drs put me on T due to bone loss seems my body wants to convert to E (yea)
    small rounded shoulders not overly muscular

    lack of top hair
    small adams apple
    voice but not too bad

    Great thread
    Last edited by DeidraDee63; 03-20-2013 at 08:57 AM.

  23. #23
    New Member misstracy90's Avatar
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    I don't have the most manly looking face and I have moobs, not really huge ones but moobs none the less.

  24. #24
    silicone member Danielle_cder's Avatar
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    Pros: height, 5'7" weight 150 my beard/stash grows in blonde easy to conceal my facial features are quite soft my eye brows lots of people have asked where I get them shaped... Truth is I don't even touch em.

    Arms (mainly forearms) running buffers n grinders makes em strong
    Broad shoulders too (thank god for a v2, and femskin fempads)
    the only limit that u set, is the one u set yourself.

  25. #25
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    If I am wearing heels I am 3 inches taller.
    That is a plus.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

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