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Thread: Does anyone else here go out at night or early a.m. hours solely to be noticed?

  1. #1
    Junior Member mirima1992's Avatar
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    Does anyone else here go out at night or early a.m. hours solely to be noticed?

    I have a near compulsion to draw attention. I go out dressed both conservatively, and what some would consider trashy at best. I crave getting honks and the occasional "hey baby" from passing cars. I pick areas i consider "safe" but I have had close calls where cars have slowed way down and even stopped a couple times and asked if I wanted a ride! I always have an escape route but fear eventually I could regret it. I even film myself a lot of the times, the pickup pictured slowed way down but kept going. Am I crazy??
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  2. #2
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    No, you are probably not crazy. You sound like a risk taker and maybe a type of exhibitionist. You get your jollies by giving other males their jollies, at a distance. Is it dangerous? How safe is a safe place? You are making a decision to take a risk, maybe a serious risk. I wish you well, but please own what you do and do not come on here later complaining about the bad experience you had doing just that, or saying that all men are pigs. Pigs like slop. Throw enough slop out there and you will probably attract some pigs.

    So, my recommendation would be to find a better way to get that attraction adrenaline high you seem to be seeking. Find some clubs that are "T" friendly and where you can dress, dance and have a relatively safe experience, while being noticed for how good you look, and from the pictures you do have an attractive body. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    I have to agree. I can be a risk taker too. but lets not do anything stupid that can be dangerous. Try the mall people will notice you and it is a safe environment. Going to a pick up place is asking for trouble. I have been honked at and gotten cat calls in broad day light. It was fun but not safe. I am much more conservative now in my style of dress when I am out and about.

  4. #4
    *~Plain-Vanilla TG Girl~*
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    I can imagine how thrilling that is, but it looks Super-Risky to me.

    The police may offer you a ride sooner or later...and taking off running
    may not be a good idea. lol!

    I admire your courage. I'm way too chicken to do that myself!

    I Do like your pictures! I may have tried it when I was younger and
    had nothing to lose.. lol

  5. #5
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    About the only times that I roam enfemme outside after 12am is to go to the local 7/11 which is just across the street. My style of dress varies but is usually conservative this late at night.
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  6. #6
    Gold Member NicoleScott's Avatar
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    Yes, mostly but not solely, and my MO is much like yours. Always a safe escape plan just in case. It's fun to get honks and whistles. I used to pretend to talk on the phone in a phone booth (remember those?). I don't do that so much any more (I mostly stay in - content), but it was a lot of thrills.

  7. #7
    Gone to live my life
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    Hey there . . . not crazy in the sense you are thinking but definitely a bit of an adrenaline junkie and doing what you do gives you a thrill and keeps you going back. Nothing wrong with wanting to get a rush, people do it all the time. However, I would exercise caution even the best laid out tactical escape plans can go bad (been there) and you are not sporting tactical gear and weapons. Trying to run from an angry truck of drunk dudes who just gave you a "hey baby great a&^" only to find out you are a guy . . . just saying sweetie . . . please play safe. Allie has given you some sage advice and I would look into safe venues to strut your stuff.



  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    Well I'll weigh in with a yes, you are crazy. So you think you are in a safe place dressed like a hooker? Wrong. How well can you run in heels? Not well is my guess. The kind of guys who honk horns and yell out of moving cars are not normal guys. They think women are meat. Imagine the embarrassment of a guy who is first excited by this meat and then sees you are a man. He might like to punish you for that. This is what these kind of guys do.

  9. #9
    Full Geek Status Adriana Moretti's Avatar
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    very nice much ?

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member MelanieAnne's Avatar
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    I have a near compulsion to draw attention. I go out dressed both conservatively, and what some would consider trashy at best. I crave getting honks and the occasional "hey baby" from passing cars. I pick areas i consider "safe" but I have had close calls where cars have slowed way down and even stopped a couple times and asked if I wanted a ride! I always have an escape route but fear eventually I could regret it. I even film myself a lot of the times, the pickup pictured slowed way down but kept going. Am I crazy??
    This is not going to end well. I would strongly suggest you carry plenty of pepper spray and bond money!

  11. #11
    Banned Read only
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    You are taking a big risk sweetie. I love to get attention too but any "girl" alone at night is at great risk to victimization by some creeper. Not worth the chance in my opinion.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member LelaK's Avatar
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    Just got back to Illinois (from Burbank)
    Yes, you're crazy, you lunatic.

    Let us give you the howls here. You could post your pics in the pic and video section and ask us to howl or give you flirty comments etc. What do you say?

    Sample comment: Hey Baby, you're so sweet. Gimme five, baby. You're volcano smoking hot!

    Does that do anything for you? It's from my heart, I want you to know.

    How about getting on the stage? Local theatre? Night club? You need a controlled audience.
    T-shirt says: "Hi, I Crossdress!"

  13. #13
    Reality Check
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    I think you are being very foolish. Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in the USA. You are risking physical harm or even death from people who see you and you are risking being stopped by the police as a suspected hooker.

    If you have a compulsion to draw attention, walk around in the daytime on city streets or in the park where you're less apt to be attacked or arrested. Safer yet would be to make a video and post it on the Internet.

  14. #14
    Silver Member Majella St Gerard's Avatar
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    That's a little nuts, you could get hurt. But I understand wanting to be noticed. I think we all go out dressed hoping to be noticed and getting compliments from strangers is great. Walking the streets looking for cat calls is not the right way to do it, it's very dangerous, men get pissed off when they are fooled, be prepared for that. I go to places I feel safe at, with people I know. I get a fair amount of attention when I go out dressed, I don't wear a wig and present as male. I get compliments mostly from women, guy's usually give me a fist bump and say "cool". Most people just look and then go about their business, but I LOVE the compliments. Who doesn't like to hear that they look nice, pretty, sexy or wow nice legs?

  15. #15
    Senior Member Eringirl's Avatar
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    My two cents worth??? I am very concerned for your safety with this activity. I would suggest an alternative outlet as others here have suggested.


  16. #16
    Junior Member
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    Like others have said, there is a significant risk with what you are doing. I also enjoy putting on the shortest and tightest of dresses, and my highest heels, but instead of walking the streets, I go to the mall, or to blend in, the casino at night, when the clubs are open. Much safer with security being there.

  17. #17
    Junior Member
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    No I don't, and I think you are putting yourself at risk for physical injury or worse. As others have said try a club if you want attention.

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member StephanieDragg's Avatar
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    I love being seen anytime, anywhere !

  19. #19
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Living alone, i can understand the strong desire to go out looking WOW, and getting some honks, whistles and shouts. The second time i was out, i went all out, in a short sexy dress, high heels, and walked all over four towns. Got shouted at by a redneck truck, OMG! by teens, honked at, looked at, asked for a battery jump start by a desperate father with kids, who told his kids not to look, at me, while I jumped his car battery.This all in daylight. Please consider daylight, outings, but even they can go wrong, with the wrong knuckle draggers in the wrong place, or a zealous cop. Great advice from everyone here.Daylight is far safer. I know some of us like risks, and crave attention when dolled up. I am a coward about going out lately.

  20. #20
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    I am an avid cyclist. I go on early morning rides. I wear pantyhose or stockings on my rides. No one can tell and I fullfill my look at me voice.
    I usually wear tan stw pantyhose but sometimes for an extra thrill I will wear my tan cubans with red pinstripe down the legs. Fantastic thrill for me. As for being noticed, I can say for certian that people look at me. If they notice, I don't know. But a thrill none the less.

  21. #21
    Member Ashley Wray's Avatar
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    Hello Mirima,

    I don't think your crazy and think you have a great body to show off, you seem to have the legs for sure!

    But I do think you have not taken all of the potential hazards into consideration. I have heard this saying from a few police officers Nothing good happens after 10:00pm! Not that it's literal but to them this is when the action picks up looking for hookers, john's, tweekers and other drug addicts that roam at all hours of the night. Most people here in AZ if they are rolling around at night on foot or not will at sometime get questioned by the police. Even walking to my house from my brothers at night to my house when I had a few drinks as we live close I have had to abort and go back because the police have driven past real slow watching and then stop and wait in a lot to watch a little more and then you know the shake down is coming so I just stay at his place and don't even walk and this is in male mode. I can see how it would be exciting but like all the sound advice given here it is very risky. Think about the pimps looking for a new girl they don't play nice! escape plan or not but what happens if you get away and next time they are ready for you? Like I and others say I can see how it would sound fun and exciting but in my mind when I weigh all of the horrible things that can happen I would definently find a safer venue with similar excitement. Heck go to a strip club En Femme lot's of excited guys, dark so you can blend a bit gotta be just as exciting? Oh and just another thought DO NOT take it to the next level where you actually accept a ride no matter how nice they look or seem just in case you wanted to step up the game! Think if the police decide to bust you as a prostitute it's your word against there's now you have to get a lawyer go to court miss work all to prove you were not doing that doesn't matter weather your guilty or not you still have to go through the motions and if found guilty anyway here you can get sex offender terms for that and have to take classes talk about a life of heck for a little thrill

    I like your pics though just think it through and be safe Oh yeh and who's working the camera? (Personal Bouncer?)
    Last edited by Ashley Wray; 08-21-2014 at 11:46 AM.

  22. #22
    Silver Member paulaprimo's Avatar
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    wow, first off you look wonderful and have a fantastic shape! you certainly have those 2 round things to do what you do.
    you never know what's in the head of someone and playing it safe can also lead to trouble.
    my second time out, and trust me i play it safe, dress to blend and try to stay under the radar, i had a very bad experience
    with a guy and certainly do not want another. good to know i'm okay in heels but the last thing i wanted was to be
    showing my ID to the cops... be safe and good luck!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    South Australia
    Hi Mirima
    The idea of being noticed as a woman is nothing strange nor crazy as a cd'er. I do tend agree though that you may be taking some unnecessary risks in order to get noticed. Some of the girls before me have expressed some very good concerns about late night excursions. In a bid to try going out I ventured to the centre of a town I was staying at at 3.30 in the morning purely because I wouldn't see anyone and for the thrill of being on the street as a woman. It was so exciting but even in the dead of night a police car appeared and though by that time I was back in my car, I would have had a bit of explaining to do had they seen me crouched beneath my steering wheel.
    To get attention from the public affirms your female person but be careful you are not attracting the wrong attention. There are too many Neanderthals who feel their sexuality has been challenged if the woman they admire turns out to be more than they thought and with your look it would be easy enough for them to be fooled.
    Stay safe babe
    Last edited by Amanda L.; 08-21-2014 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Typo

  24. #24
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Not unless I was Charles Bronson in drag Hon.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  25. #25
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    Are you putting us on??? Seriously????

    Your picture reminds me of the song, "Highway to the Danger Zone"

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