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Thread: interesting gender theory: moms stressful event in the first 8 weeks

  1. #1
    its important mykell's Avatar
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    Question interesting gender theory: moms stressful event in the first 8 weeks

    this is open to all who fall into the transgender definition as well as those who define as just CD and if we have any moms which fit would love to hear from you also....

    no discussion on the validity or exhortations of medical facts or assertations, i may open that up at a later date, just the premise of my proposal....
    please: do NOT reply if you have no firm fact regarding what your mother may or may not have experienced during that first 8 week term....
    please: respond if you in fact know or can validify if your mom had a uneventful (normal) term....
    remember: the term is the first eight (8) weeks only !

    an interesting gender theory was discussed at a new support group i attended last night.....moms who had stressful event or trauma in the first 8 weeks of gestation interrupted the progression of development of the fetus which caused the progression to be rearranged, thus the brain development did not match the sexual organ, one in the group had a medical background and used the medical term which escapes me.

    when we went around the group those who new had moms who suffered through what were considered fairly stressful occurrences. moms in attendance shared also. it was interesting how it fit all in attendance that knew. coincidence perhaps....

    examples: a traumatic lengthy stranding while pregnant, one had physical trauma not directly connected to the pregnancy....perhaps a motor vehicle accident.....not our everyday stresses of did i unplug the coffee pot, did i pay for the coal delivery, lost my purse, things that are not everyday occurrences.....

    only if you can verify: was your moms pregnancy traumatic (excessively stressful) or normal in its first eight weeks....

    this is just for my (our) curiosity and for fun.....and mom would probably like to here from you other than mothers day.....

    sorry for those that are unable to ask and verify, i am in this group and share your pain....
    Last edited by mykell; 02-25-2016 at 11:57 AM.
    i dressed like a girl and i liked it! crossdressing...theirs an app for that

  2. #2
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    Wow very interesting for sure, I know for a fact that my parents had to move about 4 to 6 months before I was born. My father had lost his job and they had to move about 350 miles to a new town and rent a home owned by my grandfather.
    I've often wondered if that stress could have effected her or me.

  3. #3
    Little Mrs. Snarky! Nadine Spirit's Avatar
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    Okay.... how about this.....

    My biological mother got pregnant with me when she was about 15 years old, a freshman in high school, while still living at home, and attempted to hide it from her parents. My biological father was about 3 years older than her and a senior in high school. Somewhere during the pregnancy he decided to drop out of school, and join the military to support his soon to be family. He never bothered to stay in contact with my mother, who felt that he had run away and abandoned her. At some point during the pregnancy, her parents found out and forced her to sign over adoption rights, which did occur the second I was removed from her.

    I'd say that kind of qualifies as a stressful pregnancy, from start to finish.

  4. #4
    Banned Read only
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    My reports zero stress, zero issues, zero concerns when she got pregnant. Smooth pregnancy from start to,finish.

  5. #5
    Silver Member
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    My mother was physically abused while pregnant, he even threatened to kill her if she left. Gender or no gender issue, it is no wonder I am such a headcase.

  6. #6
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    I believe that cross-dressing has a biological origin.

    So then, here is my theory. Our brains are hardwired to interpret cross-dressing as actual contact with a women, but how did our neural network get this way? During the first three years of life our brain undergo synaptogenesis and creates about 3X the amount of neural connections as an adult brain. Neural connections are then either broken or reinforced through the learning process in what is called neural pruning. So in our early childhood we make positive associations with the feminine. (Note: We experience a second synaptogenesis during puberty.)

    In my case, my mother wanted a daughter when I was born. She did everything possible to have a girl. She made promises to God and everything. Then I was born. She was disappointed. However six months later she found herself pregnant again. This time all her dreams came true as my sister was born. My sister became my mother's pampered little princess. I grew up believing that my mother would have loved me better if I was born a girl. I grew up thinking that all parents preferred girls. I believed that boys were trouble for their mothers, while girls were all pretty and nice. So for as long as I can remember I would put on feminine clothes and imagine that I was making the world right.

  7. #7
    its important mykell's Avatar
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    um Confucius thats great you shared that theory but if you read my post i specifically asked that you dont post if you have nothing to contribute to my question.....yes
    i was trying to keep this specific to the theory i presented......
    i dressed like a girl and i liked it! crossdressing...theirs an app for that

  8. #8
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    My mom used to talk about how thrilled she was to find out she was pregnant, and the sense of joy and contentment she had through the first several months. She was happy in her life and marriage (at that time -- things got rocky years later), both she and dad had stable careers, and they had been living in their new home together for about a year before she got pregnant. I think it was a very pleasant and relatively stable time for her.

    The way she put it, she did more or less think all babies were supposed to be girls, because she had no experience dealing with a male child. So she was a little surprised (not disappointed, just unprepared) when a boy popped out. But there was no trauma in her life.

    - Diane

  9. #9
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    I'm a post World War II baby. My mom and dad after the war lived with his mother in a large Victoria age home. There was also a friend of my grandmother and her adult son, who was also a WW2 vet. There was an older brother of my father, who was also a WW2. Times were tough. My brother was a year older than I. He is not a cross dresser. What was the difference? I suppose, first of all I followed the genetic code of my father, while my older brother followed the genetic code of my mother. Sheer conjecture, as this hypothesis may be, is that the first born after the war was viewed as a delay in the customary routine of get married and have a kid right away, but, the second born (me) pregnancy was "What the hell are you doing? No job and you're pregnant again?" I know from what was alluded to over the years that my mother and my grandmother did not get along too well, and, even after birth there were some child rearing issues.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Nikkilovesdresses's Avatar
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    Normal in my mother's case, though I was her first (and only) successful pregnancy following at least 4 miscarriages- so she may have been more emotionally vulnerable than other mothers.

    My instinct is that females, and males for that matter, are wired to do one thing above all others: to reproduce and ensure the survival of our charming species. Doesn't mean we all choose to obey that instinct, but the majority do. And we're very good at it. So I'd say we're formidably well equipped to ride out 1st trimester stresses, wouldn't you?
    I used to have a short attention spa

  11. #11
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    I was a second child a year and a half behind my brother. Well my older brother was apperently a very difficult baby, (I was the opposite) and my father had a drinking problem to the point of loosing jobs. I always figured my mom was under a lot of stress when pregnant with me, and that had something to do with it.


  12. #12
    Gone to live my life
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    Hi Mikell,

    I can positively verify my mother had a normal pregnancy with no serious traumas or stress . . . every day stress sure but nothing out of the ordinary. Asked her last night when I was talking to her on the phone



  13. #13
    Aspiring Member AnnieMac's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure my mother had some trouble, although perhaps not major, during her pregnancy with me, becuase I had some pretty early dental problems with my baby teeth, and then also with my regular teeth. My dentist told me at a checkup once, that this is related to a woman having a bad fever during pregnancy. Also I know my mother wanted another girl becuase she told me the girl name she picked out for me. (Noo, it wasn't Annie)

  14. #14
    Senior Member Jennifer in CO's Avatar
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    Stress for my Mom didn't happen till after I was born. By the time I was 6 weeks old I had already been in the hospital twice. This "trend" continued till I was maybe 8 or 9. Mom once told me she quit counting at 20 trips. I guess I was her stress.

  15. #15
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    My mother always said that I was supposed to be a girl (I have an older brother). And as far back as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by women's underwear - as far back as 3 to 5 yrs old. I've always wondered if the many reminders that I was to be a girl had an effect on me being a crossdresser. Even though I am happy being a male, sometimes I want to be a girl and if I had another life to live, I would want to make the change.


  16. #16
    Member Jessica S's Avatar
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    My mom was in a car accident and said she had to take some type of hormones when she was pregnant with me. I don't think they were female hormones cause she used to mention that was why a grew a moustache at an early age.

  17. #17
    Junior Member cpt2669's Avatar
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    My mother got a bad case of poison ivy that she is really allergic to. She was on some strong meds. One possible side effect was a lack of muscle on my front right shoulder. Maybe my wanting to CD is another side effect.


  18. #18
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    I've heard this HYPOTHESIS before but have never seen any study to try to test it. It seems that the root cause of transvestism is still a mystery.

    Today I read of a clinical psychologist from University of London who pretty much discounts the nature cause for many things including mental illness an even intelligence. That is a very radical idea but at least he has put all of his evidence in a book and it is up to other psychologists to now see if they can falsify his data and hypothesis.

    So it why we like to dress and behave as the opposite sex is still mysterious. Maybe we should just enjoy it.

  19. #19
    Senior Member MissTee's Avatar
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    My Dad was physically and mentally abusive to my Mom, even while she was pregnant.

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