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Thread: An odd experience at Tgirl Tuesday

  1. #1
    Senior Member Princess Grandpa's Avatar
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    An odd experience at Tgirl Tuesday

    As soon as we were shown to our table my wife excused herself to use the ladies room. I see an acquaintance at the next table. She abandons her table and joins us at ours. While Alexis and I are saying hello a young man comes up to our table. Without so much as a "by your leave" plops himself down in a chair. He looks at me and smiles. When I return the smile he turns to Alexis and smiles at her. Without a word said he merely looks at us.

    I thought about sending him on his way but decided he could hang for a minute. If I have a problem I know Jonnie and the rest of the security team are there. I look back to Alexis and continue the pleasantries we were exchanging. After a minute or three our new friend has still not said a word. He sits there with this silly grin looking from myself to Alexis. I hold out my hand as a lady would and introduce myself. "They call me Rita". Still he just sits there with that stupid grin. "And you are?"

    He gave his name but didn't try to engage in conversation. I have watched admirers hit on girls a lot over the last year. That didn't appear to be what was going on. I think he had never seen a crossdresser before. He was either curious enough or drunk enough to find the boldness to see what was going on. For several minutes he sat there. Then just as suddenly as he arrived he was gone.

    "That was kind of creepy" Alexis says. I wasn't so sure. Maybe it was a little but it was amusing to be sure. I was sharing my thoughts about it as my wife returns. We share the story with her and all have a good giggle. No sooner did we finish telling her about this guy, then who should show up? That's right. Jake returns from the bar fresh drink in hand. He grabs a chair from Alexis' abandoned table and sits down with us. Looking to my wife I say. "This is the guy we were telling you about. This is Jake"

    He managed to find his tongue. Still with that same goofy grin he says. "Can I ask you a couple of questions?" I smile and tell him to go ahead. The stupid grin changes to an expression that makes me think he is really trying hard to wrap his head around what he sees. "You two. Your guys right?" "Yes I am". I answer. He looks at Julie "but she's not?" Chuckling a little I agree that yes she is a woman.

    He looks thoughtful for a moment. "She's my wife" I tell him. "No way!" He says. The stupid grin is back in full force. I chuckle more as I explain "we just celebrated our 30th anniversary. ". He leans back in his chair and repeats louder "No way!" He starts laughing and gives us a high five. Now he's ready to ask his next question. "So, are you pre-op?" I was really shocked. I have read lots of articles and Facebook posts etc about the preoccupation over a TS' genitalia. It was kind of shocking still to be asked so boldly.

    "No" I told him. "I'm just a dude in a dress". The stupid grin is again replaced by a thoughtful expression. "Wait! What? *pause* Why do you do it? He asks. "Well" I reply. "I guess we all have different reasons. For some." He interrupts me. "I mean*pause* what does it feel like? "Well, it's fun. For me it's kind of like..." And he was gone again.

    Now Julie and I are roaring with laughter. We are easily amused. Alexis however is quite distressed. She felt that he was being antagonistic. "He doesn't seem to like men dressing" she says. I decided it was best to agree to disagree until the waiter arrived. Alexus started complaining. about this guy who doesn't like men dressed up. I rudely shut her down and told the waiter there was no problem.

    We were talking about the incident as two more girls joined our table. Needless to say we shared the encounter with them. One of our company left the table to sign up for karaoke. No sooner had she left then Jake returns. He has a plate of food and sits down at Laura's place to eat. "I'm sorry Jake!" This seat is taken. Your welcome to grab a chair and pull it up with us though if you like" I say. "No that's cool" he says. "I'm fine".

    Now I kind of regret having stood up for him. No! Your not fine! I explain firmly. "That seat is taken!" Before I can repeat the offer to pull up another chair, his stupid grin changes to one of extreme sadness. He looks as if he might actually cry as he picks up his tacos and moves to a nearby table. After finishing his tacos he went to sit near another girl. She did not respond at all. I guess he began going from girl to girl trying to strike up a conversation.

    From what I could see he was merely trying to make conversation. Going back to my original thought I decided he was probably hoping to get laid. Some of the girls chatted with him. Some just ignored him not once did I notice a girl react as if he had acted out of line. Alexis strongly disagreed. She went to security and got the guy 86'd.

    I felt bad for the guy but at the same time I had to admit I was glad he wouldn't be around at closing time.

    A person should wear what he likes to. And not just what other folks say. A person should be who she likes to. A person's a person that way!
    ~Marlo Thomas~

  2. #2
    Senior Member 2B Natasha's Avatar
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    I'm with you Rita.

    I think he was harmless. But that did sound like an overwhelmingly odd experience. Perhaps your friend has had something similar happen but with out the benign result. Kinds surprised he didn't try to rejoin you.

    I think 86ing him was perhaps a bit over the top. Not really the wY to make friends and influence people.

    Admirers are a funny bunch.

    You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because your all the same

  3. #3
    Martini Girl Katey888's Avatar
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    Young folk, eh..

    It sounds like he was just being inquisitive - and at least he wasn't outrageously rude, although he seemed to have that modern day thing of asking a question and then asking another before one has answered the first... my eldest son does that all time...

    Nice story - what goes through my mind now is: "Are guys really as shallow as that...?" Oh well, life's rich tapestry...

    Katey x
    "Put some lipstick on - Perfume your neck and slip your high heels on
    Rinse and curl your hair - Loosen your hips, and get a dress to wear"
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Hell on Heels's Avatar
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    Hell-o P.G., Jake sounds like the kind of person that I would have fun messing with a bit. With him obviously a tiny bit off his rocker, and a bit drunk to boot. All his silly grins, and silence, he probably had many more questions trapped in his head.
    I don't see where Alexis was concerned that he didn't like men dressed as women, you make no mention of any dislike, or aggression. Admirer, or just a bit CD curious, Jake was disturbing to Alexis so best for her to have him removed.
    Much Love,
    I smile because you are my friend, and
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Farrah's Avatar
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    Maybe he was a CD as well. He was probably happy to see another like him and he didn't know how to express it.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I feel that sending him on his way was probably the wisest thing to do.

    I tread on the side of caution at all times.
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    and beauty will follow.

  7. #7
    Girl from the Eagles Nest reb.femme's Avatar
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    OK, a Brit here. I understand the being 86'd, but how is this saying arrived at? Is it from a rule or something? Please feel free to mock the foreigner .

    My problem with someone with a slightly dodgy attitude is they can go from Cheshire Cat to Raging Bull in the flick of a bra strap. The enforced removal was probably timely for all concerned IMHO.

    Flying high under the spell of life!

  8. #8
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    Personally, I think it's quite rude to plop down in a seat at someone else's table, without asking, and listen in to their conversation.

    I would have asked him to leave, no matter how harmless he appeared, and if I felt up to it, would have told him why he was being asked to leave. He definitely need instructions on proper manners.

    I would never put a friends comfort level on the rear burner.

  9. #9
    Member Ginger Jameson's Avatar
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    Sounds to me like he was either on something or just a naturally hyper-flighty person. He wasn't necessarily on something scary, but the lack of a verbal filter and the way he butterflied in and out of the conversation at the drop of a hat is a strong sign. In either case, he needed a serious lesson in club manners, and probably manners in general.

    Without having been there it sounds like your friend overreacted. Nobody else, not even apparently the other people he went to talk to, seemed to have thought he was more than an oddity bordering on nuisance. Getting someone kicked out of a club because they're a nuisance would be called deuchebaggery if a guy did it.

  10. #10
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Princess Grandpa View Post
    From what I could see he was merely trying to make conversation. Going back to my original thought I decided he was probably hoping to get laid.
    Sometimes, an Admirer is inexplicably attracted to birth males who present as females because subconsciously, perhaps, he wishes to do the same.

    I also think that most people know nothing about the difference between CDs and TSs. Most people assume that any birth male who presents as a woman, does so because he wants to be a woman and he is attracted to men. I've even read posts by members here who thought they might be gay, during their teenage years when the CDing was becoming more evident.

  11. #11
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reb.femme View Post
    OK, a Brit here. I understand the being 86'd, but how is this saying arrived at? Is it from a rule or something? Please feel free to mock the foreigner .
    No one knows for sure.

  12. #12
    Banned Read only
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    Hon, always assume the worst. He was weird and obnoxious in his way. 86ing him was the right call.

  13. #13
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    I like the etymology of 86'd from after WWII and things were decommissioned the navy used the code AT-6. But it was used before that.

    I would have had him removed the second time he came back
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  14. #14
    Member julia marie's Avatar
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    Sounds like jake might have been a few cards short of a full deck. Ya know, not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree!

  15. #15
    MIDI warrior princess Amy Fakley's Avatar
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    truthfully, it sounds like the dude was high as a kite.
    or possibly drunk. but from the description I'm thinking ... probably E, and yeah ... Probably trying to get laid (if he was even in his right mind enough to know what he was trying to do).

    good call on getting him tossed out.
    I can't imagine how that story would have had a happy ending if he'd been around at last call.
    "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

  16. #16
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    My guess he was under the influence.
    Anyway what strikes me he assumed because you were a guy in a dress you were transitioning.
    I don't know how many times I have been asked that by guys.
    Had two guys come up to me at the mall food court where I was sitting and asked me are you a man or a woman?
    I replied somewhere in between is the best answer I can give. The one guy said so you are getting a sex change? I said no.
    Well that confused him to no end and he just sat there,his friend asked do you like guys or girls? I said both.
    They both sat there looking bewildered.
    My shopping friend came to our table and said hi guys I see you have met my BF with a smile.
    They both just sat there not knowing what to say but there was no mistaking Stephanie was a GG ( big cleavage going on).
    They stood up and said nice meeting you ladies we have to go.
    What their intentions were I have no idea maybe just curious.
    Stephanie thought by saying she was my GF would help dis-spell any doubts.

  17. #17
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Rita, That was quite an amazing story glad that everything turned out ok.
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  18. #18
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    No way for me to guess what was going on with him, Rita. Especially loaded! However, Reine may be on the rite track.

    On FB, Sherry/I get PMed by a good number of young men. On their pages they often look fairly average, straight, and clean cut. Even macho. Sometimes they want to Friend me, sometimes not. But, after we settle the straight/gay issue, (I'm straight), I get these questions quite often:

    Why do u do it?

    What does it feel like?

    When I try to engage them in conversation or try to find out their interest in what I do? They often disappear into the webosphere! Seems very suspicious to me!
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  19. #19
    Sexy Chickie Babe aussie24tg's Avatar
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    Was he good looking.
    I'm afraid of guys cause of a certain incident that happened to me last year.
    But when a guy does that and I'm out at a event or club I just play along and have a laugh then when it gets a lil too serious I leave.
    [SIGPIC] 9578[/SIGPIC]

  20. #20
    Dee DeeArel's Avatar
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    My two cents, he is a deeply closeted dresser and seeking answers for himself.

  21. #21
    Aspiring Member EllieOPKS's Avatar
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    Am I the only one that would find it odd to be out for drinks or a meal in guy mode or girl mode and some guy just plops down at my table. Then the guy says nothing. Then the guy just stares at me or my friend. Then the guy says nothing and just grins? He doesn't say "excuse me, may I sit down for a moment?" he just sits as though it's his entitlement?
    Between lack of caution and self respect I think you all are way off base. I don't have much use for the side show mentality, but that's just me.
    I never new how masculine I was until I tried to be a woman

  22. #22
    Member Kayla C's Avatar
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    Sometimes, an Admirer is inexplicably attracted to birth males who present as females because subconsciously, perhaps, he wishes to do the same.

    I'm with Reine on this.... but also.... sitting down at a table with strangers, without asking permission or introducing yourself, is not appropriate. Despite his apparent innocence, he may have been mentally unstable. Gawking is also not appropriate and he should have been asked politely to leave early on.

  23. #23
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Socially inept comes to mind.
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