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Thread: Embarrassed by representations of TG people

  1. #26
    Member Emogene's Avatar
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    So why is anyone embarrased or shocked by bad press; smut and sensationalism sells.

    The "news", be it printed or in electronic format, has not been news per se for several decades. What is foisted off on the American public tends to be the same, half dozen, stories offered as a cross of editorial comment, speculation, inuendo with a few bits of real news to hold the whole sham together. You know, the cause of the day!

    Look at CNN, CBS, ABC, et al; surely there are more than six note worthy, news worthy events in the world at any given time. Surely, something new happened today so we don't have to hash and rehash the same stories day after day!

    Just saying!

  2. #27
    Frenchtoastowls Antoinette's Avatar
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    I get sick of hearing about ru Paul's drag race as if I should be into it. I don't watch it and I don't care for it. Besides I'm not a drag queen, sheesh
    Finally got to making a facebook

    And now on instagram (got sucked into the hype). I go by frenchtoastowls. Yea you read that right!

    If you're gonna add me just give me a heads up on who you are

  3. #28
    Senior Member dawnmarrie1961's Avatar
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    I keep turning around but I still don't see any paparazzi following me. Nope. I guess my life is just interesting enough. Boo Who. Boo Who!
    Now suppose I decided to do something wrong like blow up a building.
    Then every TG in the country would be labeled a would be terrorist and be subject to strip search on sight. That is how the behavior of one individual can have a negative effect on everybody else.
    But that wouldn't happen. Not in AMERICA.
    Yeah right.

  4. #29
    My Ship has sailed? Barbara Ella's Avatar
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    Of course you realize Dawnmarie, that that statement has just been filtered by the NSA, and you are on the watch list, and most likely all of us posting here are listed as potential

    I must add that I do not get embarrassed by the representations. Saddened by their lack of understanding and education, or even minimal caring. I lament society's descent, but I know that the girls here will remain transcendent.

    He (she) who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.
    - Friedrich Nietzche -
    I may never get to fly like the other girls, but I do so want to dance, so I continue to climb.

  5. #30
    Senior Member dawnmarrie1961's Avatar
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    Barbara, Not only the NSA. But the NRA, FDA and the PTA. I'm also on the national AARP mailing list. LOL!

  6. #31
    Senior Member Read only Allison Chaynes's Avatar
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    YES!!! I'm glad someone else feels this way. My wife watched part of one episode and I'm pretty sure it set us back a year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
    I get sick of hearing about ru Paul's drag race as if I should be into it. I don't watch it and I don't care for it. Besides I'm not a drag queen, sheesh

  7. #32
    Silver Member STACY B's Avatar
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    Most of the time 9 out of 10 shows on this subject are not the way we want to be portrayed . I screen all the stuff on the subject an don't just Holla hey baby come watch this !! It might not put us an you in that good of a light ? Just like Rue Paul's Drag Race ,, That is mostly Gay guys that are proformer's an they are way younger than most of us an they have a different culture all there own . An if you don't want your wife to think your a Drag Queen you might not want to watch it with her ,, You know EVERYONE thinks if you dress your a Drag Queen !! There was a documentary on the other night prime time that gave us a hand up ,, Other than that there few an far between !

  8. #33
    Silver Member Angela Campbell's Avatar
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    "strip search on sight"

    ooohhh I usually have to pay extra for that!
    All I ever wanted was to be a girl. Is that really asking too much?

  9. #34
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    I've never felt embarrassed by media representations.

  10. #35
    Silver Member stephNE's Avatar
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    Every now and then on the news they will report a robbery and describe the guy who did it as "..and he was dressed like a woman." If they have video usually you can see he had on a wig that was intended to be a disguise. But it seems to me that there is an inference connecting crossdressers to those who commit crime. Maybe I am being too sensitive.

  11. #36
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessica Who View Post
    I've never felt embarrassed by media representations.
    I am of the same opinion. The more the merrier out in that big bad real world. Look at the gay/lesbian coming out. Many times they were portrayed in less than flattering ways in movies, books and television. Look at the TV sitcom Will and Grace. The one gay is what the gays like to call a "Flamer" or "Flaming Gay" because of his overtly feminine gestures and mannerisms, which are typical exaggerations when used for entertainment. From my experience living in the San Francisco Bay area and visiting the predominantly, though changing, Castro area regularly, the Flaming Gays are definitely in the minority. I have no idea what the gays actually think of how they were portrayed on Will and Grace, but just by having them in a long running funny and successful television program helped the uninitiated (unlearned?) to see them in a pseudo real life situation and get more comfortable that, like it or not, they are in our midst, everywhere. In the big picture that is good for all of us helping to clarify that "unknown" area for a lot of people and at least helping them to learn how to tolerate differences in others.

    I personally do not see a direct connection with the masses (not some individuals) with a male dressed as a female and doing something wrong which then reflects badly on the greater whole. The majority of people out there in the real world are not that dumb and will not, as some here state, think that one bad example ruins it for everyone else. Yes, it may affect a few, but not the majority. Just read about all the successful trips out of the house dressed as a woman by so many members here from all over the USA and world with zero negative reactions.

    As for committing crimes as dressed as a woman, that has been going on forever. So, saying that a man dressed as a woman robbed the bank means nothing more than that. Yes, it is mentioned more specifically for as others have already stated the news needs something different and exciting to increase or maintain readership and viewers/listeners to the news. The news organizations are really trying to accommodate us and to be more respectful on how they report about us, using proper pronouns and some of those dreaded labels like transgender.

  12. #37
    Give in, girl-out, enjoy Krista1985's Avatar
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    "So, for you folks, has the representation of transgendered ever bothered you by the unflattering portrayals or by the fear that it revealed something about you...or some other way? "

    Yes the depiction of CD/TG on the 'trashy' talk shows like Springer and Richard Bey (remember him?) were poorly done. I'm talking about those episodes where a couple would sit down on stage, and the host would ask the male, "Do you know why you're here today?" before revealing that their female partner is actually a CD or TS. The intent here was obviously to depict CD/TG people as dishonest perverts and turn a buck by doing so. To shock the audience and get them to sympathize with the man who was tricked into entering into a relationship under false pretenses. I am sure Oprah would approach the topic with due sensitivity, but she is in a different league than those trashy shows.

    I never really had a problem with Chris Farley playing Adam Sandler's wife in an SNL skit. It never bothered me when the dudes from Monty Python dressed up for a skit either. In both cases, the actors were presenting as women in a comedic situation, but the intent was not to make fun of TG's/CD's in so far as I can tell. Check out "The Whitest Kids You Know" from IFC for a more modern example of CDing in sketch comedy. And lets face it, Chris Farley played a mid-western housewife extremely well.

  13. #38
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I appreciate all the observations shared, I should point out that the source of my embarrassment was largely my fear of being outed. I cringed at any portrayal or even conversation about transgenderism. It was my problem, really.

  14. #39
    Loves ordinary miracles SuzanneBender's Avatar
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    I am in the middle on this one. There are a lot of negative stereotypes out there but there are also some great ones as well. I don't mind someone poking a little fun. When asked why I am who I am I attribute it to drinking diet soda from a plastic bottle and watching too much Monty Python.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megan Thomas View Post
    Basic good manners and a smile will leave them thinking there goes a nice person. Sooner or later when we crop up in a conversation they'll be more likely to defend us if others are being derogatory.
    I agree with Megan. Its easy to draw stereotypes about a minority that you have had no association with other than what you see on TV or the internet. The two best ways to overcome those sterotypes is to be proud of who you are and to conduct yourself like a person that someone would want to associate with.

    I have have had some wonderful experiences with folks that have never met a transgender person before. I prefer to blend in, but if noticed I don't shy away from who I am and I certainly don't worry about what the other person watched on TV last night.
    See yourself as a soul with a body not a body with a soul" Dr. Wayne Dyer

  15. #40
    Senior Member Jacqueline Winona's Avatar
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    You can't let it get to you, and use whatever opportunity presents itself as an educational opportunity. Most of the world isn't going to take a CD seriously right now. Maybe in 10 years they will, but we live for now. You have to take a lesson from Jackie Robinson and just grow a really thick skin, and prove you belong. Yes, it isn't fair, but who said life was? Its a battle that can be won. I dress in public every year for an event, I get teased, I just laugh it off and nobody really cares. When a Lesbian friend said "you're having too much fun with this, everyone is going to think you do this alll the time" all I said is "let them think whatever they want so long as they support me, there's worse things to be known for" and she just smiled. I suspect she knows I actually enjoy dressing but she could care less, and probably respects me more for doing what I like and/or support, regardless of the consequences.

  16. #41
    Member Taylor Ray's Avatar
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    I liked the Tim Burton movie Ed Wood. A lot of times cross dressing is portrayed as a counter culture, which I am comfortable with. When it is judged as being "perverse", I become defensive.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorileah View Post

    Think for a moment. Name 5 TG people who have been shown in a positive light. It doesn't get noted or when it does it is buried
    Well, just off hand I can think of Jan Morris, the travel writer who used to be James Morris, Chaz Bono gets pretty good press, sometimes on the front page (yes, in part due to MOM,) There was a concert pianist in NY that got a write up not too long ago, and recently in the NYT there was an article on a data search companywhose chief scientist a TS PhD in computational neuroscience.
    here is an excerpt
    "But Vivienne Ming, who since late in 2012 has been the chief scientist at Gild, says she doesn’t think Silicon Valley is as merit-based as people imagine. She thinks that talented people are ignored, misjudged or fall through the cracks all the time. She holds that belief in part because she has had some experience of it.

    Dr. Ming was born male, christened Evan Campbell Smith. He was a good student and a great athlete — holding records at his high school in track and field in the triple jump and long jump. But he always felt a disconnect with his body. After high school, Evan experienced a full-blown identity crisis. He flopped at college, kicked around jobs, contemplated suicide, hit the proverbial bottom. But rather than getting stuck there, he bounced. At 27, he returned to school, got an undergraduate degree in cognitive neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego, and went on to receive a Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon in psychology and computational neuroscience. During a fellowship at Stanford, he began gender transition, becoming, fully, Dr. Vivienne Ming in 2008.

    Mostly though, I agree with your post. It is one of the reasons I believe that crossdressing as normal in public will never be accepted. And, people shouldn't worry about it. If you want to do it, do it safely, don't make the community look stupid (e.g. shave your beard if you have one,) and stay out of trouble. There is a wide scale of acceptable dress and it can include cross dressing. Overall , the culture is getting cruder and going down hill (IMO) and anything that doesn't fit with that mindset will get jeers.
    Last edited by busker; 05-15-2013 at 11:41 PM.
    JUST a crossdresser

  18. #43
    Senior Member Read only Allison Chaynes's Avatar
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    Another WKUK fan, alright! They do a good job with their CDing and aren't making fun of us. Some of them are convincing enough that I've had to stop and go, hey was that Zach Cregger or an actual woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Krista1985; Check out "The Whitest Kids You Know" from IFC for a more modern example of CDing in sketch comedy. And lets face it, Chris Farley played a mid-western housewife extremely well. [url[/url]

  19. #44
    Silver Member linda allen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephNE View Post
    Every now and then on the news they will report a robbery and describe the guy who did it as "..and he was dressed like a woman." If they have video usually you can see he had on a wig that was intended to be a disguise. But it seems to me that there is an inference connecting crossdressers to those who commit crime. Maybe I am being too sensitive.
    I think you are being too sensitive. Dressing like a woman is intended as a disguise in this case and it has nothing to do with being a crossdresser. Now if the story was "Crossdresser robs bank", that would be different.
    [SIGPIC] 0356[/SIGPIC]Linda

  20. #45
    Extraordinaire May(be)'s Avatar
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    There are certain "bad requirements" or prerequisites that still exist before a trans character can appear in media.

    This is an article that lambasts trans representations in the media, written by Calpernia Addams in 2009. In the section entitled "Narrative Film/ Television" she addresses are the four P’s of representation of the transgender community in media: prostitute, punchline, psycho, and poor thing!

    Here is the link:
    Last edited by May(be); 05-16-2013 at 08:54 AM.

  21. #46
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    excellent and very thorough article on trans depictions. Thanks, May!

  22. #47
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    There are a few people on this forum who actually KNOW that there are TGs out there doing well. My favorite is Wendy Carlos (nee Walter). But the thing is that 99.9% of the everyday population (and members here) could come up with Rene Richards, Calpernia, Chaz and....? Some will hit the UFC fighter if they are in sports and do we really want Dennis Rodman as a representative? (he got press but I believe that is all he was after).

    In a way not knowing is a GOOD thing. They have dropped off the radar to live (hopefully) normal lives. That is the ultimate TS dream and often not being seen is the ultimate CD ideal too.

    But I keep hoping. I see that things have gotten better (note NOT perfect) for many people who were held down before. However, I also believe that there are so many even here that prefer to NOT advance the TG "agenda". And until we get more who are willing to stand out and up (Chaz) we will be relegated to being 3rd class citizens. Mice in the dark. We allow the rats top get exposure. So we are lumped with the rats.
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  23. #48
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    Anybody happen to catch SVU last night? There was actually a cross dressing character who WASN'T the killer! He was, however, a high school principal whose 'wife would kill me if she knew,' and who was worried that he'd lose his job if word got around. I think they probably just put her in there so the general audience would assume that since he dressed like a woman (convincingly, apparently) that he was the one whodunit.

  24. #49
    Complex Lolita...
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93
    So, for you folks, has the representation of transgendered ever bothered you by the unflattering portrayals or by the fear that it revealed something about you...or some other way?
    Many depictions of TG in the media have bothered me over the years. I’ve come to realize that they WANT to show things this way, to keep any M-to-F portrayal silly and/or ridiculous, perhaps to dissuade any boy from trying on girl’s clothes. When I first started to crossdress I came across some beautiful (and inspiring) depictions of MtF, and I really had to dig to find them. A little glimpse of something true now and then was all I needed to launch my own explorations...

    I reached a stage where I began to look like what I initially feared, but it was OK...

  25. #50
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Be ready for a CD news story today. A school kid in Michigan found a thumb drive today. It contained child porn and some other sick shit I won't mention. They made a point of saying the person the drive belonged to was a CDer.

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