I'd change almost everything physical about myself if I could but whittled down to a top 3 wishlist it would be:

1. Shrink my blocky, oversized deltoids and narrow down my stupidly broad shoulders about 2 inches on each side so they are in better proportion with my lower section and I'd no longer look like I have a shrunken pinhead attached to them.
2. reduce and reshape my long drooping pointy witch chin that sticks out like a pelican's beak in side profile, and a fuller more symmetrical jawline (I am saving up so that I might see a cosmetic surgeon and possibly be able to have this done in the future)
3. A longer, thinner more graceful looking neck (why is mine so wide and muscular when I don't even work out?)

Honourable mention would also be to have a less croaky, more androgynous voice. Speech therapy or coaching could probably help me with that. I could do with that anyway to learn to vocally project and enunciate better as people always seem to have a hard time hearing me or understanding what I try to say.