Yes clothing can be assigned to a gender but could the clothing its self have a gender? I don't think so..
Popular reply " GG's wear pants made for men" Does that GG wear those pants to express a desire to feel masculine? Or does she wear them for comfort or maybe even as a form of protection..? Clothing has a purpose like protection and it can also be used in sex appeal for making a gender more attractive or appealing for most it's not the wrapper but whats inside although the wrapper sure can be misleading sometimes..
Point is, Cross Dressing is not always a gender issue .. Some x dress to express the desire to be that gender while others find it a fetish and then there are those who use the x dressing for comfort or protection ... So how can all cross dressers be related to being trans gender?
Just read another thread that suggest it is and I didn't want to high jack it...Thoughts?