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Thread: UK v USA

  1. #1
    Junior Member sarah555's Avatar
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    UK v USA

    Just wondering how the 2 countries differ in attitude to us. Here in UK I think there is still a negative attitude, wondering if its more relaxed in USA x

  2. #2
    Did you say shopping? Caden Lane's Avatar
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    It would seem from this side of the pond that the UK has a better understanding of crossdressers or TG's. The UK was first to offer SRS under its State healthcare system. We are just now catching up in that regard. And there does seem to be a higher number of CD per capita than the US.

    Ever & Always,

    Caden Lane
    Last edited by Caden Lane; 01-07-2015 at 07:03 AM.
    "These aren't 'women's clothes'. These are my clothes. I bought them with my own money."
    Eddie Izzard

    I'm flipping genders, what's your super power?!?!

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  3. #3
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    I dont think you can assume on something like this. The spectrum is so wide and diverse across both countries you will never know.

    There will be areas in both countries where you wont even be noticed and others where it would not be safe to go.

    Attitudes always depend on where you are in the world.

    Also you have to consider some media are there to hype any story to increase sales

    So I would say this is impossible to answer with any real accuracy

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  4. #4
    Pooh Bear Judith96a's Avatar
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    Speaking from a UK perspective I'd say that it all depends on which part of either country you're talking about. For example, in Vegas or in Soho (London) it would appear that anything goes. I certainly feel safe out and about en femme in both. As for where I currently live (think a few hundred mile NW of London) there's no way I'm setting foot outside en femme!
    Of course, the UK press is obsessed with sex and anything that appears to be remotely related to it that they can sensationalise - but that doesn't really reflect what happens "on the ground".

    By the way, I see that you're new here. Welcome, and have fun!

  5. #5
    Member Roli F's Avatar
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    Manchester UK is very good around the city centre and the VillageI am just off out for the afternoon (city centre) and evening in the Village
    Northern Monkeys versus Southern Softies My avatar is used by me with the permission of it's creator, Jason Thompson a wonderful American artist You cannot change me, though I can change the way I dress.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A bit south of the 49th!
    In the US there is geographic variation, but I would say generally, urban areas are more accepting than rural. Having said that, in my own experience I have traveled up and down the middle if this country en femme, stopped for gas, meals and lodging, even auto repairs, and can report nothing but courtesy.
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  7. #7
    Crossdresser-At-Large BillieAnneJean's Avatar
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    Your thread is ambiguous specially if read with humor (humour).
    Are you asking if the United States still harbors resentment for the Redcoats in the battle of Bunker Hill?
    Or maybe burning The White House in the War of 1812?
    I should think that our attendance in 1918 and 1945 would be indication enough.
    And I don't think there is much chance that the USA will be vs The UK except in the Olympics. Forget motogp. All we have is Harley Davidson. SOB.
    But the USA is so huge and diverse that the attitudes to we CDers range from total acceptance to total lack thereof. It all depends on where you are at. Sometimes a mile is all the difference.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Nikkilovesdresses's Avatar
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    I'm a Brit, I've lived in about 6 different US states and visited about another 6, but that's hardly enough to tell. But my gut feeling is that per capita the UK is probably more tolerant and open minded in general. A good clue would be that per cap the US is vastly more religious than the UK, and religion is not typically known for its acceptance of deviance.
    I used to have a short attention spa

  9. #9
    New Member SiobhanUK's Avatar
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    Hi all

    Just going from where i live in south London. I have been out and about and up into central London numerous times en femme and apart from a few stares (maybe they just fancy me. lol), I've had no issues. When traveling in London i tend to find as long as you don't disturb someones reading on the train or the underground then you tend to go unnoticed. I've had more issues from dickheads whilst in drab than whilst dressed. go figure? I do understand that elsewhere in the country that it might not be so easy to go out dressed but i can only comment on my own experience.

    Siobhan x

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member AnnieMac's Avatar
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    and from folks I've talk to and reading I've done the Aussie's seem to be more tolerant than both of us. Seems like there are a lot of Australian guys that are into it.

  11. #11
    Senior Member UNDERDRESSER's Avatar
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    Usually, wearing a skirt somewhere
    As others have said, more dependant on region than country. Or to put it another way, do they read the Telegraph or Daily Mail?
    "Normal is what you get when you average out the weirdness that everybody has." Quote from my SO

    Normal is a setting on a washing machine, or another word for average.

    The fact that I wear a skirt as a male should not be taken as a comment on what you do, or do not wear, or how you wear it.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Hell on Heels's Avatar
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    Hell-o Sarah,
    A transgendered woman was stabbed getting off a MUNI bus in SanFrancisco yesterday.
    (she did survive the attack)
    Society may seem accepting as a whole in any given area, but there are always those exceptions out there.
    Just be careful out there.
    Much Love,
    I smile because you are my friend, and
    I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!!!

  13. #13
    Silver Member
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    The USA is a vast, vast country and attitudes can vary from region to region, state to state and even locality to locality. Most Americans, most... believe in the founding philosophy of live and let live and will leave you alone... now they may not like or approve of your dressing, but will leave you alone at least.

    Like the incident in SF mentioned above, sometimes the most "accepting" places are not always the safest for people who are different.

  14. #14
    Administrator Tamara Croft's Avatar
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    Well I'm a GG, from the UK and everyone I have met on my travels with my SO (cding stuff) have been nothing but polite and friendly and we've been to a fair few places. I also help run this huge forum, so I think that speaks volumes

    Missing my Libra babe Sherlyn, I hope she's rocking up there with the angels
    Missing our Rianna, doesn't seem right, gone to early, hope she's partying with Sherlyn

  15. #15
    Aspiring Member Michelle 78's Avatar
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    I must agree with Judith, being from the UK myself, down in London and maybe Manchester it may be more acceptable, but in the North East where I live, totally no way!! Men must be men around here anything else is seen as gay end of story. Totally wrong, but that's the truth.

  16. #16
    Pirate Queen wannabe Maria Blackwood's Avatar
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    It'll vary by neighborhood. I guess you could come up with some per capita tolerance level, but I don't see the point.

    Like the other thread that trotted out the Americans = Puritans meme. Yes, some sub groups are, and they are vocal so their views do get rolled into government regulations (like the FCC). Meanwhile I spent over a decade in the west coast BDSM scene with Americans who invented new types of sex every Friday night.

  17. #17
    Silver Member Jilmac's Avatar
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    I've never been to the UK but I am assuming that there are areas of your country which are extremely liberal in attitude and areas that hold a conservative attitude. On this side of the pond, there are 50 states where many of the larger cities have come to terms with alternative lifestyles, however some of the rural areas are stuck in the Victorian mindset.
    Luv and Jill

    Straight, into Fantasy Land

  18. #18
    New Member ReallyRobyn's Avatar
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    I agree with many of the previous comments, it's difficult to separate this topic by country, rather acceptance is easily measured by narrower regions. Within a 50 mile radius I can step into a place where races do not mix, religious boundaries exists, there's a gay community, etc., etc.

  19. #19
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Ah yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the pond. Basically in larger cities there will likely be more groups of outcasts like us visible, so there will be the best places to be well, unusual in any sort of way. But I don't think there's anywhere that we are considered normal.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  20. #20
    Silver Member Stephanie Julianna's Avatar
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    I don't know if we are more accepting on this side of the pond. However, in the Northeast, NEW England, pun intended, the general public seems to be more accepting than at any time that I can remember. In the 80's and 90's New York City and SanFrancisco were to epicenters for crossdressing but based on what I see on this site we are now all over the country and many seem pretty open out there. I've never dressed overseas since I always go with my wife but it's on my bucket list.
    Last edited by Stephanie Julianna; 01-08-2015 at 08:10 PM.

  21. #21
    Happy in life KlaireLarnia's Avatar
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    I think it largely depends on where you live and who is around you. I do not think either is more tolerant than the other. Where I am on the south coast I have had very little adverse reaction to my dressing. People are good natured, leave me alone and my work is fine with it. I personally think that if you live in less in middle ground areas you should be fine as most people are too busy with their own lives to really care. Perhaps more deprived areas will see negativity but that is likely as much due to their social situation in the same way as some more well off areas can be considered snobby.

    All countries and have good and bad areas, and all of us who have dressed openly have had good and bad experiences. You just have to judge your own area and work with what you have there.

  22. #22
    Aspiring Member LelaK's Avatar
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    Just got back to Illinois (from Burbank)
    The countries with highest acceptance for LGBTs are:
    94% Spain
    92% Germany
    86% France
    86% Czech Republic
    85% Canada
    83% Britain
    82% Australia
    81% Italy
    73% Argentina
    69% Japan
    68% Chile
    63% U.S.
    according to

    Here's a more complete list, but older:
    Last edited by LelaK; 01-09-2015 at 02:37 AM.
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  23. #23
    Valley Girl Michelle789's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klaire Larnia View Post
    I personally think that if you live in less in middle ground areas you should be fine as most people are too busy with their own lives to really care. Perhaps more deprived areas will see negativity but that is likely as much due to their social situation
    I think people who live in urban areas generally live faster-paced lives and are too busy to care whether or not someone is trans, while people who live in rural areas live slower paced lives and have more time to think about whether or not someone is trans.

    People who have way too much free time on their hands, and people who are negative energy - the spiritually bankrupt, assholes, jerks, mean people, are usually the ones to be transphobic. If someone is cruel enough to be a bully, a difficult co-worker, a snotty neighbor, or someone who is always trying to one up on others, is far more likely to discriminate against you because you are trans.

    People who have little free time, and people who are spiritually and emotionally healthy will generally be more open minded towards you being trans.
    I've finally mastered the art of making salads. My favorite is a delicious Mediterranean salad.

  24. #24
    Silver Member Pumped's Avatar
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    I agree with those that say it is a regional thing.
    We don't see many CD's around my part of the USA and frankly, they are scoffed and ridiculed if they are found out. I live in a fairly large urban area, over 200,000, but the region is generally farming and agriculture related business. The boys in the 4x4 pickups and bib overhauls are pretty unaccepting to CD, and gays, at least in public, now keep it private and I am sure there is more going on than meets the eye!

    I would never venture out in public in my area dressed unless I could pass 100%. The obvious guy wearing a dress would not cut it around here!

  25. #25
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    If I was a betting girl? I'd put our prude/hate level up against any 1st world country!

    Certainly we'd beat the pants off the Uk!
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