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Thread: So, your SO asked to see you dressed.

  1. #1
    Aspiring Member Julie1123's Avatar
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    So, your SO asked to see you dressed.

    Hello Ladies,

    Often times I've daydreamed about my SO asking to see me dressed. It's not likely to happen anytime soon but a girl can dream. The daydreaming always starts out well but paranoia and fear always comes up eventually and I start to think it would be a disaster if it ever actually happened.

    Anyways, the point is, I would love to live vicariously through your experiences or share your pain if they didn't go so well.

    So, if you don't mind, I would love to hear your stories of your SO asking to see you dressed for the first time. Happy or sad, good or bad, all are welcome.

    Thanks and hugs,

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member Jana's Avatar
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    Mine would never ask. It's that simple.

  3. #3
    Member candydawn75's Avatar
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    Well I guess I am different from most and very very lucky!! My wife was the one that started me dressing just to ummmm see what I would look like. Then it exploded from there.

    So lets just take this weekend. We dropped off our daughter at a friends house for the weekend. She picked out my clothes to go out in male mode but still femme. It was a pink polo, ladies shorts, male but yet kinda femme looking flip flops, and silky skirt panty thong. We went shopping at Kohl's and we tried on some skirts (LOVE Kohl's they never monitor their dressing rooms!!) and she bought me a new pair of pink panties. We came home and she did my nails and makeup. I put on my wig and jewelry and sat and watched movies until we umm took things to the bedroom ;p. Today I get to dress all day!!! I have pink nails and she painted a cute little floor on my toes!

    I am VERY VERY lucky!! She encourages me to dress. She says it has done wonders for our marriage. I really hate that you guys don't have this. I is truly a blessing that she loves it. What frustrates me is the fact that they can wear our shirts, shorts, etc and oh it is CUTE, but the moment we would step out in theirs OMG what were you thinking!! Any way hope things get better for ya'll.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    My wife would never ask to see me dressed.
    She does know all about me, and does accept, Heck she kinda of even pushed me
    into going to a local party recently. She know this is something I enjoy. But in all reality
    I know she wishes it was never an issue
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  5. #5
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    She does not ask to see me dressed...I just show up dressed whenever. It is in moderation but still acceptable. I also try to be cognizant of her moods, e.g., if she is feeling down, not dress because it does more for me than her. During those times, the energy is used to cheer her up. It is always fun to show up in a new outfit and see the big smile and compliment I get.

  6. #6
    Member Christine.Lolita's Avatar
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    My wife asked to see me dressed very unexpectedly. At first I did not want to let her see me dressed for fear of rejection etc. I thought it over and decided I would dress and let her see me wearing a Lolita outfit.
    When this time came for her to see me I was so nervous, but it was not necessary because when she did see me she was very cool about it. Her comments were was that I looked cute and that she would never have recognized me.
    Since then, which was last March, I have dressed around her many more times, and it is to the point where it feels normal for both of us.
    This picture was taken on that first day.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7
    Senior Member Princess Grandpa's Avatar
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    Like Candydawn, I'm super fortunate. My wife was with me when I was recently able to accept the fact that I'm a crossdresser. She encourages me to continue stretching my boundaries. She is involved in all aspects of my transformation. The two times I have worn make up she applied it for me. She makes my nails pretty and helps me pick out clothing. She chose my wig, which isn't going to arrive before we leave for Vegas.

    As candy said, I wish we all could experience the joy from having your SO support and encouragement.
    A person should wear what he likes to. And not just what other folks say. A person should be who she likes to. A person's a person that way!
    ~Marlo Thomas~

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Read only
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    In the early 1970's my wife and I actually shopped together for floor length nightgowns/peignoir sets for me. I fondly remember buying a pink peignoir, which I still have (vintage now) and a black nightgown. The material of the black nightgown had no stretch. So, alas, it is no longer in my possession. She also bought me some hosiery and a garter belt. A friend of ours gave my wife a knee length red peignoir, which she did not like. She gave that to me. This was all sexy bedroom play.

    When our child was born, she asked me to please not wear any of them if he was around. Of course, a toddler was always around. No big issue. Then, around 1983, my wife flipped 180 when our daughter pulled open the bottom draw of my dresser and pulled out a very sexy Vanity Fair red bra. That changed everything. "Why would you wear a bra when you have nothing to stuff into it?" Fair question.

    It is interesting a woman will participate in dolling up her husband/boy friend, if there is no sexual identity involved. Throw in some confusion, and, well, things change. I tried to make my wife understand what I am, but, it did not work. Once we went to the mall to buy me some panties. It was absolute torture for her. It was not worth the effort. Her reasons for objecting are more than just a man wearing women's clothing.

    Would I want to let my wife see Stephanie dolled up in a tasteful dress, slip, bra, panty, hosiery, heels, and a wig? Nope. I tend to be a realist. So, it's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

    PS: One year she and I encountered her father in drag going to a Halloween party with his girl friend. I vividly remember wishing I was him for the evening. My wife says she does not remember the incident at all. Defensive mechanisms at work?

  9. #9
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    My SO saw me dressed before she ha an opportunity to even ask.
    At that time she did not know me.
    She knew me as a member of a group of girls.
    When she found out.... Surprise surprise.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member
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    My GF never asked to see me, but I told her about my femme side early in the relationship. I showed her a picture and she was happy to leave me my space to explore, though she probably wished I took up golf or something else as a passion. Eventually we were spending so much time together that it was inevitable she would need to see me dressed and one night after a local social, I returned to her place in full "Kelly" mode. It turned out to be a non-event and we continued with our usual Saturday night (watching SNL before bed). I do strip off my femme when I join her in bed, and I assume that made it easier for her. She still prefers my male side, but accepts that this is a part of me that comes with the package.
    Sheren Kelly

  11. #11
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    My GF has seen me get dressed en femme several times. She says she sees me including when I put on my makeup. My wig is the next to last thing I put on. When I put that on she says she sees someone completely different, even though she knows it is still me.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  12. #12
    Luv doing girl stuff CherylFlint's Avatar
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    My SO had our first date at a steakhouse on Weds night. I told her that I was a CD and she asked me to come to her apartment and dress for her, which I did. She helped me with the makeup and we talked about why I liked to dress and I told her the whole story of the X and Y chromosomes and pretty much the same story we all have.
    Six months later we married. Ever since that first dressing she tells me what she wants me to wear or else she’ll go into Cheryl’s closet and pick out what she wants me to wear.
    She takes me to wig stores and has the SA have me try on wigs until my wife likes what she sees and then buys it for me.
    You girls out there, let me tell you something: be honest. Lying is not the way to go through life and your SO deserves to know the truth.
    My wife and I read these posts and many times she has me put her two cents in, sometimes it’s more like a quarter, or more.
    I wear the dress and she’s the boss, and I like it that way.

  13. #13
    ~ M2F Lezzie ~ Annaliese2010's Avatar
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    I am fortunate enuf to have a GG friend who totally accepts, promotes, encourages me. Known her a long time. She probably always suspected. But just recently showed her ME i.e. Annaliese...without warning / unexpectedly. Was in one of those devil-may-care tudes, ya know? (meaning..was a lil tipsy on Gray Goose vodka actually). To my delight she reacted Very positive! And I think was a lil excited / turned on.

    Eeeeeenyways...that was some months ago. We still associate in a loose casual way. I know my boundaries. I respect her...she's Soooooo cute! A real 30 something Hottie! Gawwwwd. We're gonna go on a shopping spree soon. She's got ideas on what she wants to see on me wrt clothing (should be interesting) and wants to do a makeup makeover i.e. the look She prefers. And just lemme say...this GG girl is soooooo an awesome person inside'd make you back up and say "OMG Annaliese! You are SO lucky!".

  14. #14
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    The first time, she actually asked if she could dress me up. It seems she was the one with the secret desire, fetish, whatever you want to call it and it matched perfectly with something I had always thought about. Since then it has turned into Madeline having her own clothes, shoes, makeup etc. and no limits on dressing or not dressing. Yesterday we had a "girl day" at the mall shopping for makeup, clothes and jewelry (me in guy mode), then came home, got dressed, bought some stuff for both of us online from VS, and watched a few episodes of America's top Model. I'm extremely lucky to be very comfortable and free to dress or not as I please.

  15. #15
    Aspiring Artist Kelly DeWinter's Avatar
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    Jeannie and I talked quite a bit online before we met in person, I was honest about all aspects of my life from the beginning. When we discussed being TG/CD she admitted it was something she had no experience or knowledge of, Her initial response was "Well, if it's a part of who you are, it's who you are". To her credit she researched the internet and in our conversations asked an incredible number of questions. I answered to the best of my knowledge. When we met she asked to see photos of how I present as Kelly, and has from the beginning been supportive and encouraging. I've never felt treated as a separate person as male or female in fact in our travels /shopping/going out, she has never commented on what i wear, unless something truly does not match. As the years have gone by , I've come to realize that the reason we have a good relationship, is that it's based on honesty and respect for each other.
    Kelly DeWinter
    Find Kelly at:
    Kelly's Blog

  16. #16
    Lady in Being (7/20/17) AmyGaleRT's Avatar
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    Sabrina first saw me dressed the night I told her. After I basically spilled my guts and was rewarded with nothing but acceptance, I told her, "About the only other thing I could do would be to dress for you." She said, "Only if you want to." I pulled out what clothes I had concealed at home, and got fully dressed, including shoes and jewelry, but no makeup. I walked into the bedroom, and her reaction was, "I'm jealous, you look more feminine than I do!" From there, it turned into an impromptu fashion show, as I retreated to the bathroom several times to swap clothes, shoes, and jewelry.

    Now, she always sees me once the transformation to Amy is complete. She generally responds approvingly to my outfits, though she did quibble a bit about the length of one of my dresses yesterday. (It was just above the knees, that shouldn't be a problem, should it? )

    - Amy
    Amy Gale Ruth Bowersox (nee Tapie) - "Be who you are, and be it in style!"
    Member, Board of Trustees, Gender Identity Center of Colorado
    aka Amelia Storm - Ms. Majestic Hearts of All Colorado 2018-2019, Miss Majestic Hearts of All Colorado 2015-2016

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member Leona's Avatar
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    Well, we brought it into our relationship as a sexual game. After a few nights of that, I told her it was more, and was just as surprised to hear me actually saying it as she was. We went through some ups and downs, and now she asks regularly. I don't do makeup most of the time because of my job, but some select saturday evenings we do each other's make up (or I do both of ours, like last night).

    it helps that she's bi, and she likes seeing me as a woman too, so she's sexually attracted to me all the time, not just when in one mode or the other. Hell, she wears my bras to work sometimes just to feel like I'm there with her.

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member WandaRae2009's Avatar
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    My wife saw me dressed once and even helped for a Halloween event, however that was before she knew that I was a CD. Once the secret was revealed I told here where some pictures were on the computer. I don't know if she ever really looked at them but the result was some off handed insulting comments. Now I only dream that she will ask again some day. I am hoping that another Halloween invite might create another opportunity.

  19. #19
    Gold Member
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    On our second date, I was waiting for her at her daughters house watching
    some TV news program witch was showing a red carpet event with some
    nice dresses. I mention to my Date (Later Wife) that I liked a certain dress,
    and I wish I had one.
    Later that night she asked me if I had any dresses; No just some skirts and tops.
    About 2 weeks later, around the 4 TH of July, at a BBQ in my back yard, It started
    to rain heavy; so we where chased inside.
    She asked me to go put on my skirt and top. I was a bit uncertain, but why not, so
    I did. She said that I had a long way to go, and that she would help me. This is when
    I knew that she was the one for me.
    We where Married for over 19 years until the Angles called her.

  20. #20
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    Asked, no. Demanded.

    During our eighth weekend together, I got up the courage to tell her that I was a crossdresser and intended to explore this side of my life even more in the future. She hardly blinked, and right away told me to model each of my outfits for her (a very small collection at the time). It was a start, and she's been a key part of my development as a crossdresser ever since, from clothing choices and makeup, to presentation and confidence in public.


  21. #21
    A California Girl Rachel Morley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie1123 View Post
    I would love to live vicariously through your experiences ... I would love to hear your stories of your SO asking to see you dressed.
    I'm one of the very lucky ones where my wife was actually looking to date a CDer before she met me. You see she doesn't really like "regular guys" so in my case just look for old threads by me or my wife Marla GG
    Last edited by Rachel Morley; 06-23-2013 at 09:35 PM.
    The River City Gems - Northern California's largest and most active crossdressing & transgender support group!

  22. #22
    Chelsea Von Chastity gender_blender's Avatar
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    I'd be more excited if my SO asked to see me naked than requesting me to put on more clothes, but that's me.

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member aprilgirl's Avatar
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    Ultimately she did, after I shared this part of me with her a few months into dating. After divulging, she did want to see photos and proceeded to go all Mr. Blackwell on me! A few years later, out of the blue she admitted to being overly critical and apologized, but I didn’t take it too personally. I knew, as open minded as she is, that this was all new to her and I felt fortunate that she was asking questions and trying to understand.

    Occasionally she would bring the subject up, knowing I was open to talk about it whenever she felt the need to do so. A couple of months later she began to purchase items for me and would lay them on the bed before turning in for the night. Under dressing in lingerie was actually more awkward for me than being fully dressed, as it was something that never appealed to me. Though, this was her way of getting acclimated, so I gladly obliged.

    About nine months later she suggested I dress up fully for her. After announcing I was ready, she came into the bathroom and we spoke for a few minutes, about what I can’t even remember. I was sort of shocked that she then embraced me and gave me a peck on the cheek. She said she was relieved to know that under the wig, padding and makeup that I was still simply just me.

  24. #24
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    It wasn't quite like that. My wife knew from the beginning that I cd'd. I started wearing a few things in her presence and she really didn't male anything of it. Over time, I wore more things...underwear and outerwear. But always as a male in women's garments. Then finally, I asked her if she would mind if I dressed fully as a woman....explaining that I dressed completely when alone...and was frankly tired of doing it as a solitary, lonely expression. She didn't really answer one way or another. So one day I pushed the issue harder than ever...she was gone for a few hours and I dressed completely....wig, forms, make up, and a cute causal outfit . I liked the way I looked, and frankly didn't want to change back to drab. I texted her as she drove home, warned her I was dressed and then she called. She wasn't happy about it but told me not to change.

    When she came home, I met her at the door. We sat down and talked. She admitted it wasn't her favorite - the reason she had not responded to my earlier request. We talked a while and I said our marriage was more important to me and offered to switch back to male mode and not dress around her. She said, no stay dressed, but without much enthusiasm, so I showered up and went back to the daily routine in male clothes.

    A few hours later, she came up to me and said she could see the joy sucked out of me and said she felt we should reconsider that decision. I said OK, and thanks but stayed in male mode the rest of the evening. That night in bed she lay next to me, leaning on an elbow and said (approximately): "I have one thing to say. I think we should reconsider what we talked about earlier. Afterall, these are just clothes, and you're the same person inside. I don't want you to feel lonely and I want you to be happy."

    Since that day, I've dressed around her whenever I feel like it...which frankly is most of the time. I do try to give her a few hours a week of male mode, just to balance things out.

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