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Thread: Boobs

  1. #151
    Member Mary Lee's Avatar
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    I do not like having to remove my forms and bra.

  2. #152
    . Aprilrain's Avatar
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    I do not understand the obsession CDers have with wearing bras?? Even the most comfortable ones feel great once they are OFF! I had breast augmentation a year ago, i was an A cup befor now I'm a 36 DDD. I'm really happy with them and do not feel that they get in my way at all. I can do anything that i uesed to do just fine though they did take some getting uesd to. Implants are different than au natural, they are more firm and less likly to sag which is fine with me!

  3. #153
    In transmission whowhatwhen's Avatar
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    Is your back cursing you now though?

    I probably should be wearing one to prevent mine from ending up like saggy fried eggs.
    I'm only a 38B though so I don't care enough to worry.

  4. #154
    Member Billiejosehine's Avatar
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    I often times hear from my SO how horrible it is to wear a bra all day and that's the first thing to come off. I myself don't own breast forms, but do enjoy wearing a bra pretty much all the time. Even without breast I do sometimes take off my bra and get a sense of relief, so I can only imagine what it would be truly like with breast. But I will be able to experience that feeling soon enough, as I begin my transition.

  5. #155
    I like to stuff my bra and take pics in angle that makes it look like I have boobs I sometimes Photoshop it aswell... wish I had the real thing though

  6. #156
    Member cheryl's Avatar
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    I love my forms especially with a bra . I like the way they feel as I walk.

  7. #157
    Senior Member StacyCD's Avatar
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    I will never transition full time. Crossdressing is a part of my life and I like the idea of wearing different size forms at different times. Right now I have on a 38D bra and forms and look the look and feel. Other times, I'm more likely to be in a "B" mood.

  8. #158
    Member lovetobedani's Avatar
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    After reading all of the others posts here. I do agree that after a couple of hours even the best fitting bra can become uncomfortable. But, I would not feel fully dressed without a bra with atleast some sort of breast enhancment. I'm a natural B cup but like to be a C.

  9. #159
    New Member Susan L's Avatar
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    i only dress and wear my bra at home with forms. I love them and wish I could wear a bra all day but can't take the chance as the straps etc would show through my shirt, bummer. I like wearing a C cup as it seems just right for my build, any thing larger would not look right. Would I like to have the real thing, damn right I would!

  10. #160
    The non-GG next door.... Candice Mae's Avatar
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    Susan, after the novelty of having breasts as a guy wore off which won't take long. You will start to hate having then and wearing bras if you stay living as a guy.

  11. #161
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candice Mae View Post
    Being a petite man with 34Bs it is easier for me to try and pass for a woman then to pretend to be a guy. Unless you fully understand the consequences of being a guy with breasts stick to forms.
    Like you, Candice, I am a petite guy. I use forms because I really don't have much of a chest. (I am a runner so I am slim by nature. And in case anyone is wondering, yes I have run many times en femme, mostly during cooler weather.) Were my social/business situation to change, I would seriously consider implants and/or HRT and would spend a majority, if not all my time as Diane.

    I understand that everyone's situations are different, much as yours is different than mine. But I've also had over 40 years to think about this subject and what it means. I've also had the opportunity on two occasions over the past 10 years to live as Diane for a few months without interruption as I was consulting out on the West Coast and my real name is androgynous, so the customer was none the wiser). The only time I took off my forms was to clean them or swap them out for new ones. Once I returned home I had to go back to living as "Dave" and Diane I felt incomplete without my breasts. Again, that's just me and my reality doesn't apply to anyone else.

    But I have to agree with you that understanding the consequences is important.

  12. #162
    The non-GG next door.... Candice Mae's Avatar
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    True, but there's a big difference having them since you were eleven. And did not understand why you a boy was developing along side the girls your age. Then deciding in your 40-50s that you want to get them.

  13. #163
    Sigh, I always knew Christina Kay's Avatar
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    I agree with Candice. It's not easy being guy and having breasts. Now that I am out to my wife . I get to underdress at home. But having lived with them for a lot of years. There are so many difficult things having them in man mode. From wearing shirts a size to large ,all the time . To the stares(deer in the headlights look) if you ever go swimming, to very rude comments. To someone talking to them instead of you...aaahem my face and eyes are up here. Don't get me wrong , I have always liked having them, a constant reminder of the girl inside me. It's only taken all this time to finally appreciate the girls
    Follow your path.. For only you can decide, which way to go.

  14. #164
    Silver Member DebbieL's Avatar
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    Candice is correct. You really want to get as close to living 24/7 as possible before starting HRT to grow real breasts. This is a key distinction between a transsexual and other transgenders such as cross-dressers. A cross-dresser wants to go back and forth, having the advantages of being birth gender at times. A transsexual wants to be their chosen gender and pretending to be their birth gender is often a painful and difficult experience emotionally. When I first came out, and first started dressing in public, I remember coming home and just dreading taking off the dress and clothes. Even if the undergarments were getting tight and uncomfortable after a long day, taking them off and switching from Debbie to Rex was almost like death. People who knew me could literally watch the life flow out of me. My energy level dropped, my posture drooped, my energy level sank, and I felt far older than I actually was. When I started living with some friends who knew and accepted Debbie, they saw it and were so pained by it that they would make sure that Debbie had something pretty to wear at bedtime. Going to work became the hardest. I loved my job, loved the people there, but going to work as Rex was like putting on a burlap bag and wearing 50 lbs on each wrist and ankle. Often, my energy level would go up after lunch when my mind would begin to focus on getting home and becoming Debbie again.

    By the time I started HRT and was growing real breasts, there was no question about whether or not I wanted to spend the rest of my life as a woman. I did. When my breasts grew to 38-B and there was no hiding them, even under "pup tent" dress shirts, I stopped trying. Now I'm up to 38-C and even though I still sing bass in the church choir (my wife sings tenor), my breasts are rather visible under my choir robe so it's not something I can hide anymore, nor do I want to. Many women in the congregation are already exchanging compliments with me, and several have told me they can't wait to see me in a dress.

    I don't have a strong desire for very large breasts. I've already reached the point where some tops and some bras result in that "My eyes are up here boy" experience with other men who can't seem to take their eyes of cleavage, no matter how it's displayed.
    I like that I can wear V-Neck sweaters without camisoles, but I have to keep remembering not to pull the V too far down. ;-)

    If you really think you want breasts, you should start considering gender counseling, and really look at whether or not you might be transsexual. If you are just a cross-dresser and think this is a fun and "expensive hobby", then you should definitely NOT make plans to do anything that would cause you to grow REAL breasts.
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  15. #165
    Member makin' it real's Avatar
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    But wait, there's more!

    Quote Originally Posted by Candice Mae View Post
    Susan, after the novelty of having breasts as a guy wore off which won't take long. You will start to hate having then and wearing bras if you stay living as a guy.
    Hi Candice. I noticed you tend to predict what other people's experiences will be if they grow breasts and still present as men. It sucks that you seem to be dealing with a tough situation and that you really do hate all the problems that come with having breasts. It would help me, though, if you could find a way to leave open the possibility of other people having different experiences than you.

    See, luckily, your predictions don't describe me. I have small breasts (36B), present as a man, and I don't hate it. In fact I like it very much. Yes, there are problems, as Debbie so accurately described above, but I'm finding ways to work with them.

    If you tell me what you've experienced, what you've learned that works and doesn't, that's a gift to me. That's a treat. Thank you, because then I get to learn from your experiences in the same way that I so enjoy getting to learn from Debbie's.

    Quote Originally Posted by DebbieL View Post
    Candice is correct. You really want to get as close to living 24/7 as possible before starting HRT to grow real breasts. This is a key distinction between a transsexual and other transgenders such as cross-dressers. A cross-dresser wants to go back and forth, having the advantages of being birth gender at times. A transsexual wants to be their chosen gender and pretending to be their birth gender is often a painful and difficult experience emotionally.

    ...If you really think you want breasts, you should start considering gender counseling, and really look at whether or not you might be transsexual. If you are just a cross-dresser and think this is a fun and "expensive hobby", then you should definitely NOT make plans to do anything that would cause you to grow REAL breasts.
    Well Debbie, I think there have to be a few more options than just crossdresser or transsexual. I've been wrestling with this for a long time, and so far the online and in-person LGBT communities I'm part of still haven't come to an easy recognition and allowance for more.

    I identify as dual-gendered, having physical mental, emotional, and spiritual characteristics in common with both men and women. I'm not a transsexual because although a large part of me is feminine I'm still also a man. I don't want to transition, but I do want my body to reflect my feminine identity. In the same way, I'm not really a crossdresser either, because the dressing itself really isn't all that important to me. I'm about equally comfortable and uncomfortable in both poles of gender dressing. Sometimes I really enjoy getting gussied up as a woman, or running in full Rachel mode, and then there are times times like last week when I thought I looked especially good in a new suit and wanted to show my running buddy that I clean up nice in guy mode too.

    I have breasts, and hips, and a smaller waist. I grew them myself and sort of terraformed my body using plant-based supplements, diet, and exercise. I am happy with where I am. I like having a feminized body, I have good friends who seem to value me as much as I do them, and I'm enjoying my colleagues and career again.

    Part of how I got to this place is by doing what Debbie suggests. I've done lots of counseling, including with a therapist who specializes in gender issues. And yeah, it's definitely helped me. But while I've found a place of ease in my own gender identity, it still leaves open the gender identity issues in the communities I'm part of.

    Including the challenge of how to express this dual-gender state here on this forum, in a way where I feel heard, where others can feel heard, and where I can learn from others who've had similar experiences. Debbie, as you so clearly described, there are definitely problems with having a feminized body and presenting as a man. But curiously it seems easier to talk with my non-LGBT friends about these things than to bring them up here.

    Because I'm not a transsexual, the discussions and recommendations on the transsexual forums didn't fit for me. People there gave good advice for TSs but it didn't always fit for gender blenders. In fact, most there couldn't conceive of a third or fourth option beyond CD or TS. Similarly, most of the people here seem more interested in changing the gender of their clothes than in changing the gender of their body. And that's okay. It's even helpful too, but again only to a degree. Like the TSs, CDs too sometimes have a hard time understanding that some of us may want to change our bodies without "going all the way." So that can limit the discussion here as well.

    So although the advice to live as a woman 24/7, getting that RLE before doing any physical feminization comes with the best of intentions and is sound advice for many, it simply doesn't fit for everyone who is thinking of growing breasts. It does make sense for some, but not for me. I know there are others here who feel the same, but like me they've learned to not talk about it very often. That's why I'm glad to see the occasional "breast" thread in the CD forum, because then I can poke my head up, look around, and see who else here might be like me.

    Hello all you gender blenders! I see you!

    Last edited by makin' it real; 12-24-2013 at 07:27 AM.

  16. #166
    The non-GG next door.... Candice Mae's Avatar
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    Try being a 26 year old guy, thats a size 6 and 135lbs with these on your chest. And I've gotten a little bigger since that picture was taken.

    I can dress down and wear a non push up bra to help reduce them, the sweater is a non lined bra and the pink dress is a push up bra.

    Its just easier to be her then wear a tight sports bra and baggy clothes while in guy mode.
    Last edited by Candice Mae; 01-25-2014 at 11:02 PM.

  17. #167
    Member makin' it real's Avatar
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    Hi Candice. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been going through your teen years with pronounced breasts. That's such a difficult age to navigate anyway, let alone having something different that makes you "stick out" as it were. And now as a young adult you've got a whole other set of challenges to face as you make your way in the world of work and relationships. Being a small man is tough. Being a small man with breasts is infinitely tougher.

    How do you identify gender in yourself? Do you feel comfortable and at ease when being a woman in the world? The few posts I've read from you imply you work as a man. Is that right? How is that?

    Here's a picture showing where I'm at now. I'm 53 years old and 5'8", so I've got a few years on you and am closer to the average male height than you. Both of which make it easier for me to pull off a male look and that's usually how I present to the outside world.

    CDers forum.jpg

    I'm wearing a foam-lined T-shirt bra in this pic, which was taken last winter. Like you, my breasts have continued to grow since then, so now they appear roughly this size in an unlined bra. I usually wear compression T-shirts at work to help minimize protrusion, and often wear a suit or sports coat, but even with that it's apparent I have a little something extra up top. And in T-shirts or casual shirts it's just blatantly obvious.

    I don't go swimming often, but when I do and I'm in male mode I wear a dark, tight, patterned surf shirt. My breasts are still visible but the camouflaging reduces the number of "deer in the headlights" stares from strangers. Plus I learned to leave a towel near the edge of the pool so I can drape it around behind my neck and down both sides of my front as soon as I get out of the water. Then all anyone sees is towel, not boobs.

    Candice, it's a given that you are beautiful as a woman. I'd bet you're good looking as a man too, even if a man with breasts. Your posts sound like you're angry about having breasts because you'd rather present as a man and not have to deal with them. Is that what you would prefer?

    Last edited by makin' it real; 12-24-2013 at 04:57 PM.

  18. #168
    The non-GG next door.... Candice Mae's Avatar
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    It was hard growing up being told to be a man, but looking like a young woman. I haven't being topless in public or swimming/beach since I was eleven. I do work as a guy, its just easier since I have a male dominated profession. I just wear a tight sports bra and baggy clothes to hide my feminine body.

    I just try to warn people that fantasy's are a lot different than reality. So they are aware of the situation before the end up suffering through it like I did. I recently stared identifying as a woman, but it is a slow process as I have spent my whole life living as a man.

  19. #169
    Swans have more fun! sandra-leigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candice Mae View Post
    Susan, after the novelty of having breasts as a guy wore off which won't take long. You will start to hate having then and wearing bras if you stay living as a guy.
    I do not deliberately present as male, but in cold-weather clothing sometimes all people have to go on is my face. I've been gendered as male constantly this last week

    The problem I have with my bust when I look like a guy is that it my bust is too small !! From time to time I get some water retention (or something like that) and go up a cup size, and it is glorious (other than still being much smaller than I would wish even then.) When I look down at my (current) 38A+, Yes I do get the feeling that they aren't right -- because the breasts of my body-image are not there. The times I creep up to 38B+ help. Remember, this is from actual experience living with those sizes over 2 3/4 years. I have never had a reason to hide my actual bust -- unlike when I was wearing forms and worried about "being caught" and being considered a pervert or something. When they are really there, it isn't "getting caught".

    The only thing that I don't do now that I normally used to do, is let my male masseuse see my breasts. I don't mean in the sense that I try to "hide" that I have them: I mean in the sense of modesty, that a woman does not normally let men see her breasts. Swimming isn't something I normally do. Walking in public bare-chested is not something I normally do.

  20. #170
    In transmission whowhatwhen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candice Mae View Post
    It was hard growing up being told to be a man, but looking like a young woman. I haven't being topless in public or swimming/beach since I was eleven.
    Yeah, growing up as a boy with boobs suuuuuuuccccckkkkkkssss.
    Though I look at it as that I've earned them

  21. #171
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    I get where Candace is coming from. I would absolutely LOVE to have my own set of breasts (Candace's size would actually be perfect), but as I present as a male and have no intention of losing my manhood (which is good because I look about as feminine as a articulated lorry) the practicalities behind having them probably aren't there for me... plus my wife likes laying on my chest at nigh, so she probably wouldn't enjoy my breasts...

  22. #172
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    Before 1 of my purges, I had a super pair of breast forms. But it's been 15 years since, and have not been able to find a steal that I got mine for. $20 for a pair of 38C

  23. #173
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    I m in the same category. Would love to have my own twenty four seven, With that being said the cost scares me away and would probably have to relocate.

  24. #174
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    I am an older male having C sized breasts for many years. With carefully chosen patterned shirts and a good fitting bra they are not noticed when out and about.
    If your bra fits good the only time you feel it there is when you think about it.

  25. #175
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    I have worn a padded C Cup bra under a reasonably baggy jumper and you could clearly see padding in the breast area. How many layers do you wear to conceal actual C Cups?
    Last edited by DAVIDA; 12-27-2013 at 07:10 AM. Reason: There is no need to quote the post right before your post.

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